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oh no spics and fags don't like hm
>Commiefornia poll
1.8% chance of a trump win
If his approval rating is lowering in Californian he must be doing something right.
>In California poll
When Communist and illegal aliens don't like you, you know you're doing something right
Shit I was thinking the same thing
Nobody gives a fuck about Cuckiforniastan.
Let them secede already so we can violently retake them.
Retake the absolute SHIT out of them.
>California poll
Nice bait.
>california's opinion
worth about as much to me as puerto rico's
Oh no not cali they're gonna flip blue now
sage shall go in all fields my young, feathered child
it was a good run
>California poll
I sincerely, sincerely, SINCERELY hope California secedes from the Union, and I wish Trump prodded them more about it. The world would finally get fun again.
California will be red one day again. Mark my words.
>California poll
Into the garbage it goes
heres the picture that truly matters
A state that didn't vote for Trump doesn't approve of him? Wow, this really is amazing "news." How will Trump ever recover?
Oh no. Not california!
shitlib polls mean diddly
Looking good really.
Why does the Northeast (Boston/NY area) dislike Trump?
Yeah, just have to get the spics out.
Good, hopefully they try to secede from the union so the military can go in and kill some of the stupid fucks there to restore order.
Because Jew York.
If it wasn't for New York City, New York state would be Redder than blood.
Liberal cities.
Liberal universities.
>breaking news
>average californian doesn't like trump
Color me surprised!
Cali secedes because:
>they want to keep their illegal slave labor
>Trump wants to send them all back to Mexico
Trump = Lincoln
>states anyone cares about
>ca poll
Just secede already, bye faggots we won't fight to keep you
This is almost as relevant as a Leaf opinion
the same ones that gave Hilary 95% of winning?
>25% approval rating for Trump in California
That has to be a record high for a republican president in this state in recent history
25% in Cali? That's surprisingly high to me.
>California Poll
Oh shut the fuck up already.
I still support him, though.
So it means nothing.
I also live in CA. If I had a car I would just drive to another state. Fucking hate this place.
Only thing making me happy is the fact that I can vote for him again in 2020.
more people voted for Trump in California than even live in your shitty, flyover faggotry of a state.
why are you always so concerned with what california does. All you people. I know you are secretly jelly. I kno we have all the babes and good weed and wine and weather. But really, we return more to the US Treasury than we return in taxes; we are considered a "donor" state in this regard. So why the fuck do you care what we do with our CA Tax? Stop obsessing over us; it's not normal. Look i kno that you are from bumfuck america and your best prospects of marriage with children is your cousin with the eyes really close together, but don't take it out on us; it's embarrassing.
BTW you don't actually want CA to secede...you are gonna want us for military reasons and for our ports.
>every single person living in california isnt an illegal beaner
>California poll
Oh my god
Wow that is great for California
The politics here are miserable, but almost everyone I know is here, and economically, I'm doing fairly OK. I will still vote for Trump in 2020. I'm happy with most of his performance, so far, and the 2020 opposition couldn't be better than him, anyway.
>3.91 mil voted trump in our state
how many in yours?
Look man, we tried our best to save our state in 1994 with prop 187. We voted for this shit practically 60-40. One Jewish women on the 9th circuit shut it down.
>All law enforcement agents who suspect that a person who has been arrested is in violation of immigration laws must investigate the detainee's immigration status, and if they find evidence of illegality they must report it to the attorney general of California, and to the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). They must also notify the detainee of his or her apparent status as an alien.
>Local governments are prohibited from preventing or limiting the fulfillment of this requirement. If government agents suspect anyone applying for benefits of being illegal immigrants, the agents must report their suspicions in writing to the appropriate enforcement authorities.
>A person shall not receive any public social services until he or she has been verified as a United States citizen or as a lawfully admitted alien.
>A person shall not receive any health care services from a publicly funded health care facility until he or she meets the requirements above.
>A public elementary or secondary school shall not admit or permit the attendance of any child until he or she meets the requirements above.
>By 1996, each school district shall verify the legal status of each child enrolled within the district and the legal status of each parent or guardian of each child.
>A child who is in violation of the requirements above shall not continue to attend the school 90 days from the date of notice to the attorney general and INS.
>The attorney general must keep records on all such cases and make them available to any other government entity that wishes to inspect them.
>The manufacture, distribution, sale, or use of false citizenship or residency documents is a state felony punishable by imprisonment or fine.
oh no the US is entirely spics and fags now
they should at least pretend not to be biased
Well OP ...
>There is holistic conflict resolution
Do they actually believe this?
get used to it, califags see themselves as a "beacon of hope" for the american people, i dunno why they have such a huge stick up their arse but all califags ive met IRL are pretentious pricks that like to smell their own farts.
the white race was forged in the frost plain of northern europe. when you put them into a hot climate and allow them to racemix, narcissism ensues
>I know you are secretly jelly. I kno we have all the babes and good weed and wine and weather.
Less than two sentences in and you immediately went for condescension and the typical Californian reaction to criticism. There's a reason everyone hates you faggots and your smug sense of superiority certainly doesn't help your case.
You're the Scotland of America but with Facebook and MS. Secede. See what happens when your currency isn't underwritten by oil, industry, the Fed and the DOD.
It would definitely be a battleground state but I'm not sure I'd go that far. There's still a lot of dindus in Buffalo, Rochester, and the Albany area.
how will he ever recover
Just California
cali is going to be nuked anyway
Christ like fucking SJW lambs to the slaughter
In other news, Trump has a 12% approval rating amongst Hillary Clinton family members. What could this mean for his chances in 2016?
you expect me to read
>The world would finally get fun again
The world isn't fun because California exists? Because we return more to the US treasury than we use and then do our own thing? Okay.
You don't see me obsessing about Cletus taking my welfare money and fucking his sister, so there has to be more than something at play here
"California Poll" - real great people there lmao
>Californian poll
darn and as CA goes so must the rest of USA... I guess, is that implied? My spotty memory says it was like only 27% day of election, and that was a populous poll not actual voters. Voters was in mid 30% range.
I don't want to succeed but I want more autonomy so I will probably vote yes (the new proposition doesn't mandate succession, just sets up a feasibility study). What it does do is authorize the governor to negotiate more autonomy.
ALL states should do this. Don't take their blood money. Fund your own shit and set the drinking age where you want it, the speed limit what you want it, etc. The feds have way more power than ever intended.
Succession will NEVER happen. California is too important to the US militarily and for trade. If we tried to succeed the US would declare war on us and we would lose. More autonomy, yes. State of Jefferson, yes. Succession, FUCK NO
I guess the droughts in this place doesn't exactly help making people think
>xcom joke.jpg
This picture doesn't belong in this thread, I just want to post something pretty in OP's overpriced wasteland.
It's secession, not succession Amerilard.
Im not even from the US and after all ive read here, i think that califags are pretentious as fuck.
get of your high horse and pretend that cali deserves a special place in murica. Everybodys equal, everybodies vote is equal.
Califags whining about election results, fukken 8 months since they were relevant is a fukken disgusting sight so see.
Get over it u crybabies
do it. Or at least the first half. In 1994 the CA voters overwhelming supported refusing social services to illegals, allowing children to use our schools, etc. A complete shutdown. The illegals would have got the picture if they couldn't get any goodies and their kids couldn't go to our schools. It even mandated reporting suspects (which may be why the courts shut it down).
That was really the last stand for old school californians of european descent. This was AFTER Reagan gave all the illegals amnesty; so it was the last chance.
Flash forward to Nov. 2016 and we voted 70-30 to teach illegals Math and Science IN SPANISH in our public schools. The law was written by a state assemblyman: A gay anchor baby with a B.A. from a San Diego State.
Even still, four million people voted for Trump in California. I have to defend California on Sup Forums because everyone refuses to awknowledge that more people voted for Trump here than even live in their state
>poll taken in California
>it's over
>pretending that california poll takers are one person that represents everybody
yeah all those lgbt activists aren't flying around and shitting on everything like a bunch of seagulls or anything like that
see it more like, the people on this board despise the SJW propaganda that, is apperantly pushed by the few that voted against trump, makes cali look like it is run buy legit insane people.
yeah, we are conceeded. Because this state is fucking amazing, and we know it. If others would recognize our greatness that would be fine. But no; they have to pretend like we are satan reincarnate. California so fucking beautiful and has perfect weather. We have the beach, snowy mountains, the desert, forest for days. This place is a sight to behold and it is so comfy.
How'd the war of 1812 go for you FAGGOT
Califag here too and same. Will vote Trump 2020 100%
>we are the best because of "x"
>why doesnt anybody recognize us for "x"
>we are so fukken amazing and special why doesnt senpai notice me and give me specul rights
califags in a nutshell
>Because this state is fucking amazing, and we know it.
Then why are you faggots shitting up the entire western half of the country by moving to other states?
I dunno but good riddance of those people.
This state is fucked but it is my home and i will never leave
Nigger faggot
Nature wise, yeah cool area.
People wise, y'all are fucked. Bunch of conceded fucks who think you're better than all other people, and try to impose your 'wisdom' on other states. We don't want your politics, we don't want your alt lifestyles, and we just plain don't want you. Your states people are corrupt, condescending, and can't drive for shit.
Kindly fuck off and stay inside your containment zone.
- The rest of the U.S.
I wonder why ? We all tought he would get things moving, and not be afraid of congress and senate, but nah... He's just another puppet, just dumber. Only thing he did is destroy the very fragile social insurance you had under Obama just to "look cool".
I truely wanted him to go ham and do sick shit, but nah, he's just lost in the seas of lobbies and politics, and he won't ever do shit.
How can anyone seriously believe this shit? University and the schooling system has failed two generations of people and turned them into naive idiots with absolutely no grip on reality.
I live in California and I wasn't polled. I have a feeling all the big trucks with US/Gadsden flags flying in the back were also not brought into this.
Move to a swing state like Florida. Every vote helps.