y'all are easily led astray .....
y'all are easily led astray .....
Why does everything we do stem back to that fucking MMO?
And the reason Milo was able to get more attention and be brought up as their tech editor is thanks to GamerGate and of course Zoe Quinn's sagging used up snatch.
Thank you Zoe Quinn for energizing some of the most autistic communities on the internet since it helped to rally them all to get Donald J Trump into the White House.
>bannon hired Milo to turn Sup Forums to politics
Semi-right, but #GG had already been built up before Milo by Sup Forums, which is inherently political. If anything, what they are referring to is actually what Sup Forums did. Sup Forums got Sup Forums+reddit to launch their autism at the political process.
pic semi-related
nice try
Like I thought, Trump essentially came out of GamerGate.
One of the things Milo helped with was getting people to talk about some of these subjects out in the open rather than just on the internet.
>Implying I didn't trick them into this unaware who I even am.
Sup Forums+Sup Forums had already done that by keeping the stupid hashtag going 24/7. Trump is the one who truly got people to speak their mind truthfully again.
Makes me like him even more. Genius.
I taught them everything they know and you can't disprove it.
Can't wait for Season 2 I mean year 2 when he has to fire his kids and Go Rogue.
Nice Try ? Here's an old article
You all underestimate President Donald Trump , He will fire his kids.
We were already far right of trump and bannon before milo or gamgergaters entered the scene. the 4plebs archive go back to 2013, which was a year before that cancer infected our board. read them and you'll see.
Thanks senpai
because in 2007/8 when I played it actually was a virtual world. Relationships, friendships, difficult goals were attainable through cooperation. The basic articles of social life.
The generation consumed by it felt the world as it should be but in digital non tangible form. When it disappeared there was a vacuum. White men lost our simulated masculinity and replaced it with actual. Alt right, identarianism. (((they))) fear this.
^ Shit bootlickers say
shit bootlickers say
You can't be serious
Milo was a literal who before he worked at breitbart and was borderline sjw in 2012 saying hate speech and cyber bullying should censored online
that's pure bullshit
More like:
>Sup Forums has been trolling leftist whiners since Obama was elected
>still a new, disorganized force with no real common objective but after the Zimmerman trail it becomes apparent that we can influence the real world in small hilarious ways
>suddenly Sup Forums is being attacked by crazed feminist DEVs after they get exposed for ruining gaming journalism
>gamer gate
>anti-feminism now Sup Forumss common goal
>Sup Forums stumbles upon a yellow haired faggot BTFO UK feminazis
>support his vids
>Milo gains popularity and joins gamer gate as it's about to wrap up
>Sup Forums moves onto anti social justice
>Milo starts giving speeches and eventually has a campus tour to defeat hysterical SJW fanatics that have taken over universities
>Trump announces his candidacy
>He's making proposals that are pretty close to Sup Forumss general ideology
> Milo also supports Trump because he makes leftist loose their shit
>Sup Forums memes Trump into office
Bannon and Milo didn't make Sup Forums do anything. Their paths cross with ours sometimes but dont pretend that we were somehow co opted into right wing populism when it was us that developed it for mass internet consumption thanks to our memes and influence online. We might have both gained from a muted kinship but that's it.
keep telling yourself that.
The truth is you are pawns
Everyone is somebody's pawn. That doesn't change the fact that a pawn can kill the king.
Truth is, I'm awake more than you can imagine.
You seem to be under the misguided assumption that playing along is ignorance.
You realize Trumps movement was well underway b4 Bannon ever hit the scene right?
This for the most part.
You're a fucking retard, Sup Forums has been doing shit like this for years. When Sup Forums became /porn/ most of the shenanigans shifted to Sup Forums, that's all it is.
And how do you think people came up with stuff to talk about in the stupid hashtag?
It took people doing interviews for various livestreams such as for HuffPo as well as for regular television channels to help get these ideas more into the mainstream.
The only thing that drew me to Trump was Trump and betting markets. That brought me back here. Then reddit.
This story is basically "wahhh Bannon and Trump are genius and found legions of people who agree with them because we've all been cunts to them for years."
he's an expert in astroturfing and catering to NEETS on the internet. Truly brilliant.
fuck u leaf
>0 evidence of Bannon actually did this
>plenty of evidence that Sup Forums users were right wing before this
>implying we wouldn't have helped bannon if he didn't somehow magically trick us
yeah ok alright
nigger fuck
checked faggot
Pawn or not, regardless if we joined of our own volition or not, many are sickened at the state of affairs and see a path for themselves offered. That is what many here often arrived here at, usually one of the biggest reasons why they come here.
>angry online gamers
Do these people hear themselves? Gamergate was on fucking Sup Forums and that shit was created by mostly sargon types. Those types hate fox news and pretty much any type of conservative anyway Milo was just some faggot who started talking positive about white males defending them. How the fuck was he a TROLL.
>#GG had already been built up before Milo by Sup Forums
That GG shit started on Sup Forums and Sup Forums asked for Sup Forums's help and now Sup Forums tries to shit on us for saying shit on Sup Forums WHEN THEY FUCKING STARTED IT.
The story that the ex-BF wrote may have hit Sup Forums for a millisecond, but was immediately banned and was taken to Sup Forums & /r9k/ where it stayed for about 5-6 days where it almost died before the whole thing blew up when it was found out that Quinn was a pornstar.
If I'd been a force multiplier for Bannon's machinations then so be it. But Trump's performance was the only thing that turned from anti-Trump to gleefully pro-Trump, and the only thing I know about Milo is this one interview he did on Alex Jones.
Do you feel the shilling? I feel it in my bones, user.
There's happenings abrew.
I'm triggering the shit out of some Webb shills on reddit. There's a desperation everywhere.
Desperation about what?
curious inbetween my shill threads.
The sliding. The shilling. The twisting. There's no counternarrative mapped out for whatever the fuck is going on. So the agenda'd are behaving incoherently. Fuck even Brennan has been doubling down on Muh Russia.
Whatever happens, a lot of people are gonna look like guilty as fuck retards in a week.
Alex Jones is screaming about assassination and martial law. Everyone's cranked to 10 and everyone's story is different.
I think it's planned disarray as camouflage by Trump plus incoherent confusion by his enemies. Which is everyone.
>calling anyone easily led astray
Seth Rich literally died for you fuckers and you're actively trying to kill the investigation into his murder because CNN got pissy, your entire movement can be turned on a dime to support or oppose anything based on what the greenhairs at Buzzfeed tell you.
This except I think Milo came around a little bit after Gamergate.
Ah, yeah. Whatever is going on, there is success in whipping up a frenzy, which I suspect is the whole point of it. I started to get suspicious when the opposition seemingly latched rabidly to a real anti-Sessions backlash that extended rather thoroughly into old patriot radio type outlets, and then it seemed almost like Trump and Stone were trolling them to bite even harder.
And all the WHAnon stuff has developed from Shemitah-style fake hype to Summer-style self-trolling.
Intentional? A convenient smoke screen? I don't know. I'm too busy these days to be other than wait-and-see with occasional speculation participation, such as when I can't sleep.
Lol. You're lucky. It's been extremely consuming. But i think it might actually be happening right now.
Also to expand upon that...
There's some posts/images floating around about r/SRS in 2012. Sup Forums used to be /new/, or the news board before moot shut it down around 2008-ish?. Stormfront edged a little bit into Sup Forums around that time too, but overall it's always been a little bit right wing, even Anonymous in its edgier, better days would post swastikas and shit "just for the lulz".
I've known about Sup Forums since 2008 but didn't have a reason to post anywhere till Sup Forums in 2013. Right before the Zimmerman trials.
There's another image floating around of a guy that made OC, got digits and a reply was "Sup Forums was never this good, Sup Forums will never be this good".
Boy was that guy wrong. Sup Forums harbor happened which took the wind out of Gamergate quite a bit. From then until Trump announced he'd run people thought he was funny so we started supporting him after the shit he said made more sense than the other neocon candidates.
While oldfags love Ron Paul, especially the Libertarians here, he tried to fight a media that was basically ignoring him, instead of Trump, who attacked the Media at every turn.
I like to think of Steve Bannon as all of us in about 20 years, tops.
What is stormfront? I was off being a grown up for like 5 years getting redpilled by life. How does this chronology relate to something awful? I know a bunch of you oldfags are the crowd from there. My guess is the last decade split that crowd. us vs the South Park guys rhetoric.
>y'all are easily led astray .....
If anything, the lesson as always is don't fuck with gamers.
So do games just suck now? I didn't even get a new gen for fallout 4 yet.
I dunno man I'm a PC+Nintendo guy. There's some pretty decent games.
>it's all an elaborate conspiracy, mass manipulation of the electorate
or people just disagree with you
They just had to fuck with our videogames and look what happened
>They just had to fuck with our videogames and look what happened
Most of us would have been happy to watch the world burn so long as they never touched vidya or anime.
>Sup Forums harbor happened which took the wind out of Gamergate quite a bit
Sup Forums needed another one after the end of the election. Still very much need a reset.
Sup Forums was created because mootikins got banned from somethingawful.
Also stormfront is cointelpro neonazi retards. They never had much to do with Sup Forums besides occasional raids.
No i was around for that era. I just missed 08 to 14 or so.
I haven't touched a game in months, they're all so trash now. Also need to upgrade my gpu but miners sacked them all up.
Are they a board here? On SA? I hear that name and i literally don't know what it is. My SA use was just trading and uhhhh import.
>I know a bunch of you oldfags are the crowd from there
not us oldfags
like, back when I was on Sup Forums in 2012, we still had a fairfew oldfags from DESU/wtsnacks/sidebar days but hardly any from SA as it was
I've been here 10 years so far, and the refugees from SomethingAwful predate that by like another 4 or 5
to answer your question
Stormfront, a popular neo-nazi forum, is what /new/ became first time around
because, it turns out, nazis are hilarious
and people get really mad when you point that out
mootykins killed it and brought it back as Sup Forums soon after when a bunch of nazis started shitposting all the other boards to death
Sup Forums was created while moot was an ADTRW regular. He got banhammered along with Shii for being a disgusting lolifag, as Something Awful frowned on the rampant pedophilia that early Sup Forums was known for.
It's the truth guys, deal with it
t. oldfag
Omg. That's kind of fucking hilarious.
So did the reddit powermod cabal come from the faggots who took /new/ away?
But do you see what happens when the white man is motivated over something he loves and cares about? The world trembles. That lesson is lost on a lot of people including some of us. That's how deep the brainwashing runs in us. All our lives we've been made to feel unwanted or put in our place and to be polite etc.
The warchief is now a female, tyrande is a now nigger, orcs was kangz, all the white males get killed at the start of the game except for one who's whole shtick is that he can't be the senpai the prince needs, illidan(Lucifer) is the guy who defeats the burning leigon and thus becomes the ultimate savior.
Compare to BC, the city of light, the planet of chaos, fighting evils such as wrath, vice of the flesh, slavery, taking out their leader the betrayer before finishing up with the one who just wants it all to burn.
You are under the false assumption that he tricked us into supporting a cause that's not actually in our own interest.
That's not the case, he just saw the available potential and decided to give it a platform.
I used to sell services for a popular online game (rank boosting) and it is all Asians / Indians / Arabs, the people with fucked up "honor" systems
It's not even me being a racist, it's literally just Asians stroking their ego and they pay you to make them look good
sweet christ, Bannon is WHanon
I actually worked with a reddit powermod. Psycho lesbian autistic cunt. I had left all the boards and was a lame reddit lurking professional.
My understanding is they took r/news r/politics and whatever defaults they could. I literally watched a psycho dyke plan reddits demise by sjw mod infiltration about 8years ago.
It's pretty fucked up.
Two kikes say something on (((democracynow)))?
I'm sure there's no ulterior motive you guys.
slide thread is slide
Op is phaggot
>entice us
I was already here though and became right wing thanks to real life experiences.
Still approve of that business getting bankrupted.
No hard feelings.
We were ready and waiting for someone like Trump. Gamergate was a prelude, but something of the sort was always going to happen given how deep the poz has set in. When Trump said he was going to build the wall, I was all in. Bannon didn't even join till late in the campaign, and Breitbart has always been rooted in liberalism and Judaism. They're "libertarian" neocons.
That's not to say that Breitbart and Bannon don't serve a certain purpose. They're just not due the credit for the election.
Yeah after gamergate everything went downhill quality wise because they realized competitive quality gameplay accidentally bred their worst nightmare
>Bannon hired Milo to herd these online trolls
Its hilarious watching these normalfags try to piece together how the world actually works. Most people here don't even have a clue who is here manipulating them, or how their posting habits are being turned into a commidity. At best, most of you think:
>Sup Forums is a bunch of right wing trolls
>Sup Forums is a bunch of shareblue shills
>Sup Forums is just people who love trump and are free thinkers
In reality, this place is swarming with competing types of professional marketers, people scraping data, political shills, tons and tons of stay-at-home mentally ill welfare cases, and people who work in SEO. Then there's the darknet element, people engaged in cybercrime and intelligence agencies.
Most of you have no clue what actually goes on here, especially the journalists writing for left-wing outlets. You're all utterly ignorant of online spaces. For example, we created Milo, not vice versa... not even most of GamerGate realizes that. We literally approached him and pitched him on promoting GamerGate, and explained how he could use it for his career.
None of you have a clue what swims in these waters.
If we changed History for the good then I am a proud pawn!
My opinion of him just increased and i didnt even know that was possible
>posted from my iPhone
we ar leejun, we do not 4giv, we do not 4git
I haven't read a single buzzfeed article in yanks. I'd rather masturbate with a cheese grater
Even if we take the arguments presented there at face value, it changes nothing. The right could persuade them and the left could not.
It's not like the left hasn't used their own dirty tricks to influence and brainwash certain social circles and exclude conflicting viewpoints, like in the humanities.
This is a culture war; you don't get to bitch about good tactics.
more power to him i say. hail bannon
Fucking nu-Sup Forums. Jesus Christ, where did you all come from? Yesterday seemed like a normal day.
The problem is that there was a fatal flaw in Bannon's strategy from the very beginning, and it's this: his army of Sup Forumstards are the most ADD, fickled people on the planet. They will only stay on his train as long as they feel they can get lulz from it. But once the lulz slow down, once white nationalism become bored with the same ol', same ol' trolling, they'll move on. In fact, they may even go out of their way to destroy the very fad they started.
Why? Because Sup Forums is nihilistic above all else. And nihilists don't make good activists, not for very long. Because they don't really believe in anything. They just... do stuff from time to time, and then move on to other stuff. These "alt-right" guys are the same dudes who used to spend all their time on protesting and "exposing" Scientology several years ago. That was the big thing on Sup Forums- remember that?
Of course you don't. Because they moved on. Just like they will from Bannon.
It was only by the power of GaymerGate that I started to have a problem with giving preteens hormone blockers, or the US/Israel funding ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria! Excelsior!!!!
I mean basically, yeah. Bannon and his crew manufactured Gamergate out of absolutely nothing, as anyone with a brain saw from the beginning, and you people fell for this bizarre idea that the feminists were coming for your video games. And we see where it led. But it won't stay there for long. You'll all be off to the next dumb fad in a year or so. In fact, if Sup Forums activity is anything to go by, it already started shortly after Trump got in office.
I don't think anyone was ever with Bannon to begin with. Trump kept feeding the trolls, so the trolls kept trolling. Now, he denounced the alt-right, kissed the jewish ring, and cucked so hard you'd think Mcinness was president. The fucking movement is ded. All you have now are bots who still aren't tired of winning.
No such thing as the alt-right Mr. nu/pol/
Kek. The irony of your post.