Why would the US government reject physically fit and capable for Military people that happen to be transgender people? That doesn't sound fair to me
Why would the US government reject physically fit and capable for Military people that happen to be transgender people...
Only sexless virgins care about this
>physically fit
Wrong unless pre op. Post op you have men without testicles (banned) and females without uterus (also banned). These rules existed before trannies were even an issue, as they medically excuse someone from service.
Life is not fair s snowflake.
Get used to it.
Its not about being physically fit, that is a small part of the military training. Its about being mentally fit, if you think you are a girl when you are clearly a boy you are not mentally fit to serve. I personally would not trust a person who cant tell boy from girl to tell friend from foe. I would not want to fight next to a trans person.
Because they have a mental illness and we don't know when not if they go rogue and kill a bunch of "transphobic pigs."
But trans people have served before obviously.. still do as of now.. I never heard of this being a problem.,
Tbh even most women seem unfit to be in the army. Make it a boys club again, keep a few wymen in administrative positions just to have that different point of view
There would be such a small amount of trannies that would want to join the military that it's just easier to say they can't join.
Otherwise they have to waste time and money testing trannies to see if they're capable, write up standards for trannies, etc.
but thats sexist. there are some tough fucking women out there that can easily do the job as well as men
>20 ft no-foot rope climb
Shit, I have seen 10 year olds do this at my climbing gym. If tranny thinks this is enough to join the military, she deserves to be denied.
Ok, so,
How many jobs in the military could have drastic consequences do to less than 100% focus and concentration between administrative, combat, maintenance, and transport duties?
Now where do you think that trans soldier's mind is at if they miss ONE hormone treatment?
>have military with suicide rate higher than casualty rate in time of war
>introduce group of people with 40% suicide rate, greater than any other known group of people
What could go wrong?
Making up a good military force is about more than just finding people who are fit and healthy, that's a minimum requirement.
My CO chops his dick off and calls himself Shirley then I'm supposed to have faith in his/her/it's leadership?
Everyone around them thinks they're a mentally ill freak; but no one is allowed to say anything for fear they'll be disciplined. That isn't what I call unit cohesion.
women are universally psychologically unfit for combat positions and male camaraderie, there are no situations where their inclusion in the military is not subversion.
Plus the filling in the manpussy for fear of closing up thing..
>unarchived clickbaiters archive.is
you never even met a women besides your mom and grandma. what do you know fool
I see the average trans person having missed a hormone treatment due to logistics as someone watching themselves turning into a werewolf.
>in America
Try it anywhere else. I really, really hate these people.
go back, you don't fit in here
If you know what post-op trans folk need to do in order to maintain their genitals, you understand why they don't belong in the armed forces
i fit in anywhere i please leaf. Now step aside and let adults discuss politics. Go back to your WOW or skyrim or whatever you do.
Yes, we need to get to the bottom of this
I'm ineligible to serve because I have schizoid personality disorder, the symptoms of which are extreme introversion and anhedonia.
Tell me why someone who believes they are "trapped in a wrong body" and can't never be content without drastically changing their body's biochemistry and surgical reconstruction is fit to serve?
You don't cry for people like me. I don't believe you really give a shit about what's fair. People like me are literally the ideal drone pilots. We could sit in a sweaty crate piloting drones for 16 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 months a year, not saying one unnecessary word and be perfectly satisfied and productive.
FYI, all personality disorders make people ineligible to serve. As do most chronic mental illnesses.
I relate to you. I have manic depression and wouldn't be able to serve either. Also too old now. It's just a shame these type of people don't have as many rights as others. Must be tough
remember bud, there's always gonna be people like me out there, and guess what, we run shit. You gotta stay online with your bullshit, but me, i get to discriminate and harass anybody like you, because its legal in real life to do it. You're the minority fuckface, my tribe runs this shit and all you can do is sit back, watch and bitch about it online. You think you hate minorities, you don't. You don't know hate. Go talk your racist shit in any public place, and then you'll find out what fuckin hate is. You're just upset about bein a loser and want somebody to blame for it. That ain't hate, you're just a creep---and creeps get dealt with when they come out in the light, but you already know that lol
Logistical reasons first and foremost.
Transgender people need constant hormone treatments or their body will reject and revert. This makes them a liability on the battlefield.
Then there's the obvious psychological portion, These people are obviously not mentally sound as they are delusional by their very nature, believing they are something actual physical evidence shows them not to be.
>Also too old now.
Air Force raised the enlistment age to 39 in 2014.
Because all of them expect the US Government to pay for their hormone therapy and re-assignment surgery, on the tax-payer's dime. The military will also have to re-design every base, office and dwelling to cater to .03% of the armed forced, so they can poop "safely". They'd also have to redo the rules of who can engage in combat, because women are restricted from certain roles - so what is a trans person? If born male, but transitioning to female, they can't fight? And someone born a woman transitioning to male can or can't fight?
Nobody's got time for that shit.
We're staring at multiple new shooting wars breaking out, the last thing we need to deal with is trannies, and having to cater to them, the cost and energy is ridiculous.
>physically fit and capable
No tranny can be described as that.
Thanks archive bot!
>allowing suicidal freaks into the military
it's called a "distraction".
dude what the fuck are you getting at here. Is this pasta? Has absolutely fuck all with what you're replying to..
whys that little bitch?
Because psychological fitness is just as or more important than physical fitness. Transgender people have a mental disorder.
>physically fit, but mentally fucked up
That's why.
Next question?
what the fuck did I just read?
I think that's the hill people posting.
I have hypothyroidism. An easily treatable disease that requires 1 pill a day or I may feel slightly lethargic and potential weight gain. I am disqualified from military service as a result despite being substantially fitter than most.
Yeah, don't even think about telling someone you're having a difficult time adjusting to basic in the first or second week, your ass will get shipped out for "seperation anxiety".
The mentally ill do not have as many rights as others. The Democrats in particular have a long and dark history of trying to take our rights away in the name of progress. It really grinds my gear that they picked out gender dysphoric people to parade as their golden children, while pretending it's not a mental illness and making them the targets of reactionaries.
Whatever nonsense was going through that user/bot's keyboard, I have to say the first have strikes a chord. The mentally ill are a minority. It is legal to discriminate against us in many, many ways. I have to hide my condition, even from my doctors, because it sounds vaguely like "schizophrenia", so people assume I am a knife-wielding maniac who may murder them at any second. Which is extremely rare for actual schizophrenics to do anyway. FML.
I served in the USMC 2002-2010.
It never ceases to amaze me that politicians and their identity-pushed pet special interest groups feel the military is some kind of petri dish for their sick social experiments.
"Hur dur, mentally ill people should be put in combat with actual warfighters, because muh fairness, muh equality, hueh *sips starbucks*"
Fucking degenerate first-world assholes with no goddamned concept of reality.
I served in the USMC 2002-2010.
It never ceases to amaze me that politicians and their identity-pushed pet special interest groups feel the military is some kind of petri dish for their sick social experiments.
"Hur dur, mentally ill people should be put in combat with actual warfighters, because muh fairness, muh equality, hueh *sips starbucks*"
Fucking degenerate first-world assholes with no goddamned concept of reality.
Fuck off cuck
It's almost like they never saw Full Metal Jacket.
life isnt fair
>It really grinds my gear that they picked out gender dysphoric people to parade as their golden children, while pretending it's not a mental illness and making them the targets of reactionaries.
Must be why they pick those people. Don't have the added "baggage" of having to talk about real issues like mental health care and actually getting real things done to actual help people who need it..
My 8 years tell me the opposite.
95%women in the military are
>on medical chit for injury
>on meds for being looney
>40% of women sent aboard carrier deployments have to be sent back to port early for being pregnant
>fraternization (fucking those in your chain of command) aboard ship is prohibited
>almost all women commit fraternization offenses
>they can essentially all collect disability after a single enlistment
>they are genuinely injured and disabled at a far higher rate
>the training standards are drastically lowered for them
>even when nonreq for overweight, physical fitness test failure or other reaso s they still get promoted for having a cunt, in clear violation of policy for sake of cuntness
>they can get our for pregnancy, and many do as soon as they've had enough
>or they stay prego for years and get the equivalent of a life on welfare, never having to meet standards or get within 5,000 miles of danger
>most are lazy but try to disguise it by being bossy above their pay grade
>most are terrible at their jobs, but try to hide it through malingering, being hard to find, volunteering for anything easy like driving people/things around, or are perpetually stuck up their superiors ass to get special treatment
I've met hundreds of women in the military.
Only a handful were worth a fuck.
Only one would I even have half way trusted in a real situation.
Sorry to say to her, I'd sacrifice her career to avoid all the fuck ups, misery, lives lost, hundreds of millions $ wasted, damage to unit cohesion/morale, and general disillusionment caused to their male counter parts seeing worthless cunts promoted over them or paid the same for 1/10th the job done while meeting none of the same standards.
>physically fit and capable
Except they're not, military can't afford somebody who needs more than food and ammo to survive.
Because they aren't mentally fit
>physically fit and capable for Military people
pick one
With trips comes fucking bamfs.
The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction are:
a. Female genitalia.
(1) Abnormal uterine bleeding, including menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, or polymenorrhea.
(2) Amenorrhea, unexplained.
(3) Dysmenorrhea, incapacitating to a degree recurrently necessitating absences of more than a few hours from routine activities.
(4) Endometriosis.
(5) Hermaphroditism.
(6) Menopausal syndrome, if manifested by more than mild constitutional or mental symptoms, or artificial menopause if less than 1 year's duration.
(7) Ovarian cysts, persistent, clinically significant.
(8) Pelvic inflammatory disease, acute or chronic.
(9) Pregnancy.
(10) Uterus, congenital absence of, or enlargement due to any cause.
(11) Vulvar or vaginal ulceration, including herpes genitalia and condyloma acuminatum, acute or chronic, not amenable to treatment. Such treatment must be given and demonstrated effective prior to accession.
(12) Abnormal Pap smear graded LGSIL or higher severity, or any smear in which the descriptive terms carcinoma-in-situ, invasive cancer, condyloma acuminatum, human papilloma virus, or dysplasia are used.
(13) Major abnormalities and defects of the genitalia such as a change of sex. A history thereof, or dysfunctional residuals from surgical correction of these conditions.
sage these dumb threads. traps are fucking gay anyways
>20 foot rope climb
well thats because you're a man
Because they're mentally unstable? I was ejected from the military when they diagnosed me with shizoaffective and MDD, and i agree with it. Do American liberals honestly not understand why the military isn't the place for mentally unstable personages, or is the only method of discourse left in the USA is being obtuse on purpose?
That doesn't make you an ideal drone pilot. Because you still have to belong to a unit, fit in with your peers, respect your chain of command, march in formation, keep your uniforms inspection ready, and so forth. Sure, you could probably do a specific job quite well, but there's so much more than that to the military.
What happens when you're in the field and your supply line to the pharmacy gets cut off? What happens when they fuck up the supply chain and the pharmacy just doesn't have your drug for 3 months?
Anyway, that's not really what disqualifies you. What does it is that you're going to run into something a little bit difficult, then quit and blame it on your """"thyroid"""" condition.
theyre generally sucidal.
>physically fit and capable
its not widely considered a mental illness in the US
>accepting a whole category of ppl for office jobs and avoiding actual work
I could see a FtM actually doing work and being useful, a MtF is just trash
Pretty much this. Women in the military are almost all worthless. That said, there's a small handful worth half a damn.
I bet this wouldn't be a problem in Russia. Such individuals tend to be miraculously cured in no time. Or else. Kek.
the trick to serving is to never get diagnosed
avoiding conversations and ppl is easier in the military than you might imagine / or be lead to believe
But Sup Forums doesn't care about truth or logic, or people for that matter user. They don't like trans, but can't be ok with just not liking them, they need to twist logic and facts just enough that not liking trans becomes the only moral option.
To save their lives now go to bed
Holy fucking tippity-top kek
>its not widely considered a mental illness in the US
No, it is generally considered a mental illness. People have just sort of put up with it because they've been disarmed from understanding the dangers it otherwise poses to society, and "it's not bothering me... I guess..."
I would be a bad soldier. I completely agree with the military's ban on mentally ill soldiers.
I'll only be impressed if Trump makes them end all special standards.
The entire DOD should use the male USMC standard, with a significant raise.
Minimum physical standards
>22 min 3 mile run
>6 min 1 mile
>100 pushups in 2 minutes
>100 sit ups
>9 pullups from dead hang, all the way down to a hang to chin over bar
To even go to boot camp should be
>25 min 3 mile
>7 min 1 mile
>60 pushups
>60 situps
>5 pullups
No special cunt standards.
Trannies aren't mentally stable and they're actually quite infantile, it has nothing to do with physical fitness. Enjoying the delusional tears though. Trump continues to exceed expectations.
People can be tested to find out if they are psicologicaly fit. Not all trans develop disphoria. Disphoria is treatable.
Anyway, that's a non-issue, since the supposed reason behind this is money. It has already been disproven that this is big burdain compared to other health expenses.
Why are you even trying to argue about this? Western society doesn't have a concept of what's normal anymore. You get bashed if you say that there is a "norm".
It doesn't matter where and by whom it is considered not an illness officially. Your world is completely looney, so looking up the official statements is probably not worth it.
I'm fine with trannies as people.
I would give two shits about working in the shop with them so long as they don't talk about faggotry or flamboyant bullshit.
But the shouldn't be in the military, law enforcement, or teaching.
It's generally considered a mental illness, at Sup Forums .
All trannies are mentally unstable. Deal with it.
>9 pullups
You know this would disqualify around 60% of the entire active duty Marine Corps if you did it right now, right?
I agree more or less with you, but people don't know about USMC Pull-ups and how genuinely difficult they are.
Most marines struggle to get a handful.
what did a trans person do to you user?
>and that's a good thing
Thanks modern journalism.
That's barely possible. Usually things tend to go all the way. If you tolerate something or someone on a regular casual basis, give it certain recognition, limited freedoms/rights, it's a matter of time the scope of tolerance will progress. If you choose to tolerate mentally ill as capable members of a society, you are already choosing to live with a ticking bomb of degeneracy.
Think about any LGBT movement, how it started and progressed. There is your proof.
Serving in the military is a privilege not a right.
it already happened and i never heard anything bad happening to the military because of it
That camo ain't regulation.
trannys are mentally ill scum and should be purged outright, letting someone who can't decide what gender they are be in combat?
hahaha fuckin kill yourself you worthless faggot
Youre mentally ill. How did they accept you?
I know full well why I am DQ'd you dipshit. It's the exact same reason Trannies are, if you read my other post I made here ()
>Logistical reasons first and foremost.
Transgender people need constant hormone treatments or their body will reject and revert. This makes them a liability on the battlefield.
As for my Thyroid condition. I actually originally had Graves disease, which is Hyperthyroidism, the course of treatment ultimately ended with my thyroid being destroyed and unable to produce the required TSH, thus the 1 pill a day.
And no, I am not one of those bedridden American dipshits who blame their chronic weight problems on their thyroid. I'm substantially fitter than most at 6foot and 85kg.
this is the kind of faggot that will be dragged out into the street and beaten with a hammer during the second revolution
Don't say "transgender". It is offensive. We do not tolerate political correct dogma here on Sup Forums. Say eunuch. Thank you.
>physically fit (?)
>mentally wrecked
Who could even guess why, huh.
tfw ass cardio
tfw i can do 15 pull ups :^)
your mother said his cock tasted great
No it hasn't. The ban was extant and going to be lifted. And Trump stopped it