Brits will not have anything to eat in the future. The great London famine with prices of shrimp cocktails and sushi and Chicken Tikka are going to skyrocket.
The Great British Farming exodus is on its way
Well. They could import farmers from south Africa, then.
Are they black or brown farmers? If not, then we're not interested.
They are black and brown - both at the same time.
wait, i'm confused. the price of fruit will rise, so the producers are moving out? shouldn't they be pleased by this?
>wait, i'm confused. the price of fruit will rise, so the producers are moving out? shouldn't they be pleased by this?
Shouldn't who be pleased? The Brits? Maybe, depending on whether there are tariffs for agriproducts from the EU. If there are no tariffs for agriproducts, then the Brits may not be pleased, as they have to buy their food from Europe while having no farmers left in Britain.
>Shouldn't who be pleased?
the producers, the ones who will sell their goods at higher prices. presumably the price for growing fruit will stay the same
Fuck off my holy land you cunts.
If you think your dirty protestant hands will touch the Catholic soil of Poland youre deeply mistaken.
My fellow Brits can look forward to a future of lukewarm shit sandwiches and stale piss ale for sustenance.
>farmers moving business
What are they going to do, take the land with them?
So nothing changes after all, eh?
The land will just be sold off to housing developers. Farms are vanishing in the UK.
Haha brexit cucks btfo retarded alt right
Uk replaced its whute migrants with black n brown ones or they starve
>OMG the price of food may go up!
>Farmers will get higher prices in relation to this
>The greedy decide to sidle over to Poland as they've learnt polish to speak to their workers just to get a fistful of shekels more
Who can agree this is a normal thing to happen?
>likes government
loool dumb shit
>The Independent
Its a leftist rag and I'm pretty sure they predicted an insta-shoah the second we voted no. Wait is this the price of fruit world wide? Are the bee deaths causing this?
mind the fact that UK is not Russia, they will not ban food imports blindly and gut their purchasing power as food prices skyrocket, they will keep the free trade and make local agri products uncompetitive unless they put a balancing tarrif
>pro-european anarchist
You sir, are retarded.
Considering how much produce comes from the Americas and Asia nowdays I'm not even worried if they did cut their nose to spite their face
shut up flaggot no one likes you
>2004, Poland joins EU
>massive exodus of polish workers to UK
>2017, UK leave EU
>massive exodus of british farmers to Poland
where does this meme come from that our goverment only lets you in if you a nig
my area is like 20% polish and romanian now
At least it wont be as bad as the first British farmers exodus.
Check out this newfag. I don't exactly care.
It is completly normal.
British farmers got assimilated by Polish workers.
Happens all over the world
Bongs are fucking loosers. They are afraid.
by which you mean the people you wanted to kick out with brexit?
Poland has good farmland. Second only to Ukraine, which is good tier soil for farming.
And now your begging for the white farmers to return as your all lazy nogs and cant farm for shit..
Then why does your lot keep niggering over to England so you can lime your pockets with tax payers money?
Polish dentists have their work cut out for them.
I believe the balkans have some nice soil too but they arent as big as Ukraine, damn I want a piece of that land
anglos will fit right in with bydło. They look the same.
Except stores won't buy from the British farmers because they won't be cheaper than EU prices - so moving the a place like Poland where starting up might be cheaper works in favour of the farmer, since his stock will be included on the EU side.
Isn't that typical British cuisine though already?
also give the fucking link
not enough room to breathe?
>damn I want a piece of tha
not again!
fuck off, its too fertile to miss out on
this, chinks will buy it up in 10 years time if we don't do anything.
Its impossible for us to run out of food, we just open our doors to more immigrants and BOOM, extremely cheap farmers who will most likely poison us through incompetence...
löl, britbongs talking about icompetent farmers.
Your farmland sucks compared to mainland europe.
>brits will not have anything to eat.
This is retarded brits have been importing more food than they produce for well over a century.
>Brit farmers move to Poland ahead of brexit
This is smart from a business point of view Britain's agricultural land is over populates and Poland's land is far more fertile. This move will achieve three things, more whites in Poland, more farmers in Poland and more land for farmers who stay in Britain.
Don't worry, Brits
Should you ever experience famine, we will of course send humanitarian aid to you.
We wont let you starve
You're the ones who are going to take it from us. You just imported 2 million people who literally shit on the street
>more whites in Poland
Poland is 99.99% white, Britain is 80% white. If Brits go to Poland, Poland ends up more white.
Ok man, I really want to see that math skill of yours here.
>live in the UKs largest farming region
>everything actually getting better
>we voted to leave
>Portugese, spanish, polish etc are leaving
>we have to employ british students to pick stuff.
>they're shit but it measn that instead of wanking and smoking dope our students are working for a living in the summer
Yeah it's all good round here. German OP is just projecting as per usual.
>Implying Poland will let non-whites migrate to their country.
Germany, please, the adults are having a conversation.
So literally nothing changes.
>live in serious farming county (Lincolnshire)
>no exodus yet
Good to hear.
Or they could just import food tariff free from Australia with the FTA we sign literally the moment the UK leaves the EU.
Here's the first paragraph from that article
>For 70 years, Tim Chambers’ family has harvested fruit in south-east England, but after Britain’s vote last year to leave the European Union he expanded into Poland and is ready to sell some of his land if a shortage of migrant workers worsens
It's all about labour, not tarrifs lmao. Good, fuck the EU workers. Reduce the minimum wage and let retarded Bongs work the farms
>The family of a bullied teenager have stormed out of her inquest after hearing no-one went looking for her until 90 minutes after she went missing
The fucking nerve of these Polacks to think we unironically care about them or their dead daughter
Are you even british then? Bc i lived and worked there for year and even 5 years ago it was too multiculti for me.
>Portugese, spanish, polish etc are leaving
>country goes from 87% white to 85%
>we have to employ ''british'' students to pick stuff.
>''british'' as in Bangladeshis and pakis
>bin that spork, and then we'll talk
>implying Spainairds, Slavs or the Portuguese are white
they're white user. they're included as white in your ethnicity thingy
enjoy watching Amelia get fucked by Muhhamad
your country is an embarrassment to the whole world
>Germany, please, the adults are having a conversation.
Stealing this response to filthy g*rmans
They're not white though so keep crying southern Euro fag. I hope your entire race gets wiped out
I don't know any Amelias?
Why doesn't Poland simply ban them? Because Polish nationalism is bunch of bullshit talk. Anglo exploited Poland for centuries and Poland always gives in to money instead of providing for more prosperity for native people.
Retard, all he wants is cheap EU labour and since Poles are basically slaves both parties get what they want.
>says the one with chlorine washed chicken
you literally cant say anything when it comes to food
>your country is an embarrassment to the whole world
Your country is such an embarrassment that you're LARPing to avoid showing your real flag. How pathetic is that?
You're so ashamed of your country that you hide your flag.
>picture related is Polish government's promotion for Polish workers when they joined EU
In case you wonder where meme came from. You are what you want to be, if you want to be controlled by others, then you will be.
Those are popular baby names right now so it would be kind of disturbing if you did.
>When Son loves Dad more than he loves himself.
Stop calling them "farmers" if they aren't attached to the land.
Call them agri-business, if they're just going to behave like any other international concern.
Anglos aren't white. Only Germans, and Nordics are.
You anglos are non whites, and you're mixed with iberians and celts.
You clearly know nothing about Caucasoid DNA.
good, otherwise you'd be a under yewtree operation
>thinks I'm a spaniard
The fact of the matter is, Britain is less competitive as a result of Brexit. Our industries are leaving for other countries and our GDP per capita will probably decline to mediterranean country levels.
You made this bed Britain, now lie in it.
t. Remain voting Tory
If only Germans and Nordics are white then Spainairds aren't white are they, thus proving my initial point? Durr you stupid cunt.
>implyiong your cucktry isn't cucked beyond repair no namtter who you vote for
you abnglos are pathetic, and have been slavesto the jews since the dawn of time
>not acknowledging by reverse mental gymspastics
keep up, ffs
my point is, dummy, is that there's no such thing as white anyway. Your country only separates pakis as ''asian'' because of dumb geographical and religious standards
You are right. And only North-Germans are "white", Bavarians and especially Austrians have too much foreign admixture. This also explains why from all the "Germanic" countries only Austria and England managed to keep together an Empire for centuries, while all such attempts from Germans and Nordics ended up in a hilarious disaster.
>my point is, dummy, is that there's no such thing as white anyway
Pfftt HAHAAH shitskinned southern "Europeans" actually believe this
Show your flag leaf
If Poles weren't willing to work slave labour then the farm owner in question wouldn't be considering leaving would he?
The Independent is Buzzfeed tier journalism.
You owe a lot to those shitskins, especially the Portuguese. Please respect your only consistent ally, my eternal Anglo friend.
Also Spaniards used to be based as fuck until they got degenerated after the 70-es.
>keeping hold of an empire
those dumb fucks really are deluded. explains why they're so proud of ''muh empire'' whuile not even realising that their elites were just hand in hand with rothschilds.
yet ''lad'' at the pub thinks HE abuuilt the empire. he this he's empire was based on british pride, not realising that the empire couldn't even give a shit about him, and was just globalist anyway.
No, there isn't such thing as white. It's a social construct rather than an actuual ethnicity.
The name you're lokking for is caucasian. And that includes ((you)), nords, gaelic celts, iberians, hellenics, sicilians, syrians, arabs, and poles etc
''white'' was a term coined by colonialists and burgers who were surrounded by abos, natives and blacks
Arabs can be distinguished from Germans/Brits/Swedes so 'white' is very much a valid concept. It also encompasses cultural differences between the Christian western whites and shitskinned Arab mudshits. Turn off your flag, shitskin
>Please respect your only consistent ally, my eternal Anglo friend
The problem is Poles aren't the capital owners, they are just workers and they show no sign ever wanting to change that. They get orgasm thinking about Anglo and Jesus from Israel, they were programmed through centuries by their kike kings to like their foreigner masters/gods.
not really. not all the time.
it works like a spectrum. not to mention that of course, you skull is literally the same.
there's many native briuts that COULD pass as an 'arab' anyway. look at russel brand
Just FYI you are not as smart as you think you are and seem impulsive. Bad combination. Study more
That doesn't make sense. If there are tariffs or if the pound drops, foreign food becomes more expensive and British produce become the better deal.
Oh wow what a nigger.
>our farmers are leaving
>but we killed some random whitey so it's ok
>crackas btfo
Russel Brand does not look Arabic in the slightest. He looks Mediterranean-ish but certainly not Arabic.
Our races are completely different with different cultures and considering that we've been at odds for some time a term to distinguish whites from shitskin Arabs is completely justified. You could also say that 'Arab' is a made up term if you want to go full on relativist.
Turn off your flag!
>they're white user.
lol, no.
Our facial structures aren't as similar as that image implies.
wtf are you talking about, weecuck?
well, he could pass as half. Like I said, set a lint from norway down to jordan, and you'll notice that people change gradually.
blacks, east asians and abos are a different race, yes
literally dumb dr William pierce white supremacists american tier logic
all that ''white'' is good for, is just a buzzword for lefty people to use. hence how it's easy for them to use ''white'' as a punchbag