Can someone explain this "Remember to archive" meme?
Is Sup Forums literally too stupid to use an ad blocker?
Can someone explain this "Remember to archive" meme?
Is Sup Forums literally too stupid to use an ad blocker?
Other urls found in this thread:
god's work, user.
opps xDD
You're either new or retarded
>Archive the page, if anything changes it can be traced back
>Sites still get traffic even with ad blocker
some sites get revenue for clicks
based archive poster.
Listen to the jew, OP.
Based jew is right.
Ad agencies don't accept the site's internal traffic log as a hit since it can be corroborated by third-party trackers.
If you use ad blocker, they also block third-party audience trackers, so as far as ad revenue calculation goes, the site received no hit, no money, but spent money on bandwidth.
If you use the archive link, the site doesn't end up losing money on bandwidth, the operator of does.
*since it can't be fully corroborated
It keeps an archived copy of the original piece. This way articles can't just be changed in the future. Also it stops them from getting ads and traffic.
too new to not even know or understand the importance of archiving let alone know about based nordbot
>Archive the page, if anything changes it can be traced back
oh fuck they backtraced it
we done goofed Sup Forums
It goes beyond ads. Make them drop in Alexa rankings too. Anything to deflate the media. Besides, if you're only using an adblocker and not a javascript blocker too, these sites are still collecting your information, most likely to sell to others. It's best to archive regardless. I used to post screenshots of articles for just that reason before the archive site was being used.
Sup Forums is also where a lot of viral content begins its life cycle. When you share a link it might end up being copypasted to hundreds of twitters with millions of followers. Journalists and bloggers also copy links verbatim I've noticed (which is why it's often random whether a certain writer links to a site or its archived version in the final article). A lot of those demographics don't have ad blockers.
fuck off CNN
>I'm too stupid to understand the point of internet archives
Stop being dumb OP
I like to think of us as the boiler room of the meme express/alternative media
OP is a summerfag
>Ad agencies don't accept the site's internal traffic log as a hit since it can't be corroborated by third-party trackers
Except it can.
But let's assume you're right for a moment, it still gives them negotiating power with advertising agencies.