What are some arguments about the whole whole trannys not being allowed into the military thing that normies will...

What are some arguments about the whole whole trannys not being allowed into the military thing that normies will actually digest?

I agree with the decision because I believe Trans people are inherently unstable and pretty much just mentally ill, but your average normie is just going to call you a bigot.

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The better question why should they be allowed?

Let them call you a bigot and belittle them for it.
Realistically you aren't going to convince anyone of anything with a well though logical argument. The Right has to use the classic tactics of the Left to make any progress with our actually retarded normie commoners.
Don't challenge their argument, challenge them. They call you bigot, you call them ignorant, blind, etc.
The Pathos and Ethos works on retards
Democracy was a mistake

41% of trannys commit suicide
they have severe mental issues and its irresponsible to be placing them in positions of high stress

This. Frame it in terms of concern for vulnerable people.

>Realistically you aren't going to convince anyone of anything with a well though logical argument.
Not anyone from the left that is. They're all about "muh feelfeels"

> lets put a group of people with a marked high suicide rate and a plethora of other mental health issues into a field that creates conditions for high suicide rate and mental health issues just to see wtf will happen
> mfw they would have been in a panic over trans suicide rates in the military and would have instantly thrown money at a solution that wouldn't have fucking worked

True, the military isn't for everyone, those who are already mentally fragmented would break even further under the stress of combat.

People with former mental problem (depression etc) Chance of developing PTSD is significantly higher.

Let's assume trans people are only depressed because society is not accepting them.
The result would be still the same. Higher Suicide risk.

Why not wait a couple decades until we know more and socity is more tolerant instead expirementing with peoples life's?

Normie argument for you friend


heres a study on the suicide rates btw

"Lets just stick mentally ill individuals into combat that are already predisposed to serious mental disorders and are at massive suicide risks into combat situations surrounded by tools of widespread death dealing, nevermind the fact that when a soldier is diagnosed with ptsd he is honorably discharged, what could possibly go wrong?"

the military shouldnt pay for hormones or the surgery

There's barely any trannies in the military.
It was more pushback against the Obama administrations forced progressive bullshit in the military. Like giving women special treatment to get through ranger school, or the jewish lesbian admiral.

That or its smokescreen for some other shit he's up to.

Used this argument on my lefty friend today. Instead of saying 42% of trannys have tried to commit suicide at least once, I said it was Jewish men in the military. I then asked him how he'd feel if a suicidal person was handling weapons, or if their depression could lead to potential problems for a unit. He agreed big time. He went on and on about it. He started making my argument for me, thinking of all the negative things that could happen. He couldn't believe the % was so high. Then I said "you know when I said 42% of Jews in the military had tried to kill themselves at least once, I lied. It was actually trannys." This is the best tactic I've ever used to get liberals to agree with you. They can see sense, as long as they are not blinded by an SJW smokescreen.

If they wanna serve let em, provided they are qualified mentally and physically of course. And since the majority will fail to meet the requirements because of mental illness, an unnoticeable amount of trans would make it in. The fact that this has never been discussed before now shows how much of a none issue trans service men? have been in the past and makes me question if this is not just a distraction from the potential North Korean ICBM launch happening anytime in the next couple hours.

You at first convinced him that Jews in military were suicidal?

>a country military is it's sword and shield
>we should forge this sword and shield with Broken and weak materials instead of the best and brightest materials
T. dumb fucking people

Here is something a tranny posted today about why trannies should NOT be in the military.

You can spout of a statistic to most people like that and they will believe it. Doesn't have to be Jews. I could have said Asian Men over 30 or some other shit. Make up some obscure group they wouldn't know about. The point is....you get them to look past the tranny part and they will agree with you bast on the logic of not letting suicidal people in the military.

It-s a fucking army. They don't have to spend resources on liberal bullshit like separate gender neutral locker rooms and crap like that.

It-s a disruptive seed that will weaken the army structure.

great to hear, but you should know that the 41% is the actual SUICIDE rates, not the attempted suicide rates, the attempted is much higher

Not according to what I've read. 42% is the attempt rate. williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/AFSP-Williams-Suicide-Report-Final.pdf

shit you're right, my bad

this was mean for this

Can we please ban gay people from the military while we are addressing mental health issues?