Now that he's banned traps from serving, can we use our meme magic that got him into power to impeach this cringeworthy cuck already?
Now that he's banned traps from serving...
No, this ride is for 8 years. Strap yourself in shill
You know what a better idea? All traps should join the army to show their resolve against Drumpf! Let's meme it #EnlistTraps.
Traps are gay
2 long terms sweetie pie
2 reasons why you're a dumb ass:
1. Traps cost more to be in the military
2. Traps make real soldiers feel uncomfortable and not do their job
>Trans can't serve in the army
>Gays still serving in the army
Trans =/= Gays
Trans = Traps
Traps are not gay
Nope, I want to see this shit all the way
tell your rabbi / david brock that slide threads are useless today
where do i learn to make memes this shit
nice b8 mate
How about we IGNORE YOUR SODOMITE ORDERS, kike shill?
Imagine how bad things are for you already shill, now consider that they're going to get even worse. Imagine an advent calendar where behind each door is a nightmare instead of a chocolate, you have 42 more calendars to go.
Two scoops
Two genders
Two terms
Deal with it brat
We, yes we.
We as polers/4channers need to fulfill our moral duty. We proved that we can meme one into office, and now it is time that we meme one out of office.
We need to get him impeached. If we just use the same meme magic we did for all these other happenings, we can almost certainly get him out. His racist and sexist policies are hurting the nation, and as a result, us.
This might be the most important thing we've ever done. Think about it, the world will remember us for stopping this cuck. We will be hailed as heroes for stopping him before he could do any more damage.
Strap yourself in, faggot! We got eight more years of winning to go!
Not how it works kiddo
By the old Sup Forums definition a trap is not a tranny.
It's a dude that is effeminate looking enough to make you think it's a chick, thus trapping you.
No dick mutiliation, no hormone therapy.
Lurk more, shill. You and your kind stick out like sore thumbs.
You're either a B-Class troll, or a fucking retard. Enjoy your (you)so faggot
last week some geek con shit the bed because someone asked if traps are gay.
today trump made everyone on earth ask if traps are gay.
Nope. Kek loves Trump and so do we.
>8 years
how about 8 months?
How about we check these digits instead?
Wow, he chose a confederate flag. He must be one of us.
On a serious note, you retards really don't want to impeach him, because while Trump panders to the far right, Pence actually means every word of it. We win either way
>Nah senpai
Fuck off trap
Are you saying we need to, dare I say it, impeach the orange?
haha u fag, no getting off the ride
Yeah, probably. I was in it for memes and maximum leftist butthurt, so I don't see why not
Oh look it's another leftypol shill thread
He;s making us turn to NK and Russia tier right wing. Those are fodder tier nations.
The US have been liberal for ages and we havent been fodders in wars ever since.
Fuck this orange motherfucker.
kill yourself nigger
Hang yourself faggot
i dont know if i would love him for that or see him as a cuck
whats more liberal than the truth
You think this ride is over faggot? Just wait till Ivanka is the first female president.
>implying drumpfcucks can refute this
traps are gay and degenerate shill
Awww, they're learning our tongue, it's only a matter of time before they convert.
>Just wait till Ivanka is the first female president.
Please no
Can you kill yourself you degenerate faggot
traps are gay and deserve the rope step in the right direction imo
>$75 a week to shitpost on Sup Forums
Where do i sign up
Lemme practice, "Hahahaha drumpf BTFO muh Russia hak muh popalar vote"
Oh so now Saudi's are terrorists?
Very problematic
You obviously don't know what a cuck is.
> Traps are not gay
Now this is mathematically proven
Story behind this?
1. Maybe spend less or unimportant things like guns, and devices to kill humans and more on important things like HRT for the soldiers
2. Maybe they should get over it?
1. We spend more on Trump going on vacation you dumb ass. The percentage is .001%.
2. Soldiers uncomfortable? Kys faggot.
but traps are still degenerate
Nope, the LULS are just too glorious to stop
You, yes you.
You as a faggot/retard need to fulfill your moral duty. You proved that you can suck cocks, and now it is time that you blow one.
You need to get on your knees. If you just use the same technique you did for all these other cocks, you can almost certainly get a load out. His hard and throbing cock are waiting for pleasure, and as a result, you.
This might be the most important thing you've ever done. Think about it, this guy will remember you for giving him the best head he's ever had. You will be hailed as a whore for blowing him before he had to beat it himself.
SCOTUS, not scouts
>stopping him before he could do any more damage
Why would anyone want that?
I used all my magick to get him in and defeat Moloch. Quit being a bitch OP.
>can we use our meme magic that got him into power to impeach this cringeworthy cuck already?
Aaaaaawwwwwwwh, Trump doesn't like your fruity ass perverse mentality aaaawwwwwwh use magik now to get'em aaaaaaaawwwwwww....
Fucking loser.
>vagina is 0% gay
>tits remove 50% of gay
>dick is 100% gay
>straight sex has dick and vagina, equalling 50% gay
>gaysex has 2 dicks, 200% gay
>trap has dick
>trap also has tits
>traps are 50% gay
>trap fucking/getting fuck by a man = 150% gay
>trap fucking a chick = 25% gay
> 25% < 50%
>trap sex is straighter than straight sex
>Umm.. maybe they should get over it...??
top tier liberal argument
welcome to Sup Forums
how jewish you are?
>banned degens from mil
what did he mean by this?
ask any faggot if traps are gay and they'll tell you hell no traps are gross and sick
go suck a feminine penis, faggot.
Hang yourself. By your logic, 2 morbidly of else dudes with their fat titties is 0% gay. So why don'the you gon Spit roast yourself on a couple of choads. I might buse your argument if it were futa with a female, but if you got just a dick, you're just a dude and liking that makes you gay AF. TITLES DON'T COUNT, FAGGOT!
m8 work on your math it's 100% gay
>use our meme magic
yes let us use "our meme magic" my fellow Sup Forums members!
Please meme.