Rundown on 27th

Can we get a quick rundown on the 27th happening for people who are clueless whats going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


White house


Everything is culminating from different directions.

>Corruption charges
>North Korea launching nukes (anniversary of the ceasefire and they just moved their missile launchers to the city)

North Korea says they'll nuke America
DNC scandal
White House friction between members of cabinet

I think that's about it.

>North Korea says they'll nuke America
eh, there's been bigger happnings before. this one time america nuked japan. people chimped out for years.





North korea will do another test, possibly a ICBM with a warhead on it,
DNC party will have investigations started against them (sessions and leaks) due to Awan bro capture,
Mueller will start criminal proceedings against Hillary.
Mueller is a hillary donor but he understands Hillary is on the losing side and Mueller will follow in Trump because Trump is winning and he sees it. Mueller possibly is doing this as part of a plea deal with Trump. Trump interviewed Mueller the day before he got the post...the position he got was the one he held for many years prior to Comey, Hes qualified, why get interviewed?) - That interview was the plea deal IMO
Also Trump BFF Bannon suggested Mueller to Trump, perhaps Mueller went to Bannon wanting a plea deal.
Comey will go down for his Hillary investigation handlings, + leaks, perjury, etc.
By extension the Clinton Foundation will start to get looked at as the DNC is intertwined with CF so that'll get hit too, probably not the 27th but in the following days.

P.S Trump doesnt dislike Sessions, i believe its all rhetoric to throw the enemy off guard. Then BAM down comes the hammer.

Hey OP since you're getting largely shilled by pede faggots and shills here's basically all that we know


What happened is that about 4 or 5 days ago someone claiming to work in the white house came on Sup Forums and was talking about something happening on the 27th. Everyone accused them of larping because this is Sup Forums and larpers gonna larp. The only thing is that it was a very consistent larp, and not only that THE LARPER PREDICTED AWANS ARREST (Awans was the pakistani IT guy for the DNC that had smashed a bunch of hard drives, you know....for no reason).

Because the larper predicted Awans arrest people believed his other claim that something would be happening on the 27th.

So far nothing yet other than Scaramucci tagging Priebus in a tweet about his leaked financial documents, potentially fingering Priebus as a leak in the WH. Other than that nothing has happened yet but the 27th just started.

Shadilay or whatever you fucking faggots say when you jerk off.

nothing will happen except for a usual day of political stories that people here might overreact to because of meme addiction

But debbie whatshername schultz is arrested haven't you heard?

No I hadn't. I only glanced over the last happening thread and it was a shitshow. The Scaramucci thing was all I could pick up. Care to fill me in?

>good will triumph over evil
>the corrupt will be exposed
>the truth will be revealed
>evil will be drained from Washington
So basically Trump and his cronies will be hanged for treason after Russia smoking gun. My body is ready.


Also this

To be honest I would fucking laugh my ass off if the WH user was trolling all of us using Awans as bait and 27th is when they reveal that somebody sang in the closed door testimonies.

Awan could have been the happening and we missed it, and because the timing was off we didn't do anything about it


user said trump would make a smaller announcment on twitter on the 26th, which happened (trans ban)

Then said a leadup event would occur later that night (FUSION GPS getting caught with ties to russia or Debby Wassermanschultz's IT guy getting detained fleeing to Pakistan).

user said this on the 25th.
Hes 2/3.


It's coming can you feel it folks?

>*good will Trump over evi


What is the third?

Fusion guys still set to testify today. Moved from the 25th 3/3 in my book.


27th! It's happdeding!





The 27th "happening" that everyone is scared about right now.

Somethings telling me itll happen later in the day.
I feel it. Here was the screen shot btw. Hope it sends cause im on mimi and its been glitching lately

House Judiciary Committee votes to probe Comey and Clinton’s 2016 campaign

listen to this... its DIAMONDSSSSS...
start around the 6:59:00 mark...

Fuck bruh

if this is seriously the whole reason

Trump loves Sessions, its all a trick. He would never talk shit about Sessions for real, that's political suicide

It's 2:20 AM and I have class at 8:30 but I can't sleep due to the happenings.

holy confirmation bias batman

What's gonna happen today is NK launching an ICBM, which we've known about since forever, since it's like grandaddy kim's birthday or some kind of bullshit like that. This is a Sup Forums fever dream and will be a nothingburger like the last launch

HAHAHAH I just looked it up. NK's official name for the holiday (7/27) is
>Day of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War

>Can we get a quick rundown on the 27th happening for people who are clueless whats going on?
an old VHS tape of reince preibus getting fucked in the ass in college is going to surface

Notice it says pepe behind charlies head?

We need arrests TODAY, not some limp dick GOP investigation into a fucking complete nonissue when you look at the absolute clusterfuck the deep state is throwing at Trump.

I bet your body is ready for a hard cock since your obviously a women or a trap by the way you type.

It's so cute how limp-dicked trump is

can't even deal with the deep state's first little suppressing-fire salvo

this was only supposed to provoke the ruskies to dump the rest of what they have to cover for trump, and yet it looks like he's fucking it up so badly that he's gonna be out of office before they figure out how to do it without showing their hand

ahahahahahaaaaaaa just fucking pathetic that you guys thew in with this incompetent conman

lol you're retarded


Basically, LARPers are sitting around LARPing because they have literally nothing better to do. Nothing will happen today, nothing will happen on August 21st, nothing will happen on September 23rd.

Daily reminder to hide & ignore LARP threads. Maybe after today people will finally stop taking them seriously.

Today is really the "All-or-nothing-Day"

Jesus fucking christ you're delusional. You need professional help. lol

While you fags were jacking off to the LARP the rebublicans took a dem russia bill, gutted it, replaced allof it with investigations into lynch, clinton, comey, etc and then passed that shit over the crying of the libs

Link to his amendment

Japan deserved it. And they still deserve it today.

QRD? Where is this from?

It really is. They need something that grinds the entire Russia narrative to a halt before the Sanctions bill reaches the desk.

are you retarded? this is not a bill at all. this is the same shit Gowdy and company have been doing since Benghazi. the russia bill has already been passed.
fucking aussies know nothing holy shit

Screenshotted these two posts to laugh at you guys later today/in the week. you are both hilariously wrong


SOlid gold. It's amazing you can guess wether or not the person would be for or against the investigation based on their face alone. If it looks like a fag or a Jew or a gangster or brown you know they would try and object.