There is absolutely no reason for trump to ban trans peoples from the military. This is pathetic.
There is absolutely no reason for trump to ban trans peoples from the military. This is pathetic
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Right, because the military would benefit from soldiers cutting off their penis and spending countless days in a hospital to perpetually reopen their fake pussy hole that their body wants to heal...
Most would have already been fully post-op cases though.
Are people actually doing that while they're deployed tho? Seems unlikely. What are there like 4 transgender people in the military anyways?
Let's give a bunch of insecure people filled with hormonal imbalances and possibly surgical complications a gun and put them into dangerous situations that require an enormous amount of mental stability.
"Dilation" is a lifetime commitment.
A military of mentally ill degenerates. Sure thing you gay cunt
There is absolutely no reason to let mentally ill trans people into the military.
Stop replying to shill threads, you faggots.
So? Do you think post-op means they are now an actual woman with a perfect innie? No, they still have a grotesque monstrosity surrounding an artificial hole that the body is endlessly trying to heal because they are now an intentionally wounded man, not a woman.
41% suicide rate
transfaggots are a liability.
Except they are mentally ill. Thats a very good reason to not allow them in.
Ok, so,
How many jobs in the military could have drastic consequences do to less than 100% focus and concentration between administrative, combat, maintenance, and transport duties?
Now where do you think that trans soldier's mind is at if they miss ONE hormone treatment?
Why not ban all soldiers on mood altering medication then? Why not ban soldiers on anti-depressants?
I didn't realise that trannies and leftists were so keen to sign up to shoot muslims to secure more oil for the guy that they've been calling Hitler for months now. Wtf I'm a #NyeGuy now.
Which, might I remind you, is very possible since even getting FOOD to deployed soldiers is sometimes hard to fucking do?
hold up nigger do they not
its disqualifying at the MEPS at least
Um, they do. It's called a psyche eval and many people fail it.
you know what's pathetic? cutting your dick off because you're a mentally ill faggot
>Implying that active duty soldiers are allowed to deploy with clinical depression with prescriptions on files
I admit the military can be sorta inept, BUT NOT THAT FUCKING INEPT.
L m a o
How's the basement kid
Your tears and cries of despair sustain me. I want you to know that.
Trans people have a delusional mental disorder called gender dysphoria.
Their delusion makes them think they need to permanently mutilate their body to obtain a semblance (though usually not very convincing) to the opposite sex. They do that, then almost half of them try to commit suicide.
Obviously that kind of self-destructive behavior and emotional unbalance is no good. People who have gender dysphoria need help, they should not be in the military.
You DO need good mental health to be in the military.
Also, trans people are people with a severe mental disorder which has gone untreated. At least a depressed person taking antidepressants is doing something to treat his depression.
Fuck off. The military doesnt need social politics and transgender fags are at the top of the list.
Getting water to deployed soldiers is sometimes hard to do.
Logistics is a bitch.
Yeah, my bro's in Niger rn, only got two spoonfuls at chow.
In total. Regular spoons, like eating spoons. I sent that man a shit ton of jerky.
You can't be in the military if you're suicidal/depressed, needless to say that excludes all trannies. Making an exception for them in the first place was just patronizing them
He should ban you faggots from living.
I keep hearing this. What does dilation mean in this context?
Making sure the giant gash between your legs doesn't heal by reopening it.
Male to female transition trans people have to shove a dildo in the open wound that's supposed to be a vagina or else it'll heal up and you become Ken. Also, hairballs.
That's pretty fucking disgusting. Thanks
These drumpftards are too bigoted to allow men with meat holes in the military.
No problem, Garcon.
I agree, I mean they could be used as a distraction when fighting isis. Since they would most likely stone them to death for their faggottry. While they're distracted we nuke em
I'm actually a Russian American chilling in France atm
The last thing you need on the frontline is a mentally unstable faggot throwing themselves into on coming fire
Is France less white than Russia now?
How is this even an issue?
Trannies are like a fraction of a percent of the population and most of them are raging anti-military libfags.
>Sup Forums being against trannies dying in the military
I don't get it?
Troops on the front-line shouldn't have to trust their lives to mentally-ill faggots with suicidal tendencies.
Because, if you're just noticing the trend, Libfags don't care how few people it affects, god damn they're gonna bitch about it.
I've walked through 70% of Paris and about 40% of the natives are nonwhite
>traps are less than 1% of the population
Because it's a political statement about how intolerant we are becoming
This isn't how adults should act
>most of them are raging anti-military libfags
All the more reason for them to go crazy and commit friendly-fire or do something else to sabotage our military.
Return home swiftly, tovarish.
"intolerant" bruh it's less than 1%
>fires rifle
>throws grenade at jihadis
>no scopes sand niggers
>fires mortar
>gets squad killed
Hey, at least that axe wound didn't close up though amirite? How on Earth could we benefit from having mentally ill people who are highly prone to suicide in our armed forces? Do we want fucking Chris Chan in charge of military hardware?
This is bait.
But they'll never miss a chance to kick the pc-tied ordinary men. If they get army, they'll whine about how presidents on dollars don't wear lipstick.
“This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken – it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.”
“’Sex change’ is biologically impossible, people who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”
- Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry
Just because the numbers are small doesn't mean you should ignore them
But this way, we're able to distill our argument to something that can't just be laughed off by poking holes in each other's arguments.
Argument moonshine.
T. Snowflake
finally someone that actually thinks
but it's just principle autism
Jesus fucking christ.
You guys have just made me realize something.
>Hedwig and the Angry Inch
>The song "Angry Inch" "And all thats a one inch mound of flesh, where my penis used to be, where my vagina never was"
Shit, that play/movie is probably one of the single most ANTI TRANS THINGS EVER FUCKING MADE, and even the creators of it dont realize it.
>And Peter Steele and Type O Negative covered it as a tongue in cheek "FUCK YOU" to people saying they were homophobic
Pete and Type O knew what the fuck they were doing. Im actually happy for once that he died, because he didnt have to see what the world ultimately became.
Doesn't the military have to pay for their hormone treatments? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong
If they have a fake pussy then yes they have to do that while deployed. I can imagine this creates a problem in a survival situation.
People who are on hormoes must pay for them themselves
Yeah, I know. I moved to Vegas after highshcool and i was still itching my acting bug.
Guess what's a big show for little theaters to do here?
They need help, not rejection and this society is doing nothing to cure their mental illness
I live in Vegas also, nearly all the theater stuff is gay shit.
srsly tho we can't let this guy get the tranny codes
good, let natural selection do its job
>have to pay for tranny drugs
>have to pay for tranny surgery
>have to pay for tranny surgery maintenance
>tranny is more likely to be or become mentally unstable (outside of general tranny-ness)
>absolutely no reason
Kill yourself faggot
Why does "society" owe them anything?
Your worth is what you give to society, not take. Let them die. I hate you weak pitiful people. A culture built around pity does not grow, it regresses into a cesspool.
I was almost a lib faggot until i moved out here from Georgia.
Fuck me I wanna go back.
Shit, im not even full on "KILL ALL GAYS" or anything, I actually know quite a few gays who just want to be left alone and dont give a fuck about LGBTQIAPIOLMNOP shit, and I actually love Hedwig, but listening to the lyrics, seeing the ending of the movie where he strips off his shell and just walks out of the club....
Its a straight up "this trans character is doing it ALL for attention, and he realizes that it got him no where and he strips off the facade."
The very ANTITHESIS of what "trans" means to the gay shit today.
And yet Neil Patrick Harris will win tonys and shit because hes an openly gay playing a tranny in a gay production of GAY.
When will they realize that they became the pets of liberals and sjws?
>Depends on person; general pysc exams rule these out
Kill yourself phaggo
THE MILITARY IS NOT A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT. Either deal with being your birth gender to join or don't bother.
Oh they know.
But it makes them pop culture famous.
>pop culture famous
Look at GaGa, Bowie and Reed.
Gaga is now a screaming harpy dressing as a nazi at clinton rallies where clinton is against...nazis....?
Bowies dead and the world is left ripping apart the meaning of blackstar and being afraid of what they find
Reed did a lot of heroin. A metric FUCKLOAD. And lived to a good age.
Steele tried to straighten up, quit drinking, ate better....
Fucking died.
Nice guys finish last. Nice goys get the left overs.
I just wanna space man.
Go back to t_D with that Reddit spacing
>absolutely no reason
They're mentally ill. In case you haven't considered it, having people who cut off their penises and pretend they're women in the military would be a recipe for pure disaster.
>the military
>which is a necessary evil
>where even mentally stable people fairly often crack under the pressure
>a place where cracking under the pressure can lead to the death of your fellow men
Even if you ignore the fact that a bunch of them would sign up exclusively to get their transition paid for by the military, there is no good reason to let them join.
no, you are pathetic for thinking a group of disabled retards are physically fit to be in our armed forces
>tfw I know people who make arguments like this and are not just baiting
Nothing more infuriating than some chucklefuck trying to debate you on a topic they very obviously know nothing about
Yet we have 15,000 transgendered people in the US military right now without a problem. This dumb talking point simply doesn't agree with reality.
Get out of here new fag.
Military isn't some daycare like liberal diploma camps. There's a place for the things you mentioned and the military is not it.
Jesus H Christ.. i cant believe you can vote..
I think your numbers may be a bit off.
>it's not a problem at this very moment so what's the bfd?
Let's combine two demographics (trannies and soldiers) with absurdly high suicide rates. What could go wrong
The people advocating for this completely misunderstand what the purpose of the military is. It's a necessary evil, not something we have because you're having such a great time there but something we have because we need it to defend ourselves.
Take your social experiments to places where they don't ruin or end people's lives.
oh well it's not like they want to fight they just want to be a secretary to a colonel in some desk job. I still firmly believe if they still want in we can form a division specifically for them and they can be the first line of defense when the norks finally bork
shills gonna shill
it's a mental disorder with comparable rates of suicide with major depression, it is not really wise to give them access to any arms.
additional costs and complexity to procurement etc...
and many more
They might be. The Pentagon doesn't share those numbers, and they couldn't truly know for a fact how many there are even if they did.
Yes, what *could* go wrong? Because any disaster scenario you can come up with hasn't happened. Your position is purely based off of hypotheticals.
it's cost-effective
Don't worry my American friend, I'm flying back to Seattle in a week