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>Make no mistake. This is only the beginning of the new systemic oppression of transgender people. Denying them the right to serve in the military is the first step in the Trump Administration’s attempt to dehumanize and marginalize a historically oppressed people group. Soon, he will require them to wear marks of identification, he will not allow them to testify in court, and will condone violence against them and their families. Just like Hitler, Trump’s final solution to what he sees as the trans question, will be the full and systemic elimination of all LGBT people.
wtf I like Trump more now?
How can u guys hurt something so cute and pretty like pic related? :(
>Months before Auschwitz began the industrial extermination of hundreds of millions of Jews,
I wish even half the shit leftists say about Trump were actually true
Holy fucking shit it really says that
About time someone did.
that's a cute girl (male)
>hundreds of millions of Jews
not enough
>hundreds of millions of jews
discord d0t gg/hq8vx
This thing seems like an odd move. How many trannies go into the military anyway, it's a really small issue, and this just draws unnecessary hate towards Trump again. It also happens just as all these raids and reveals are going down, almost like they're steering attention elsewhere with the latest Trump gay holocaust scoop
Thank you kindly.
This is why no one takes gay people seriously
hundreds of millions she says
Hundreds of gorillions
>Gay Holocaust
Cute traps DON'T exist in real life.
Tell me why this is a bad thing?
The army has already enough shit on their hands without having to bother with queers whining to their superiors because they got called freaks by everyone.
Having women in the army occupying all the administration while sending more men to die already pissed off the army a lot.
Damnit now this link is expired
Finally a president that understands.