>i own an AR-15 to protect myself from government corruptio-----
I own an AR-15 to protect myself from government corruptio-----
blumphies...? where are you! try to fucking defend this trumpanzees
I own an AR-15 because it's fun.
AR-15 is for executing dissidents while the predator drone provides overwatch-- for me.
>I lick windows for fun
Yes, OP, we can tell.
Sorry, leaf faggot. The US military will under no circumstances drone its own people. They aren't cops. They will probably be on the same side as the guys with AR-15s.
You're an idiot.
Albert Pike would love you.
If the military ever drones citizens,
you would see foreign troops on US soil.
That's cute. Be a shame if someone blocked the spectrum.
Because the gov has 320,000,000 drones
Waste of digits
>learned military strategy from twitter
Can an AR-15 stop a Predator drone? No. Can it stop the fuel truck from reaching the base where it takes off? Absolutely.
god fucking damn do you shill faggots ever get tired of making this same fucking thread and then getting BTFO? PIC RELATED
"I use an AK, leaf."
Not if you consider that he referenced a drone in that post, and there is a drone atop this thread.
America had draft and didn't have drones, m8.
Now you will have PMCs and professional army, legion of media to make sure the rest of america will fucking hate you, and provocateurs to ensure the general population will have a good reason to be pissed at you.
But keep believing your gun will help you fight tyranny.
Tyranny trembles... for several decades, LOL.
Meaning this thread..... THE HAPPENING THRED
Dear newfags: this is b8.
do not take it, or you prove that you have niggertier impulse control
you guys all think i'm canadian but i'm a american born and raised by southerners, and i have a bigger dick than everyone in this thread
only here for the digits
>guns are useless in modern wars
>and yet for some reason, armed infantry are still the core of every standing army in the world
Liberal logic
>using an AK
commies get OUT
Hows Afghanistan going?
Hows Afghanistan coming along?
>Civil war breaks out
>Suddenly a list of every senator, congressman, and (((globalist))) is "leaked" along with the addresses of their family and friends
...And liberals and their mongrels.
>You cannot control entire country
Yes, you can. Add a propaganda machine and provocateurs at CIA and not only you will get BTFO, you will be BTFO by your own countrymen, you dumbfuck.
And yes, "glassing large areas" is how the insurgents were always have been dealt, unless there was some use of them alive.
You don't knock the door of the armed guy and politely do the shit, you toss couple grenades into window, another couple into basement, and then ask questions to those who were lucky to get out of there alive.
That's why, by the way, cops in Murrishartia are so trigger happy. When citizens are always armed, you don't start treating them respectfully out of fear, no. You pump them full of bullets at any suspicious movement out of fear.
The only thing you will have is that the police (or government) won't risk to negotiate or be soft with your ass, since they have justified reason to blow your house and shove the precious gun that you have, up your own ass while you are still breathing.
>Implying that US doesn't keep those insurgents alive to use them against their own goyim in terror attacks.
And one more thing. Nobody lynched Reagan out of the "muh people against tyranny of the government" despite that fucker being at fault for the birth of the Islamic Terrorism.
Where is your fighting against ebil government that you brag so much about, you fucking cucks? Your government fucks over you (and, to lesser extent, the rest of the world) for several decades straight for bullshit reasons, where is your "revolution"?
I'll explain, where. In your fucking ass, burgers.
You can't hold a street corner with a drone strike. You can't enforce martial law with a bombing campaign.
The most successful tactic in the urban warfare of the late Iraq war was Clear and Hold, literally fighting street by street to secure and enforce buildings. Did air support factor in? Of course. Did old school tactics of medi-vac and reinforce make it a year long dogfight? You betcha.
Moreover when you look at history when the government raided cults and terrorist cells, they never use air strikes on US soil. You're gonna get flash banged then shot, or sniped. If you have numbers they'll send armored vehicles.
Say Trump is assassinated and Jim Mattis takes control with sweeping support of the US army. He wants to make being gay and jewish illegal, and he starts annexing territory in Canada and Mexico.
If you're a soldier do you follow your orders? Doubt it. You're gonna go home and protect your family from the heavily armed militias that just hacked the personnel database and are threatening to kill the families of soldiers supporting Mattis. Eventually democracy would be restored.
Ask Al Qaeda, Taliban or Vietcong how much you can accomplish with just a machine gun.
>Glassing large areas
Lmao, Why doesn't the gov just nuke the whole country you dumb fuck? They obviously want to keep some of the country intact. Otherwise, the whole civil war is a pyrhicc victory. Have fun being the King of a pile of corpses.
Secondly, how the fuck are they going to "glass" large areas without truckers moving oil, food, and medicines to military bases? Without electrical engineers managing the powerlines? Without the civilian base managing the infrastructure the gov NEEDS to function. Don't mention that they'd be outnumbered something like 500 to 1. Try throwing a grenade through a window then you retarded faggot. Do people think Soldiers are super human? Durrrrr, let's all rush into urban areas against superior odds with no logistical support because everyone refuses to help us
Kill yourself, honestly.
you know ive seen this thread like thirty fucking times but I always chuckle because I live in north dakota and you wouldnt believe the shit I hear people say.
ps we are letting a blind man open carry and constitutional carry begins next week so expect stories of people getting shot over dumb shit any time now
>US using nukes on it's own people
Drones can be easily spotted and taken down with a smart phone and easily gotten electronics AKA Guerrilla Radar/SAMS.
You don't get it, do you? The government is now on the patriot's side with Trump and the soon-to-be swap removal.
We are the ones with the predator drones now.
>constitutional carry begins next week
Congratulations, thinking of getting any new guns when that happens?
If drones were a good weapon for fighting civilian inquisitions, Obama's bloodthirst might have accomplished something in mudslime territory.
the government doesn't operate drones faggot
I'm here to enlist in your gets army
user, the military and the President are on our side. We'll be the ones with the drones when the civil war comes.
we could have won if (((they))) wanted to
Thanks for proving yet again that commies are mentally ill
Xer is forgetting one additional detail. Most of the military hates liberals with a fiery passion. I would much rather support the gun toting redneck than some faggot leaf shill.
T. MQ-9 weapons expeditor.
So how is it possible that a bunch of rice farmers, sand niggers and other human trash is able to fuck with the US and constantly winning battles, instead of getting wiped out within days?
>T. MQ-9 weapons expeditor.
ie sensorfag
tell us some stories, faggot~
t. 42R
An AR15 cannot shoot down a predator drone. It can do a remarkable job on the operator and his family however. They cannot fly themselves.
plus all the other shit in this thread. We gave up our guns, we're helpless. Do not let yourselves end up like us.
liberate tutame
How else are you going to escape slavery?
Of course the government can defeat a couple of militia, the point is if you have guns it forces them to escalate force.
If they have to use drones it'll be like the Chinks using tanks in Tienamen it'll be a PR disaster and it'll galvanize others. If you dont have guns all it takes is a couple of policemen to take you away in the middle of the night with little resistance and it doesn't make the news.
I own an AR-15 to protect myself from foreign/criminal hoards.
Drones and helicopters are useless against infantry in cover. Move to the nearest tree and it can't see you anymore.
I admire your resolve to spam the same bread for weeks on end despite getting continuously BTFO. DNC did Seth Rich.
someone brrraaap post for me so i dont get baned
This deserved quads of truth.
Saddam didn't live in the U.S, amongst innocent American citizens. If the U.S where to just carelessly mow down its own citizens, you on't think more people would rebel?
>people are still replying
>the government wins wars
>Stay indoors
>Drone is now useless
fuck you socialist larping kraut nigger
kill a commie for christ