Internet speed thread

By country.

Currently in Country Australia...


Im sorry friend. I hit 70mbit on the gold coast. You out in the sticks?

Middle of fugging nowhere m8

Holy chit. How does the internet work in America ?

tfw even I have better internet than Australia

100/50 Mb/s for 7$

A nigger and a fucking rock outrank 1st world nation



I honestly don't understand all these people hating on US ISPs. I fucking love AT&T.

1gbps down & 500 up (metropolitan speeds) for 10 euros a month :^)

DIGI for the win



digits confirm, also fuck the mods, banned the isp again couple months ago(for a brief period of time to be fair)

The fucked up thing is that there's little to no shitposting from romanians on this board lately

I'm not making fun. I'm saying how could you have so fast internet? The download here barely reaches 5Mbps and the ping is always 200

170/15 in California



only plebs in aus have such shit internet. im on adsl 2 here, getting 15/1, could be worse. getting fttb soon back soon so i'll be on 95/35 again.
nbn would have been a lot better if they ignored ruralfags completely and went ftth like most other 1st world countries.

>be wartorn shithole run by goatfucking arabs
>still have better internet than australia


I am on my phone so i cant do a proper speed test, but i got fiber, i get up to 1000 down and 500 up for 120$ a month split among a few people. I download 50gig files in a few minutes.

Shit speed here too.

FBI surveillance sucks.

Damn, which state/ISP?


the standart one


another ISP
TLKM is a cuck who used huawei material
biznet is a cuck who used to suck corporate dick, now they suck residential.


My ISP jew hates upload.

>diarrhea-powered internet is still better than us

im out m8s

University is nice.

Okay can someone post who DOESN'T have a faster speed plz.

downloads good but uploads kinda shit lol


Australia is cancer until you finally get NBN.

Welcome to the club


What in the fuck. How is it possible to get that much info in 1 second? In year 2000 it would have taken 1 year to download 1gb

>Still literally 4 times faster

I still feel your pain.

Eat it strayan cunt. I'm getting 69 megs in a backwater rural town in NZ.

Here's mine.


I don't think that's possible.




At lest I'm not a manlet

Life is suffering

Russia reporting in

Well, at least there are no shitskins where I live.

Thanks straya. I really don't get why anglosphere countries can't into internet.

Any aussie without at least 90mbs down is shit tier.

why Polen, why



Don't die out there brave Boer.
Feel good for me brave leaf.

t. Cityfag

NBN goes all over the fucking place. There's ghost towns in Tasmania with NBN.

get off your phone summerfag

Cities have the worst internet.

Holy fucking shit, how do you even post here?

New Zealand, Rural-coastal town.

Actually pretty decent speed despite our small economy.

Vegas baby.

What site is that?

You might want to check your wires or some shit xfinity is #1 in the nation

Not bad for such a shithole


Rural Virginia

and i'm paying for a lot more
got kiked :^(

I had better internet than you in 2001


>ping 4ms
that is until you fucking hue niggers join games hosted in America, and abuse 400 ping

100 mbps down for only $35 a month lmfao

One of the biggest ISP in Poland. I'm really happy with it but the ping in R6 Siege could be better though.

its hard. Captchas are a nightmare. the text ones are fine, but I basically cant start threads because you have to use the pic ones and that just doesnt work. The ones that regenerate pics while you select them are impossible, i do 2 than I get 'connection has been lost'.

I do have a better connection thats 7Mb/s and about 60ms ping, but its fucking expensive (about $15 per GB) that I use when streaming something, playing games or when I want to make an OP.


Residential area with fiber here. Nashville.

Just australia my shit up

Respublic of Tuva, Siberia, Russia


hello fellow gc senpai

Remods in house, computer not hooked up, brother.

Remembering the days when the internet was just starting and it would take 10 minutes to download 1mb keep in mind this wasn't a very long time ago.
I honestly can'y imagine how far along our technology will be in 20 more years, it's just so unpredictable.


Ayy another Gold Coaster

who's jealous?

Pic related is bare minimum

Czech Republic, at work in Prague, nice upload, but at home I have 200Mbps download

we may have 3rd world people here, but the internet is decent

The wiring in my building is all fucked up and I get 400kb paying for adsl. Please kill me


That's no residential shit especially when the up is that high and it's better than the down.
Why faggots need to lie about their fucking internet speed on anonymous image board is beyond me I mean what type of mental disorder do you really gotta have to be that egotistical


Where the fuck do you live to get that place ping and speed

Do you also have AIDS?

iz dis first world tier n shiet?

Yeah boi

I didn't know Poland had such good internet.

Google Fiber 100mbit plan

It's okay Mexico you guys have some pretty good communication companies so it's really not a surprise. The latency is bad though...

I remember it like it was yesterday

no, im white.

Something I forgot to mention here except for 1am-6am, when its unlimited, my datacap is 200MB/day

>when a NY Jew has internet ten times faster than yours