Why is he so goddamned incompetent?
Why is he so goddamned incompetent?
He has no ultra high IQ city people on his team.
turn off CNN dude
slide thread. sage
He's not playing the game you think he is.
He's literally doing everything he promised
It's been how long since he took office? We gave Obama 8 years, give the man some time, if he indeed fucks up, he fucks up.
He's not? Lol.
Lol. He's literally a meme president.
hes got a jew cock stuck up his ass, hell walk with the same limp to his grave
>literally won the most important election on earth
If Trump is incompetent, what does that make me and you?
your pic is clearly unrelated. You mean your boyfriend? sage.
ebin insult
>destroying Neocons and Libs simultaneously
>shills losing (((Their))) minds
> (((YOU))) making this thread
please die
4D chess, amirite my fellow centiepede? maga!
His greatest strength throughout his political career has been how much his opposition underestimated him. Keep on keepin on. Its gonna be two long terms sweetie ; ~ } }
He's fantastic, I really feel like I'm winning every damn day.
you dumb
>4D chess
yeah definitely kill yourself
WRONG. All his people like Bannon, Priebus, and Scarramucci are all big city people.
I know what you mean user.
He plays World of Warcraft. Only rural and suburban retards play WoW, all the big city people play LoL.
Look it up, it's true. Fuck you if you don't believe me.
He isn't. I've predicted his every move since nomination correctly. He's Reagan tier..
If he's so incompetent why are you so butthurt? He's doing all the things he promised in an orderly fashion despite huge resistance. He's a fucking genius.
I mean Bannon.
try harder son
The Constitution is an impediment.