How do you argue politics in a civil way? I'm sick and tired of uninformed opinions and outright lies from the people that surround me. I want them to know the truth.
There's a problem. I'm a laid back guy. How do I do this in a laid back way?
How do you argue politics in a civil way? I'm sick and tired of uninformed opinions and outright lies from the people that surround me. I want them to know the truth.
There's a problem. I'm a laid back guy. How do I do this in a laid back way?
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stop smoking weed for starts
I wish I knew. All I manage to do is drive friends and family away, then get depressed and grow even more radicalized in my isolation.
If I knew how to interact with people I probably wouldn't be browsing Sup Forums daily for at least 10 hours a day.
Don't say much unless you see the right opportunity to drop a sutble red pill. Like if someone said 13 Reasons Why was unrealistic you might respond, "Yeah, in real life it's guys that commit suicide more often than girls. It's almost like they don't care about guys."
Basically point people toward the truth rather than pushing them.
I've seen people pushing their points home, with the result of driving people away.
>laid back guy
>wants others to know the truth
you can't shove your opinion in their face and expect them to agree simply because you say so
low-key advice for the laid back:
listen first, lurk moar
find the biggest hole in what they say and drive a fucking 18 wheeler through that bitch
most people will have a gigantic fucking hole
usually its their fucking mouth
but more often their preconceptions, presuppositions, assumptions, biases, delusions, and parroted propaganda are excellent and easy peasy targets
whey they are wrong, boy are they fucking wrong
and most people are wrong about something somewhere, rite?
Yeah, this is my current tactic. It's frustrating though. People are so misinformed.
I've learned not to care. But I do care. Society needs to be fixed.
If you can be laid back about the current state of the west then you never cared and will never make change in peoples minds. If you think these people are so stupid, what makes you think unlocking the correct arrangement of words is going to make lights go off in their head? Lead. Be passionate. Show people that yours is the right way. The only way.
I can't lead in a political way. I have a job. Although I might go into politics at some point.
Personally I discuss around issues, for instance you can cut off any inane conversation of immigration assuming the person responds logically if you tackle things like "diversity is our strength" first.
I'm not laid back about the state of the West - I just know acting like a preacher will get me opposite results with normies.
You're me desu
Bullshit. What you know and don't want to admit, is that you aren't even confident enough in your message to quit your job. If you believed in your message, knew that it was stronger than any other, you wouldn't be doing some other occupation. Normies fucking love preachers. Thats all Bernie was and people ate it up. Just some old faggot shouting vacuous nonsense into the sky while money showered back down onto his face.
This is gonna sound faggy.
But the best way is to approach a discussion with the earnest willingness to hear and understand other people's ideas.
The political discussions I've had that have affected other people's views the most have also done the same to my own.
If you charge into every discussion with a "I'm gonna le red pill ya!" mindset, everyone will just double down and dig their heels in.
Just be a human, not a sperg, show some empathy and you'll be fine m8.
People tend to ease up when you do.
>find the biggest hole in what they say and drive a fucking 18 wheeler through that bitch
You're not supposed to be trying to convince them to join your side. You're supposed to be placing yourself above them, treating them as inferior to you, breaking down their confidence.
The big events will always be the main instigators of people waking up. You can play a part in guiding someone whose on that path, like maybe a friend is questioning feminism, "diversity", etc. and you share your thoughts... but try not to feel like the burden is all on your shoulders.
Laid back is bluepill, only full force straight up confrontation is the only way. Redpill is no joke so no reason to hold yourself down. If you don't stand up for yourself people will walk over you.
People can only respect you if you stand up for yourself and if you can take hits and give punches back too.
Je moet gewoon schijt hebben gast, mensen respecteren je pas als je voor jezelf opkomt, dat betekend ook dat je shit moet kunnen ontvangen van anderen. Zolang je maar recht overeind staat en niet gebukt ondergaat.
Allegory of the cave. People react violently to the truth. They won't accept a new belief system, and become enraged at the dissonance.
But a few may be willing to look at the sun once more.
> I should quit my job because of my political opinions
> I should jeopardize everything for this war
You're probably right. But it's not a price I'm willing to pay at this moment.
> big events
> waking people up
Europeans are butchered in the streets. Europeans should have woken up by now.
The thing is, there are a lot of people who agree with us. They just don't speak the fuck up. That's why Trump is such a fucking hero.
That's fine. You have deemed that you have more to lose than to gain, and I can't argue against that. If things start changing, you wont be welcome at the table of those who footed your bill. If they don't, you are fully responsible for that compounded debt you are handing to your children.
I should really read Plato.
Some people get used to the fire like a chef who slowly raises the temperature on a frog. But as it gets hotter and hotter, there is still a chance that the frog wises up and jumps the fuck out.
Ik geloof niet dat gestrekt been het gewenste effect heeft. Gister begon iemand dat vrouwenvoetballers evenveel moesten verdienen als mannenvoetballers. Ik wuifde het weg en legde uit dat ook vrouwenvoetbal een eigen markt moet opbouwen. Vrouwenvoetbal wordt vanzelf populair als de vrouwen het goed doen. Ik denk dat dit effectiever is dan continu de dominee uithangen. Als mensen je in een hokje plaatsen is het veel moeilijker ze te beïnvloeden.
I've been interested in passivism:
If anything smoke more weed with people. They are much more open to redpills and "crazy" theories when you get stoned with them.
They will remember it well after that.
Aristotle is better, although I like both.
I actually agree.
Weed is disgusting and the biggest bluepill available. Fuck this degeneracy.
I haven't read either yet. At least reading gives us something to look forward to.
Weed honestly makes me less degenerate, me and a buddy have been getting stoned as fuck and just talking about politics and our future.
I've gotten redpilled on the way im going to lead my life, because of weed
tell your friends to troll the nazis on pol.
then wait.
>weed helps me to relax and spend time in thought
that sounds dangerous user. be careful!
>being civil with savages
It doesn't matter if they're niggers or white liberals. It's not going to happen.
Kek. This would probably work.
>Being degenerate helps me be less degenerate
Talking about normies here, not SJW's.
This is actually a fucking good idea. Pol should instigate raids on itself from normie media. Normies will have a lot of fun and stick around.
You have to wait for golden opportunities. Red pilled my gay boyfriend about Muslims when Trump finished his travel ban, and took the red pill even further after the Ariana Grande concert bombing. Liberals are self destructing at the higher echelons because of their policies and ego the last 8 years. Just point things out to them and don't be hostile and they might not verbally agree, but they'll be enamored by the truth. This doesn't work online though, libcuck gonna shitpost because they lost the election.
Explain how weed is degenerate, I have FULL control of my body. (unlike alcohol)
I don't NEED it, like right now I'm in Spain for holiday, haven't done it for a while and honestly haven't had any sort of withdrawal symptoms.
Lol if anything weed even increases my hatred towards jews
> redpilled my gay boyfriend.
> redpilled
> gay bofriend
It has nothing to do with believing its about taking action. You are to much in your head. Try to act instead of overthinking. What do you have to lose?
Het heeft niks met geloof te maken. Je moet doen. Je zit teveel in je hoofd. Probeer eens mijn manier wat heb je te verliezen? Proberen kan altijd.
Waarom vertaal je je tekst steeds
Redpilling people around you differs depending on the people. Some people can handle a lot, others you just have to slowly seep into their thinking. Concern trolling is a good first start, but I find the best way is just be assertive and have firm beliefs. Most people are just looking to latch on to other's beliefs anyway.
It takes all types user. How many kids do you have by the way?
Lead them to it, don't tell them.
Thread can be locked if you only talk in dutch. Sup Forums rules.
You really wanna know? First you need a WORLDVIEW. You kneed to sit down and think about WHAT you believe in and WHY. 99% of people are too stupid ignorant or cowardly to even know what they believe. If you build your foundation on Judeo Christian principles AND the earthly forms of knowledge like science, history, math, law, The Constitution, pop culture, hell everything will be halfway there.
Watch Milton Friedman's videos. Look for the one where he factually dickslaps Michael Moore from 500 pounds ago.
Listen to Michael Medved and Dennis Prager on the radio. They are all calm, cool, intelligent, and can debate without name calling. After you get good at that, then you can start mocking and making fun and using flowery, and rude language.
5 from each wife x4 wives
in summer they split in 2 teams and play cricket.