and reversed course on Reince. What does kek mean by this?
Um guys...he deleted the tweet
400 lb hacker my numericals confirm.
it means it's going down tomorrow
Missing get will confirm it's something or nothing
You're right!
He's off to a good start as communications director
jesus these inept jew york faggots
Deleting the original tweet seems like a panic move. He needs to get it together. He gave us cloud 9 for a couple of hours.
b-b-but a rando blue check twitter confirmed it!?!?1?
Been away from 4 chan for a few days. Can somebody tldr me on this?
He called it on twitter what the fuck
He's not very good at communication is he?
Hah, Sup Forums btfo.
Right. He & Lizza are gonna be accusing each other of lying by morning.
What was the tweet he deleted?
he was citing rinsed penis as an ally in the tweet, you fucking shariablue mong.
why him?
disinfo to flush the rats, now just put the fbi/nsa on ryan lizza
Scaramucci is sucking so much Donald dick there's no way there isn't something sketchy with him. Either he wants to try and use the president for his own purposes or he is an infiltrator
i trust mucci over priebus any day
Either way, Lizzza looks dumb because of his verifying it.
He's a CFR member
It may have been a signal to someone, or he totally was calling out Reince bit is pretending not to just to see how he reacts. His behavior will be telling if he's guilty.
>post tweet
>wait for someone from MSM to take the bait
>lizza dun goofed