Anti-Trump friend of mine wants to know what I think of Trump's tranny ban. What would the best response be? I need your political guidance. I'm not doing anything stupid this time; i'm looking for legitimate responses
Trump ban
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say it's really too bad he isn't doing more to help get trannies shot to death overseas
How far are you willing to go OP?
tell her to send tits or fuck off
Be honest.
41% of trannys commit suicide
they have severe mental issues and its irresponsible to be placing them in positions of high stress
Trannies have higher suicide rates than normies. Trannies get their surgeries paid for by the government. trannies routinely fail physical fitness testing
Look if you can't honestly express your thoughts to this person they are not your friend and you should find people you can be honest with not necessarily agree with.
I do not want marines in high heels.
look it to it faggot. listen to the guy with tits.
"I don't like how Trannies can't fight. Like, who cares, let them fight. It's their choice if they want to fight for Israel and Saudi Arabia. Transgendered people are okay, but maybe not transsexuals who have went through surgery."
This is what you say.
Cold day in hell that will happen to my beloved Corps.
Transgender people have off the charts suicide rates, and are forcing the military to pay for gender re assignment surgery that both incapacitates them for months, and is completely paid for by the tax payer.
Most transgender people also have severe mental defects that are separate then their gender dysphoria
You want members of your military to be of sound mind and body
Trannies cant do this out of the gate because their mind and body directly contradict one another.
You're welcome
Most people can't handle being in the military, but a mentally ill person with a fake vagina could?
Just say you are against it, why even bother with people who aren't on the level anymore?
.1% of the military would be spending $3billion+ over ten years in taxpayer money to pay to transition surgery and hormones.
>Transwoman are woman without a uterus
>Plus their "vagina" gets "infections"
>Transmen are men without testicles
Trump didn't make up the rules, he's just applying them.
Plenty of inherent relatively minor disabilities (flatfootedness, type 1 diabetes) and self-inflicted dehibilitations (being too overweight or out of shape to complete fitness tests) prevents people from serving in the army. This is not discrimination. Being in the armed forces can be demanding.
Transsexuals were prevented from serving up until only recently and it's unreasonable to think their situation doesn't inhibit their performance as a soldier.
An average of 22 military commit suicide a day, and a group that is known for their extremely high suicide rate wants to join the military?
>Fellow cult members, please tell me what I think.
Tell them you think its great because trannies already have the highest duicide rate out of any other group besides veterans so you think its better for them to bring down suicide rates as well as not encouraging people to enlist to pay for a sex change.
I am laffin at the thought of this appearing in an everyday facebook conversation
Sup Forums iS not a cuLt
tell him that mentally ill degenerates who are unwilling to seek help for their condition must be gassed for the good of society as a whole
Serving in the military isn't a right its a privilege
Say that you don't give a fuck what happens to trannies and that your friend honestly doesn't either. There are plenty of real issues to discuss besides these pseudofags
are you gonna seriously stay friends with this fucking person? every time some shit happens that triggers faggots you're gonna have to answer for it, waste of energy
Why pretend you cared about that for even an instant before needing a post-hoc justification for Trump's actions? Why not just admit you don't care and support him whatever he does?
tell them its a good thing, transgender people are mentally ill and need to be hung. and also fuck niggers and jews.
Change opinion when one cant argue with reality
Please help me find an argument to redpill this guy :^))
Tell your friend to research how trannies have to maintain their disgusting faux-reproductive organs and then once your friend replies, tell them to imagine anyone on the frontlines dealing with that while juggling the responsibilities of a combat ready soldier.
They're going to reply, "Then keep them off of the frontlines! Administrative/ non-combat positions etc..."
A reasonable hard-line that most leftists can swallow is that you want everyone in the military to either be combat-ready, or have an understanding of what combat-ready soldiers have to deal with that one can only grasp via experience.
Mentally ill people shouldn't be in the military
Can you not read between the lines? You are prob 17-19.
Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness that requires constant treatment. pic related
>be stuck in desert w/o logistics
>tranny hole spewing puss and needing constant flushing
>run out of water
"it doesn't really effect me, but i can understand why he'd do it seeing as transexuals have about a 40% suicide rate, and that's in civilian life and not the stress of soldiering. Plus there are enough soldier and veteran suicides as is, we don't want them to become another statistic and raise that number."
because most of us honestly dont care at all about trannys, but just because we dont care doesnt mean trump is in the wrong
A) they can come in and claim transition, which after seeing a mental health provider, allows them access to medical treatment that bars them from deployment and essentially puts them on a medical profile and takes up time for screenings and appointments. The transition period could last an entire contract, with the tax payer footing the bill.
B) After they claim a gender, they are entitled to operate within the standards laid out for that gender. As the physical standard is lower for women, you will not see women claiming to be men. This will also make it more difficult for real women to compete.
C) Women aren't required to shave, so you'll just have a bunch of God damn hippies walking around looking like Jesus just cuz they claim to be women.
Transgender people represent an incredibly small minority of people.
They're even more of a minority in the armed forces.
This ban effects such a small amount of people while freeing up soldiers to actually train for combat instead of getting the lame HR training that you'd expect at a Tech Company that just got hit with a lawsuit.
Trannies and LGBT types are usually super histrionic and borderline anyways so weeding out the psychologically weak from the candidate pool is vital. Nobody wants to get fucked in a foxhole because the only person who could save you was some MtF shehulk who you accidentally referred to as "he" during a patrol and "she" decided to be as petty as "she" is on her tumblr page.
"Can't wait for the turn of faggots, women and niggers"
They already have a high suicide rate in low stress situations, the government only wants people of sound body and mind. It's too much of an expense for a solider who will be emotionally unstable.
Fuck thses threads. Every god damn day with you people. "Hurr durr what do I tell me friends about politics". Be honest. Or lie. Nobody fucking cares. Grow up. Saged
They want equal rights and that IS exactly what they are getting. They are not talking about gays, lesbians, men who dress like women or women who dress like men. (And quite frankly no one on a battlefield cares either) They're talking about a very specific group of transgender people that require ongoing hormone therapy and ultimately an elective gender reassignment surgery. The military declines admission to any other person requiring ongoing medical treatment, such as those with diabetes that require ongoing insulin treatment, or someone with ADHD and bipolar disorders that require ongoing medical treatments. So if these people are denied entry in the military then how would it be fair to allow anyone that requires ongoing medical treatment entry into the military. Equal is what they want and equal is what they get.
Also, if you've been paying attention as of right now the military would have to allow for the gender reassignment surgery which is a lengthy and costly timeframe and during that time frame the person would be deemed undeployable and unable to perform their duties. This would create an unnecessary burden on the military. Any other person who would become ill and require surgery and a lengthy healing time would be discharged from the military on a medical discharge because they would be deemed unable to perform their duties.
So again I say equal rights are what you want and equal rights are what you get.
It's NOT fair to allow someone who is CHOOSING to receive ongoing medical treatment but DENY someone who has NO CHOICE but to receive ongoing medical treatment.
The military should NOT and does NOT allow ANY person who is in need of ongoing medical treatment to enter the military. EQUAL RIGHTS
Tell them at least 40% of traps will attempt suicide at least once in their lifetime. Ask them why that is. When they say discrimination, because thats their only hope, have them explain then why do black people commit suicide the least out of all ethnicities and whites the most. Transgenderism is a mental illness. Liberals eternally BTFO'd
Are you unwilling or unable to form an argument by yourself or do your own research atleast? fuck off you dip cunt, you're a sheep. Think for yourself.
Tell your friend you've looked into it, and you think it makes sense, although the 'medical costs' seem to be a false argument. Point out that Obama only lifted the ban 6 months ago, against the express wishes of his generals.
This issue is very different from gay people in the military as there is a medical question involved. The vast majority of transgenders undergo HRT. There are side effects to hormonal treatment on an emotional level. It makes you feel and think differently. Quite literally makes you into a different person, like puberty x100. It often leads to a deep state of depression. If you skip your treatment, you undergo changes again and it can also be dangerous. This level of instability is not acceptable in a combat situation that relies on a strict chain of command. It would also endanger the soldier if (s)he was ever sent to the front and for logistic reasons could not receive new doses of hormonal treatment. This is not a transphobic argument, since the exact same reasoning is used to reject soldiers with for example diabetes. While it's true that the cost would be something like 0.006% of the medical budget, the possibility of endangering yourself and your fellow soldiers cannot be expressed in a monetary value.
Also point out that reasons to reject army applicants include: ADD/ADHD, asthma, dyslexia, speech impediments and (a history of) depression or bipolar disorder. This doesn't mean there is no place for them in society or that there exist no ADD patients who might have made good soldiers. It means the risk attached to the condition is too high and a general who is directly responsible for his soldier's lives cannot in good conscience allow it.
End by saying you have nothing against transgender people but that you cannot deny the reality of the impact that some medical treatments carry as a side effect or something. There are enough legitimate arguments for the ban you can use without sounding like a rayciss sexiss bigot.
Oh shit. Self-checked. Maybe today will be a habbening
People who require a regular supply of medicine to survive can't join the military; diabetes, asthma, bipolar disorder, depression, are all automatically rejected. Trannies need a continual supply of hormone blockers and antibiotics for the rest of their lives.
The Truth: The Military stops people with minor psychiatric disorders like ADHD or OCD.
But they block transgender people, with their hormone nightmare, a 41% attempted suicide rate, and shoving dildos up their open wounds so they don't close, and that's a step too far.
It's not about the trannies you dumb fuck it's about the army not being a nursery and putting troop cohesion first.
Transgendered ""people"" are not mentally fit to serve. If they were of sound mind they wouldnt feel that their body is incorrect and that they are the opposite gender.
You dont want your soldiers to be mentally compromised before seeing any action since fire fights can weigh heavy on their psyche as is.
or this
Why are people doing oppo research for this idiot?
Drop the redpill OP.
Sometimes, a red pill needs a small dose of the blue pill beforehand. Just reply:
>My first reaction is that it's just wrong, and when you look at the numbers from RAND:
>$8.4 million for 6,630 trans service people at most compared to $84million for 1.18million viagra prescriptions
>it starts to look ridiculous and petty that they are blaming trans people for costs
Now for the red pill
>But then when you look into the calculations, from $8.4 million for 6,630 trans, the additional medical cost for each trans people is $1266.97/person
>Compare with viagra, $8.4million for 1.18million servicemen comes out to $71.17/person
>So in the end, trans people have a nearly 18X cost/person compared to viagra. And if more trans people join the military as a result, each of them will incur an extra $1266.97 over a normal(use cis if he's easily triggered) service person
>That does add up and I can see where Trump's generals are coming from. And in the end, the military is not some democratic organization. They have a strict chain of command and their job is to follow orders and effectively carry them out.
>Military is all about efficiency, and when you place highly perishable HRT meds into the logistics system, you hurt that efficiency. You're already barred from certain jobs if you have a limiting physical condition.
>If you have diabetes, you're banned from active combat roles. If your eyes are bad, you can't be a pilot.
>And if you are transitioning and require regular doses of hormones to maintain a stable mental state, you become a liability for everything.
>It's not a easy or likable decision, but I understand it has to be done.
trannies are mentally ill and a massive liability for any unit in combat
>please do and let me know
It's like they're just looking for a reason to hate you
But user, I do care about trannies, I think they shouldn't exist at all.
my buddy works with a mtf. his job involves lifting and he has stated that the hormones have weakened the tranny to the point it has inconvenienced his work. This could be a big problem in the field for the military
We want skynet killing robots not trannies.
said satan
P.S. If you need to lie to a friend about your opinions, that's no friend.
>tell me how I feel about a subject
Faggot just say what you think
You can also distract and divide by bringing up how this is different from gays in the military
>Also, trans serving in the military is also entirely different from gays in the military
>Gays are no different than straight people when doing a job
>They don't require any special meds or surgery to keep "being" gay
>The fact that someone is gay doesn't affect their physical ability to do their job
>This is why DADT was and should be repealed
>But unfortunately, based on these same justifications, the trans military ban has merit
>Trannies account for highly susceptible to suicide
>require sensitivity training that costs time and money
>creates a new protected class within military that can create UCMJ actions if political incorrectness occurs
completely fucks combat readiness, which is the SOLE PURPOSE of the military.
In short, a tactic to demoralize and further dissolve the military strength under the guise of PC on behalf of Obama admin and his handlers. Fuck. That.
t.former Green Beret with 5 years on an ODA
Pretty much all of my friends are brainwashed lefties.
Talking to them is like navigating a minefield.
If you run out of water you're fucked anywho
tell her that you think trannies are mentally ill and shouldn't be around sharp objects, let alone firearms.
>tell me what to think and say guys
>having my own opinion is hard
How are you still alive??
Yeah, but at least it's not a rotting crotch wound that's trying to "heal" itself.
It doesn't affect you, so you have
No opinion on it. Feed them there own medicine.
Say that Trump is a hero for preventing countless numbers of sexy shemales and tantalizing traps from being murdered in some godforsaken desert
Brilliant - if a trans"woman" is a woman as they insist then it falls under the category of woman without uterus. So they either have to call it a man or it'll flunk the requiremants as they are of now already. In case of post-op i'tll flunk the test no matter how you call it as it has neither testicles nor uterus.
The same for male to "female" trannies.
>how dare trump not allow mentally ill people into the military
>when that normies friend is slowly being redpilled and now contacts a Sup Forums user to get a sane opinion
I know that feel
Have you ever thought trans people commit suicide because society ostracizes them constantly by doing things like banning them from military?
I'm transgender and I think it's a good thing. If it matters to you at all, say you've asked a tranny what they think and they support it.
>What would the best response be? I need your political guidance.
Here. I'll tell you how to short-circuit your friend.
It's quite simple. You see, military life is fascist to the core. All military living is inherently based on fascism because fascism is absolutely necessary to make a strong fighting force.
Thus, any progressive trying to fight for the right of trans to be part of the military is in fact fighting for the existence of fascism.
Factually, what we have here, are anti-fascists pitching a bitch-fit about not being allowed to be pro-fascist.
They truly, dearly have no self-awareness. That, or they just want free transition drugs/treatment at the cost of the taxpayers.
Now, here's some Poju. Traps done right.
Trannys don't even want to join the army they're mostly commie or anarcho
Here's something to think about
>man decides to be a woman, even though he was clearly born a boy
>he switches from female to male because he feels he is actually a woman
>US is now at war with North Korea
>tranny on the battlefield
>mental illness is kicking in...
>tranny believes they north korean and switches sides
If a guy is incapable to know which gender he is, he is most likely is going to be doing the same at which side of war he is fighting on.
Tranny ban is bad. They should be sent overseas to get blown up
You're right in a vague sense for people who are just autogynephiles. I was born a man and beaten severely by a junkie to the point where I never had puberty and will always be sterile. Nothing to offer as a man so I transitioned, and now have a family.
I don't believe transgender folk or women have any place in a military, but if the U.S. was ever invaded or in a civil war I would defend my home to the death. I can honestly say I'm the minority, which is sad, but not all of us are batshit. We're just quiet.
>he is most likely is going to be doing the same at which side of war he is fighting on.
can we please fucking acknowledge that these cult members need to hunted and killed?
its not even funny at this point
im not going to pretend to have a conversation with people so fucking inept at plausible deniability pretending they are good at it while they fucking ruin everything.
This is the symptoms.
Telling them a lie will never make them happy, they can pretend all they want they are damaged at the core. They are not normal.
Have you ever thought that encouraging them to mutilate themselves to try and fix a problem in their brains and leaving them a life long medical condition without actually fixing the underlying dysphoria, and then washing your hands of them and leaving them to deal with the permanent consequences once you've had your ego masturbation..... Might be a more probable cause?
The army already refuses people for a bunch of shit, including history of mental illness, flat foot, too fat, too tall, too short, physical disability... Can't these people be brave? Are all people in those conditions unable to serve?
If you want to argue that transgender people cannot be singled out because "some transgender people would be good soldiers" then you should argue against the ability of the army to refusing groups of people.
It's back to where it's been forever and it never was a big deal before so why make it a big deal.
No, fag
You mean transgender? What does that even mean?
Lel. You want them to be a piece of obedient meat who will die for israel. No one cares if you're fucked up in the head or literally retarded. Trans ban makes no sense. All that matters is that you are competent at your job.
if a trans person wants to throw their lives away for the CIA, stolen oil, and Zionism I say let them.
>my problems are other people's fault
that's called being a child, doesn't matter what your situation is.
w0w coming from a leaf there is hope.
Post this link:
>Psychosexual Conditions
The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction are transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestitism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias