>trannies go to war
>war kills trannies
>Sup Forums is against this
Trannies go to war
Sup Forums is opposed to leaving their parents house and raising a family
who gives a fuck what these losers think
Same reason I don't support drunk driving. Others get hurt too, not only the shit head driving drunk.
but what if you're a tranny who doesn't happen to be drunk?
Trannies are a liability.
>go outside
>kill trannies until their blood clots the gutters
any day now trannies will have 0 rights or protection
tranny goes to war, tranny breaks mid mission and is no longer helpful, soldiers die for no good reason.
Tranny also uses up spending money for hormones and/or mutilation, only to die or otherwise be worthless
I am against transfaggotry in all places in life, not only in military
transfaggotry is what cultural marxism did to sexes: it took what was normal and twisted it into "new normal"
you guys are making Trump look bad, he doesn't hate trannies he just doesn't want the taxpayers to pay for their hormones
it's the "letting women in the military" argument all over again. yes i know most trannies are worthless but if they are able-bodied and willing to pay for their own medication then they should be allowed to go
trannies would get our own soldiers killed in the process
unironically kys
Women don't have an additional 40% suicide rate working against them. Mental illness has no place in the military.
Name a tranny that held a significant role in our military
Trannies go there for vitrue signal points, and to have no strings attached anonymous sex.
Trannies will only die for the right to suck on cock, mutilate themselves and faggotry.
Name a tranny who has died for their country. in service.
You posted this shitty thread already.
>He thinks it'll be the trannies put on the frontlines
No friend, it's going to be normal as fuck heterosexual white males that are going to be sent into the meat grinder. We're the ones who do the dying while getting sold out back home.
akchyually user, it's a mental disorder not a mental illness but i see your point
i will probably kill myself as i happen to be a tranny
obviously there have been trannies who served important roles in the military, i'm not going to google it just to make a point
>grandstanding as an alpha male on Sup Forums instead of going outside
>>grandstanding as an alpha male on Sup Forums instead of going outside
>i will probably kill myself as i happen to be a tranny
>I happen to be a tranny
I'm not the one LARPing as the opposite sex because of my mental illness, freak.
>mental disorder not a mental illness
what's the difference?
you are either normal or you are fucked up, but while we post on this tibetan sink repair board I think that we are all fucked up, one way or the other
important roles? such as?
does cock gobbler count as an important role? or does the squadron's fairy count, instead?
Why even make a thread if you won't bother to try making a point?