Jews are responsible for all of the world's problems
Jews are responsible for all of the world's problems
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Whoa, it must be true if a picture says it.
shut up cuck JIDF
Whenever people say anything in defense of the jewish problem i always just ask them why jews have been expelled hundreds of times since the beginning of written history?
We know!
but but muh six gorrillion
Woah, great comeback.
Revelation 2:9 – “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”
3:9 – “Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie – I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.”
the vatican appointed some to be shepards. whites are shepards for satan aswell. divide and conquer tactics. numerology and symbolism.
the world is a stage and everyone has their exits. actors are nasa, politicians, and false enemies.
the earth is flat.
Add to the list:
>NWO central banking
>policy to disrupt middle east, regime changes, funding jihadists against opposing regimes, creating refugee crisis
>censorship, destroying speech
>destroying gun rights
all jews need to be exterminated
whites are evil too
fuck you jew
white freemasons
freemasons are satanic.
Do you even understand where freemasonry originates? It's become a split organization between "good" and "evil" where both sides cuck whites into complacency to Judaism.
so are jews
>it's da white man's fault, he be keeping the black man down
>it's da jews fault, they be keeping the white man down
daily reminder that if you eradicate every jew you'll live on an earthly heaven
>nothing about usury,interest and banking
you had one job
Amen Sup Forumsrother, Amen!!!
>Jews are responsible for porn
Nope. It's literally the oldest form of art known to man. Erotic figurines have been found dating back 40,000 years. I'm pretty sure there were no Jews back then.