What's going on here? Im getting hassled about this 'what the health' doco on (((netflix))).
Is veganism just another trick to get us to buy products, or is eating meat really that bad?
What's going on here? Im getting hassled about this 'what the health' doco on (((netflix))).
Is veganism just another trick to get us to buy products, or is eating meat really that bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what kind of meat?
Love these sort of jokes.
Every vegan
>left leaning
>muh animal rights
veganism is so healthy, guys! Youll be so much happier
>poor health
And these cunts are always trying to convince everyome around them to convert to their way of thinking, while most of them dont last on their diets
>Is veganism just another trick to get us to buy products
Pretty much this. It's a tactic by retards to pretend their dining philosophy makes them superior to the rest of us, and I say this as a former vegan. The health benefits from veganism are trivial at best, and negative if it is taken to extremes. Vegans also don't like facts such as the reality that all the animals they are trying to spare get eaten by other animals. It's hard to take seriously a person who says we should treat them as human beings, but doesn't believe they should be given the right to vote. Talk about a self-contradicting philosophy.
They're gay or pretending, no one who wants to get married one day acts like that. You are a blue pilled moron if you think that's even 10% young men.
What the fuck are you trying to say, mindless beasts already have the vote since 1920.
I'm vegan and i'm literally a fascist go die of heart disease you gluttonous piece of shit
cousin wrote 5 vegan books. Is no paleo like me
she thinks shes so smart but in the end gotta give it up to the guy with the philosophy.
don't deny your true nature,
you have meat eating teeth. your body is the fucking proof of your diet
Eat what you want to eat. If you kill / hurt yourself in the process that's your own damn fault.
meant to say Now Paleo
>he eats soy
Enjoy your kids without testicles you manlet.
B12 is necesaary for humans and can only be obtained naturally from meat. That pretty much ends the discussion.
congrats on taking the green pill. What the health was produced by J Phoenix and its basically saying most of our health institutions cant be trusted because they're funded by the meat industry, which is true.
Biggest difference in vegetarianism and veganism is the milk cheese and butter. you really think you need that in your system? meat casues diabetes and cancer, the world health organization stated this!
im a vegan because of that movie but would not dare tell anyone due to the way people are literally brainwashed.
stay alert in what you put in your body, i see meat now as the gelaton they served in that movie SNOWPIERCER, they find out its cockaroaches, and thats what i feel is going on.
(((WHO))) also states that circumcision cure aids and cancer.
Dairy products are almost exclusively an european staple, anyone suggesting to stop consuming them is either a subhuman or a traitor. Which are you ?
Been a vegetarian for 6 years. Not vegan though, meat is not necessary (((fast food))) is not either. Milk or eggs once in awhile is ok. Don't turn it into an idealogical issue about righteousness or virtue signaling bullshit just fucking starve the (((corporatist))) in the name of Aryanism. If you're not Aryan don't bother- you wouldn't understand,
aids and cancer circumwhat? strawman much?
european? try eurovegan
meat is level one with cigarettes and abspestos but be my guest
that's not a russian mre
this is: youtube.com
Look for bio-disponible iron .
good luck fighting the race war with your osteoporosis faggot
Eating meat is good for you, modern meat sure is shit though, pumped up with many chemicals among which estrogen, and even if you get the good stuff, it's wrapped in plastic or styrofoam which contains xenoestrogens. People also eat less and less fish and other seafood, but those are also polluted by mercury and other bad chemicals, and still wrapped in plastic. Vegetables aren't any better, full of pesticides including xenoestrogens, and wrapped in plastic.
desu I wouldn't know what to tell you to eat aside from going to a remote place. and becoming a farmer. But clearly being a vegan is an idiotic solution.
i ingest copious amounts of protein to keep up with my strenuous physical activity. lift moar faggot.
Listen to none of these idiots. Yes plant based diets are far healthier.. Theres a reason half the us are bloated pigs on medication. Estrogen b12 and all this other dumb shit has been refuted 1000x over.
The reason i specify plant based is because 90% vegan is close enough to retain essential ly all its benefits. No reason to go 100% unless its an ethical issue for oneself
More like subhumans are pampered little ZOG-loving faggots.
You don't achieve world domination by staying on your ass inside your safe house like some negress.
Who's (((they))) though? the meat industry in general is much more lucrative than growing beans and veggies. Like, if you cut out meat of your diet, you'll actually spend less. Grains, beans, rice, veggies... that shit is not that expensive (veggies more so, but i still dish out way more on chicken breasts)
Like I'm not a vegan, but i've been reducing my meat intake. i don't think i'll ever fully transition just for convenience sake, but i don't think it's that big of an issue. I still make good meals and go lifting just fine.
i think that the health risks they claim is kinda blown out of proportion, but i do believe that meat isn't really that good for you in excess, especially red meat. However, the environmental impacts are fucking real. Water use, land use, waste, carbon dioxide production... that's very real. Most vegans i know do it for environmental purposes. And you don't gotta go all out, just reducing your intake will make a difference.
i know for a fact that milk and meat products cause gyno.
its because the manufacturing companies use hormones for more gain.
so if you dont want to look like a bitch either get born grass fed which is nearly impossible now since livestock is even controlled or just stay away from dairy and meat. you dont need it.
western nations have a higher percentage of gyno than any other place on this flat earth.
It's just another way to make Western males infertile, feminine and more docile.
Ever wondered why vegetarians and vegans are such obnoxious cunts? Know who else is? Women.
which is worse in your opinion? meat or dairy? i've heard chicken meat was the worst, but i mean besides that. i can drop meat easily but i love me some cheese mayne
its all bad.
its all very very bad. im not joking.
Because they replace their old meat god with the soy god.
Guess what's in soy: phytoestrogens.
Nothing is safe to consume at this point, but in the 5+ years i've been here, i've never seen a single fucking thread saying "lmao dude why don't you eat meat dude".
Fucking potheads and vegetarians/vegans are the worst kind of people you'll meet, especially if they're women.
meat is a huge market here in the west. no need to shill on a anime website since its already ingrained in the moral of people.
the eating of flesh is a satanic ritual.
>consuming meat is a satanic ritual
Also calling me a shill ain't an argument, kys infertile cuck.
Veganism is healthier end of story
There really isn't much to debate
>being this retarded
God said we could eat meat. Yes, it probably has some negative health effects, but we are all dying anyway. Vegans too. At least meat eaters don't push their diet in your face every day and talk about how you'll be an emaciated cuck if you don't eat meat.
>God said we could eat meat.
God isn't real so that doesn't hold any merit
why do people take pictures like this? do they not realize how they look? and to top it off, they presumably post them somewhere public.
Fact: vegans are FAR more likely to engage in homosexual acts than are meat-eaters. Don't believe me then look it up.
I think people take pictures like this because the part of their brain that processes social interactions isn't functioning the way it should. In a prior day and age it was called being weird or autistic.
No retard. Veganism on a country wide scale would lead people to grow most of their own food.
Imagine instead of having lawns and rock yards.... we had food forests(balanced ecosystem where plants compliment eachother). We are choosing a false convinience when we do not know where our food comes from and buy whats available instead of choosing to dump the middle man(money) when we acquire the resources we need to live.
Meat eaters are more likely to be aggressive in nature
(((eat your vegetables goyim)))
I'm vegan and I consume precisely zero soy. I also have a reverse osmosis filter which winters the estrogen from birth control out of my water. I also lift. Estrogen is not a concern for me.
That's not a negative
Everyone needs to get on the zero soy and water filter train.
Heart disease diabetes and cancer
(((statins))) (((insulin medication))) (((cancer drugs)))
The meat jew has everyone in a masterlock. Only the vegans can escape the masterlock.
Eating meat is not bad at all, human would be theoretically the best when it comes to fuel your life energy and brain power.
Trust me guys.
The president of the american college of cardiologists is vegan
And jesus was a pescatarian
Total side note, but I've heard that the vegetarian MRE's are actually really good, some even better than standard MRE's cause they come with a bigger variety of stuff.
>Not liking canned stewed beef
You wot mates?
The rations are tge fucking dankest thing imaginable that can be storedindefinitely and doesnt require cooking.
>be innawoods
>have a ration
>get some water
>drop a chlorine pill in it to disinfect
>heat up stuff on a portable dry fuel shove (included)
>mix beef can with a veggies/rice can
>have some beef stew yuppe and cookies outside.
Jesus is not a real person you democrat piece of shit
Google Kim Allan Williams, he's the president of the american college of cardiologists and he's vegan.
I was just reading a blog post about it , just eat meat faggots
>One of the hardest things for me to accept when I transitioned from a vegan diet to a more ancestral one was the role of saturated fat (especially the fat from animals) as well as cholesterol in my body. I had gone a decade believing that because I ate a purely plant-based diet free from cholesterol and animal fat that I would avoid cancer, heart disease, and other major illnesses. This belief was bolstered by the popularity of books like The China Study and documentaries like Forks Over Knives. While I became more and more obsessed with justifying my biologically unnatural diet, I ignored the early warning signs of the autoimmune diseases that were developing in my body. Little did I know that eating a diet completely devoid of cholesterol and fat was setting me up for a harder struggle down the road. I believed so strongly that veganism was the answer to every health problem, and as I got sicker my diet got more strict as I tried every cleanse and variation of the raw vegan diet.
They are idiots. but i think we can produce meat in a more humane way.
I know people who only eat kangaroo, or fish they catch themselves. i think thats a pretty reasonable compromise.
Jesus was a real person. There is no much room for debate for that user.
Pro Tip: He was not just any person.
>Person eats an incomplete vegan diet
>Omg vegan diets are bad
Please end your existance
He was a fucking jew, not a person
She clearly has dementia.
yes the diet lacked meat
>mao, stalin, pol pot
Not real socialism
>fat meat eaters
Not real meat eating
>one vegan subsisting on chips and oreos and soda
Lololol all vegans are sooooo unhealthy lololl
Hey user please explain to me how Mongolian people could survive on a vegan diet when their land can not be farmed.
They eat almost meat and dairy only and become 70 years old?
You should not drink alcohol this early finbro.
Meat has been hijacked for poor people: Fake Meat, Corrupted Meat, Decayed Meat and Vaccines; all of them will fuck all over your system.
(((They))) don't lie when saying: Meat is bad
But (((They))) omit the fact that that's their meat.
It said that Minotaurs died since they still have human stomachs.
Eat Green.
(((They))) truly love Bullshit.
Such programmation is found in the fact that you can breed loving, fluffy then golemic humans. Betas, Pussies: all of them via food and drinks.
Soda fucks all over the brain.
Cigars fuck all over the brain.
Pigmen are a studied reality.
Earapples too.
Do you clean your dishes with urine or pure water? Some people use poison.
(((They)))'re fucking all over bees.
Honey, buy honey.
Plant Bananas.
The smoke, the blackest rings. Induced allergies, induced dead.
The Noise
Just a LARP, Move on
Well if they cant then they dont have the moral obligation to go vegan.
I highly doubt that a meat diet will get you to 70 years old. The masai niggers eat like that and their arteries are like a 70 year old westerners' when they are 40 but the masai niggers dont have heart disease because they exercise constantly. Westerner's don't. Also masai niggers die in their 40's
one of my former friends is acting exactly like that, since hes turned vegan, can confirm.
not even trolling, its just sad
>Lololol all vegans are sooooo unhealthy lololl
All vegan lack faith in god. Their main substitute for this is their diet. Their diet becomes religion for them. All they do is insult god with their rejection of his gifts for his most loved creation.
Germans are super nu male cucks regardless. Have fun with your million immigrants in one year and having more nigger children than german children. Lolol!
Get the fuck out christcuck
>vegetarianism except they will eat fish
The easiest way to have a balanced diet is a 4 2 1 ratio, the ratio being vegetables (vitamins, minerals, fiber) starches (energy) meat (protein, energy, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats)
Substitute beans at a 4 2 2 ratio if you don't want to eat meat, or fish at the same 4 2 2 ratio if you don't want to eat mammal meat. Fruit is fine too but a diet does not depend on getting fruit as long as you're eating a variety of vegetables.
Drinking cow milk is bad, not because of whatever conspiracy is being pushed now, but because cow milk is made by cows for cows, if you want to drink milk drink almond milk. Nuts in general are also great, energy, vitamins, minerals, even some protein while being low in calories.
Veganism is unhealthy because your diet is extremely iron and protein deficient unless you eat a shitton of nuts and beans, and you also gotta watch out for low calcium and even not getting enough sugar unless you just go ham on sweets or eat six apples a day.
Seriously? Quoting the (((WHO))) like that will get one single iota of respect?
I tell my kids; vegans are Muslim terrorists... be very careful around vegans
>All vegan lack faith in god
YHWH is a god but not God
Average male life expectancy: 65
Average female life expectancy: 73
Quite decent for a country without almost no medical care.
Is there a study that supports this graph?
not only that.
you need some cholesterol if your body wants to produce a healthy amount of testosteron.
if your not a fat fuck your cholesterol will never be a problem anyways.
missing testosteron plus supplying your body with phytoestrogens literally transforms you into some kind of mentally ill tranny
>Is veganism just another trick to get us to buy products, or is eating meat really that bad?
It's a trick.
You might have to rewind to the start, but yeah, most of it is a trick.
Also things like soy have a shitton of estrogen in it that men should really not be eating at all and women should not be eating in excess, as it will throw off their body's natural estrogen production.
Estrogen in food is actually a big problem a lot of people don't know about. It's not required to be listed, if you want to know what foods have high amounts of estrogen in them you have to research it yourself, and depending on which product you're buying because of preservatives and ingredients some brands may have estrogen while others do not for the same food product.
Remember the most important thing you do with your body is feeding it. You have to feed it right, or you will feel bad, get fat, have weak bones, and grow boobs as a dude if you eat the wrong stuff.
Healthy living begins with the food you put in your body.
Yeah but they dont eat only meat you stupid cuck. They eat mostly rice and vegetables.
> At least meat eaters don't push their diet in your face every day and talk about how you'll be an emaciated cuck if you don't eat meat.
Isn't that what literally every meatcuck does?
Lean meats and fish is the best
I've heard that about 80-90% of people who start off vegan will quit within a couple years or so. My sister tried being a vegetarian and couldn't take it, gave up. I don't blame her. It's one thing to go on a diet to try to lose weight in order to better yourself. It's another to do it just for 'muh morals' and try to better other creatures that would kill if they had the opportunity or the ability.
says the low test faggot
>is eating meat really that bad?
No. The Native American had a lot of meat in their diet, they were relatively healthy.
>inb4 Hopi ate roots an shiiieeett
forgot to add
hes very often sick with things like the flue
i guess his diet isnt that healthy after all
If you don't exercise multiple hours every day like a mongolian youre gonna die of hearr disease way earlier than mongolians.
>or is eating meat really that bad?
Anything in excess is going to be bad for you. And eating a lot of meat without eating a good amount of fruits and vegetables is going to clearly be bad for your health. That doesn't mean you have to switch to a vegan diet though to be healthy though. There's other reasons to do so depending on the ethics of the individual that go into that decision.
Weston A Price is the final dietary redpill.
>is eating meat really that bad?
no but eating it every day is
Yup this thread is shit like 10 posts in. Who fucking stays up late posting vegan threads who the fuck pays these people?
>Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is considered to be a pivotal health problem in Mongolia
Why mongolcucks have problem with heart disease if meat is healthy for you?
Get statin cucked hans
Veganism is retarded beyond belief.
#1 We have to get rid of the false dichotomy that one is either vegan or eats heavily processed shitty meat every day in unreasonable quantities
#2 There is no perfect diet that will give you all you need on a daily basis but a proper diet will not leave you with any deficiencies
#3 Vegans can't into B12
#4 The piece de resistance - vegans are douchebags extraordinare suffering from USI, claiming moral superiority (PROTIP: it's bogus), can't stop preaching their retarded beliefs, lie and cheat to further their cult and they fart like cows
>veganism is retarded
>hurr b12 tho
Nice meme bro
Think about it user. I am sure at some point you will understand. You need to understand that god is willing to provide anything for you you need to fulfill the task you should fulfill. He even gave the life and body of his only begotten son for us. And so he does give the life of his lower creations to feed us. But is our task to do so in a responsible way. And you are right that todays meat production is a sinful thing, it is cruel and beyond human reason and dignity. But that is not the only thing wrong with out society. We are in Egypt again.
But I agree that we have moral obligations towards the animals we eat and it is clearly said in the bible to do so.
In a perfect world e.g. paradise it should be possible to not slaughter animals. Fun fact: Adam and Eve were raw vegans.
>5 sec on Jewgle can tell anyone that unless you want to spend money on supplements, your gonna be a deficient twiglet.
pic related is just the tip, there are about a dozen nutrients you cannot get from a vegan diet w/o sups.
>Yeah but they dont eat only meat you stupid cuck
They dont. They eat meat, then dairy, then very little vegetables.
Use google translate. The english version doenst provide this information.
That is a lie negrance. Chia seeds have DHA
It's almost like you don't know what your talking about.
Veganism is a farce created by ((them)) to turn men into beta faggots.
Meat, fish, eggs and the ossocional cheese. That's where the real good stuff is.
duly cheq't but it's almost like you trust ((((them)))) to tell you the truth about food
>Chia seeds have DHA
So much disinfo.
They have ALA which the body CANT effectively convert to DHA.