We must take over production of leftist memes, because the left can't meme, we might successfully disseminate memes that your average leftist will be dumb enough to share. We can make them look terrible, cause them to fight each other, and alienate normies from their side. If we play both sides of the meme war, our superior meming skills will ruin them. We can do this Goys.
We must take over production of leftist memes, because the left can't meme...
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bumping because Winston is /ourguy/
I hope that Peters can win
Sadly he won't because even on Sup Forums heaps of kiwis are voting for chang wang sucking national
NZ has become ubercucked, which is surprising because like America NZ was founded by based settlers to build a new world superior Europe
But kiwis are sadly bowing down to China
MMP works in interesting ways. I suspect he will get 15 to 20%. Immigration is the primary issue of this election, and nobody else can be trusted.
National are fucked they just back tracked on Immigration so Dairy farmers can get cheap labor.
Sorry bros. Nzf is losing support. They lost a large portions of their support base when they went public against Maori seats. There is a chance they wont even break 5%.
God I hate flips and indians. I was doing a nzqa level 4 ag course with people who could barely speak or write the language. Not to mention their math skills are late primary/maybe intermediate school level.
But they'll work 70+ hour weeks for 35k a year, so how can locals even compete.
MMP works in interesting ways. I suspect he will get 15 to 20%. Immigration is the primary issue of this election, and nobody else can be trusted.
Yeah where are the Maori on this? Shepherded into voting for more handouts I guess. You would think they would be anti immigration. Maybe they are just anti white at this point.
They literally adopt nigger politics from the United States. Maori think they were enslaved and that white people forced them to speak English. Fucking idiots.
Fuck off hobbit, we don't need any short "people" on this board.
Why do fuckwitts still vote national? Hasn't the country been fucked up enough?
They fear the Greens.
Melinated peoples always buy into commie oppression narratives. Must be something to do with being lazy and having lower IQs. Shows how much they care about their country though. They would rather see us overrun with pajeets than see us prosper together.
Getting maori on our side would definitely be a turning point. We could push the narrative of being a distinctly bicultural nation, while the maori attack multiculturalists for being anti maori.
Hell, maybe the crazy sovereign types could start occupying chinese business's and investment properties.
At least we aren't all descended from crims cunt. Also good luck with the leftist cancer in straya. Looks like you're the cucknadia.
I didn't read your post.
I just wanted to say that's a fantastic logo. Whoever designed that should be proud.
I can confirm that "Bi Cultural Nation" works as a narrative against Libs the problem is that to avoid being called racist NZF have adopted a "we are all equal" narrative.
All Maoris should be voting NZ First, If any of them cared about their race or realized the demographics of New Zealand.
>Racial demographics NZ: Maori 14.9% Asian 11.8%
I met an old Maori cunt the other day. He was based. Thinks Trump is hilarious and wants Winston to win. Complains about the young hood rats and thinks hard work makes you a man. They aren't all bad. I blame the leftists turning them into victims. Being a victim isn't the Maori way.
Thanks to social media and hollywood celebrities, Maori want to be black, not too long ago we used to get on really well.
You're assuming most of them aren't of a child-level intelligence. Go for a walk in Rotorua or South Auckland and just have a listen to these people. They have no grasp on anything.
Just antidontal evedience. We will see in the next poll.
It's a political party logo. NZ first is our populist anti immigration party that the media hates.
As bad as National is, they're 1% as bad as the Greens being in power would be. Fucking those SJW commies
Some of them hate Asians invading. Just not enough of them. Plus the only ones smart enough to get out and vote are either really old, rich professional victims or both.
NZ has no appetite for the current left. The polls are clear and consistent on this.
what about NF
stop non white immigration, kekd
It's only low level anecdotal evidence but I come into contact with a fair few blue collar workers in y job and a lot of them are discouraged from voting Labour because of the Greens coalition. I imagine it's even worse after the recent bennies fraud admittance, everyone in shit jobs despise people on the dole and would only see people dole bludging increasing it further.
The thing to remember about maori is they come from reasonable stock. Their ancestors navigated the Pacific, they had agriculture and basic diplomacy. We can't let the left destroy them. It isn't good for anyone.
That fraud is going to hurt both the Green and Labour hard. Hopefully will drive more people to NZF
Proof? Most people fell for the 'oppressed beneficiaries' meme
Why aren't there more politicians that can bant like him?
The really funny thing is that it's going to hurt Labour more than the Greens. Greenies are rarely reasonable people from my experience (biased by them being almost exclusively students) and don't really care or are even defending what she did. Lots of "ordinary" people vote for Labour just because they always have and this might just be the event that shakes them. Everyone talks about Politicians being criminals, tongue in cheek, but now there's front and centre evidence of a two track justice system.
The left is destroying itself. This is the same thing that happened in the UK and Oz. Unions vote in unelectable conmie after unelectable commie as leader, and then when they lose elections and founder in the polls, they go "I know what will get us more votes, more free shit!!!" Forgetting that they need swing voters from the center to get in. The Labour/Greens civil union/fuckfest only exacerbated the issue. They have put ideology over strategy, and I for one am pleased by their imminent downfall.
Reminder that NZ is basically third world country. People are still shitting in buckets in Kaikoura because they can't repair the earthquake damage one year on.
If you actually imported some competent people you might actually be able to build some fucking infrastructure in your two-horse country
Big ears is a cunt. He should do about as well as Colin Craig did.
Holy shit.
I'm a little thankful that Labour hamstringed themselves by doubling down with the Greens so early. Winston historically has never ruled out the idea of a coalition with Labour but he hates the Greens. With NZF on the rise, Labour could have offered a coalition in the event of a hung parliament and returned him to King Maker. I'd imagine Labour would give him pretty much anything if it meant them being in power. But that's off the table this cycle.
Go Rightist Brother
We know, Winston just said he wanted to import 10,000 skilled workers a year instead of 75,000 randoms.
I helped out down there. I don't know if you realize the challenges. It's cut off from access from any main centers, and the damage was fucking unbelievable.
He has a very pedo look to him. TOP won't get above 2%. Will be another Internet Party
Dunno if you read my post. The idea was to undermine the left by impersonating them.
Yeah I don't get the feeling anybody takes him seriously. But he appears to be trying to get down with the cool people on Twatter. Ew.
Tis the will of Kek. Everything is falling into place nicely.
Haha. No other political figure in NZ could pull that off. Even JK on the rock was pretty lame.
>import people
yeah that worked great for you didn't it
What kind of cuck still votes national?
Cow cockies.
People not brave enough to realize they don't have to swallow their pride and vote nats to keep lab/green out this election again
What the fuck are you talking about? They were polling 20% in the last one
I wonder if there's some way y'all could meme them into having a sudden spike of concern for missing children - completely "unrelatedly" to pizzagate. It would make the issue into a bipartisan groundswell even if they were still spitting about PG, and of course, since it's actually true it'd prep them to really be able to understand how good the case is against the trafficking ring when it gets dragged into the sunlight.
Fuck off POME we don't want you in NZ so stop trying to trick us into thinking we need you. Slither back to that human sewerage plant you call a country and rot in the distant memories of your long fallen empire of lies.
I just wish he'd stop pandering to his elderly followers promising them more gibs. What other reason do I have to vote for him other than immigration?
First time i got to vote was for Winstons NZF. And when he lost he went full blown racist, Like WTF bro i voted for you ya cunt. I havent bothered the last two elections to vote fuck em all. Now that Greenie miss Turei comes out as a bennie fraudster. So now i have to re enroll and vote National cause any cunt with a job has to vote National or the these lefty cunts get more gibbs. NZ gives out bennies, Family tax creds, and interest free student loans. How much free gibbs while ill work like a bitch and support myself. What the hell happened to labour party. They havent got a chance in hell unless they turn on the greens and get there votes back.
Helen Clark and Jew Key both hated him for being right
We are pretty fucked really. Mass immigration isn't stopping unless a major political upset happens, and we cannot allow the leftists to get in.
If Labour took a hard stance on immigration and refugees they would win easily. It's baffling that they can't understand what people want.
Honestly at this point in time I'd rather take the leftists. This National shit is getting cringe to the point I'd rather take the gib mes over bills smirking face.
Is the South Island a good place for Sup Forumsacks to raise big families?
Fuck off we're full.
Way I see it, Winston is the only chance we have. I am hoping he can form a coalition with National and stave off the worst of their policies. National in for a fourth term is a scary prospect only exceeded by the unlikely scenario of the lefties getting in.
Winston will be next PM, Bill English will get raped to death by the indians that he let in and Little will get trapped in Jacindias teeth
What's the average Maori IQ? I read one thing that said 91. Seems high for their level of criminality.
Its white as fuck my dude
Okay goyim, hear me out. What if you pushed the idea that NZ should only have immigrants from white countries and Pacific Islands? Intstakills the muh raysis argument.
>muh biculturalism
Yeah, but is it cucked as fuck? Housing is so cheap there.
Yep, theres a reason people on here call it the last bastion of white man.
If Winston gets in with Nation, he'll most likely cripple them and it will just be his government.
Too much effort for some dumb island.
Sure are a lot of commie red stars in this thread
>because like America NZ was founded by based settlers to build a new world superior to Europe
No it wasn't and neither was America, not a fan of this revisionist shit you keep posting Yankee brown noser
I bet they all have creepy high pitched voices. No wonder kiwi women prefer islanders.
They're like all leftists currently. Out of touch and cult-like. They can't understand why everyone doesn't subscribe to their ideology and think that if they just offer more handouts they might get in. Fuck them. I used to be a leftist but now I hate them with a passion. They can keep their grubby hands off my money, my house, my private life, and my freedom of speech. Filthy fucking commies can kiss my hairy white working class arse. If those fucks get in, it won't just be higher taxes, it will be all the trendy social justice fuckery, the influx of oppressed minorities instead of "skilled labour", more LBTQIDGAF brainwashing in schools, goodbye any semblance of freedom IRL and online, and a whole lot of capital flight. The political correctness will be off the charts. If they get in I will consider leaving. But where to?
Kobe was completely flattened in the earthquake but the Japanese had it pretty much completely rebuilt, as well as all the approaching bridges and tunnels, within 18 months
In NZ they can't even get the sewage reconnected, and they are still scratching their arses thinking of how they are going to rebuild the two lane road they laughably call a "state highway"
Colin Craig didn't do too bad. 1 percent shy of getting in, and far better than Maori, act or uf did.
If he hadn't fucked up wouldn't have been surprised if he'd gotten in this time
We don't want the likes of you in our country, leaf
Who made this and why?
There's a lot of old buggers that like to have sex with sheep. Not really cucked but they're a bit far out
That road is on very rough terrain, by the ocean, and is now under several individual mountains of rock. Not to mention the railway line is on the opposite side of the road from where it was before in places. The main issues are access, and safety concerns. It's not like Japan at all mate.
What a creep. Hypocritical bible thumping cunt. We need a proper right wing party.
let's meme total self-destruction for red blue and green.
We could maybe slip some 'black' in there, too, get into the cucked minds.
National are liars, trying to sell you a dodgy car with a promise and their mate robbing your house while they are at it.
Labour are like little lost sheep, leaderless, bleating ineffectually somewhere out in the sticks.
the Greens are bought outright, green in 1080, green in dollars, green from eating too much stolen candy.
But once you go black, you never go back. (and i know BBC is very non Sup Forums, but this is memetics for the masses, and any handle already programmed into their brains is fair go)
Refugees from Cucknadia > cow piss guzzling street shitters and sand dindus.
NZ births a year: 61k
NZ deaths a year: 30k
net growth, 31k
immigration? 70k a year,
that's fucked up
mate, national is fucking you sideways. bringing in so many immigrants your wages have been stopped from rising since forever. If you have kids, they'll get less from national than chink and muzzie imports, and youll be paying for all three.
You gotta vote NZ first, because anything else you might as well cut open your arm and give them your blood. Racist? good.
Most of that 70k are sand niggers and street shitters with patriarchal cultures that will outbreed us.
>thinking it's easy to remove one million cubic tonnes of rock
>with no land, air or sea access
Sure we don't have the infrastructure of bigger western countries, but unless you've actually been to Kaikoura it's hard to explain just how remote it was in the first place, and how shit the roads even were before the earthquake.
The left made me into a racist. Idgaf
Literally just meme NZF as being vehemently behind the all blacks and you'll get 90% of the vote. Why do kiwis like rugby so fucking much?
Our infrastructure is sub-par because were a country of 4 and a half million that's larger than the UK, I drive on a one lane metal road for an hour to buy groceries once a week, there's a bit of a difference between that and a densely populated country like Japan
> (You)
>Our infrastructure is sub-par because were a country of 4 and a half million that's larger than the UK, I drive on a one lane metal road for an hour to buy groceries once a week, there's a bit of a difference between that and a densely populated country like Japan
Which is exactly my point. Import some (skilled) people for your desolate sparsely populated land and you might actually be able to raise your standard of living.
Travelling for an hour on a dirt road just to get some bread is some third-world tier shit