Well, Sup Forums? Are YOU European?
Well, Sup Forums? Are YOU European?
yes but i'm not a faggot so fuck off with varg
sage & cage
Cornwall and W*les BTFO
I'm not European and I wouldn't want to be.
>uses the latin version of the letter U "V"
>considers latin europeans shitskins
You forgot to mark London, Manchester and Birmingham as negroid
>Northern barbarians
Seriously, what?
But we was emprahs n sheeit.
>brown features
>not negroid
Austrians look like fucking refugees from a distance
Ching Chong Gureesu desu.
I'm Hungarian and proud to be on the list (Eat a dog's dick, Roma faggots, I'm sure the taste is familiar) but I have to ask why Finland isn't on the list as well. Estonia's Uralic too and they're European. What's up with that?
>hiding your flag
Yeah, no. Go to the alps, look for yourself. Go to Vienna to compare with the immigrants, and you will know what the difference is.
Doesn't Varg live in Southern France?
The ethnic French are genetically the same as the Germans.
Biggest misconception in history is that the Gauls and Germani were two different people, they were the same people but two different cultures.
Or maybe the franks bred like rabbits after they left Germany.
>just compare us with immigrants Sup Forumsro!
Different shades of brown, wew!
Divide and conquer, everybody.
Don't fall for the Jewish tricks, we are stronger together.
>we are stronga togetha
Fo sho homie!
>not Nordic
They have entire towns where everyone has blond hair and blue eyes. They have a greater concentration of Nordic features than Scandinavia. (The non-Italian parts).
I am extremely proud and happy to say that no, I am not.
Also who's the cuck in the picture, he looks like he takes it up the ass like a champ
Yes, I am
Just because they have some enclaves of Nordic people doesn't mean Switzerland is Nordic
I'm confused.
My anscestors came from the regions listed, but my hair is brown so therefor I am literally a Congoloid.
It sure is nice to have an internet man do all the thinking for me, else I'd have to develope my own beliefs.
Switzerland is more jewish than israel.
dont care still wont accept refugees
Yeah, so black.
Hi Israel.
>tfw bavarian
why is bavaria and austria nigger?
Hungary = European
Romania = Mongoloid
Varg disciples are retarded, dont waste your fingertips. They probably havent been in any country except their own.
100% according to Varg
Shouldn't you be in the fields, negroid?
Varg has some okay ideas and I wish him the best but at the end of the day, he really isn't an asset to our movement.
we aren't, but isn't pol thinks we are Mongolians?
Are Slovakians nordic? When were they categorized as Nordic? (I am half Slovakian).
what an arbitrary map
t. Norsk
He needs to be in the back 40 choppin' my cotton.
t. flag
jokes aside, this one is actually true, hungarians are less mongoloid than romanians. The Golden Horde didn't reach Hungary but it reached Moldavia, the Mongols too. Modern day "hungarians" are germanic slavs who speak a language which resembles the altaic languages a bit.
Var has since changed his mind on his bullshit. He now says only Italians and Greeks have any kind of noteworthy non-European admixture.
I can assure you that they do not
Well, how fucking retarded is this Kristian guy? He should kill himself as soon as possible. Also, Southern Europe is white too. Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece are all genetically white Caucasian, and if you state the opposite you've never been there, and you are a subhuman nigger.
Majority of Hungarians: blonde, green or blue eyed
Majority of Romanians: brown, brown eyed, brownie, browner, brownie brownie!
Anglos are not white
Pekka you have to go back.
Verken er somalier
Finland and Estonia have homogenized to be European.
the majority of Romanians have gotten Hun-d throughout the age so we look pretty similar especially the Transylvanian ones
this is how we look mostly at least people on the east of the country in the alföld
That's Norwegian, you stupid fuck.
Does this mean we've risen again?
Wow no shit Sven. Why don't you check my ID
For the hundredth time: you're a united shitstain; your """heritage""" doesn't fucking matter one single bit in Europe. Nobody cares. Nobody will see you as a Norwegian, or whatever fucking nationality you try to somehow randomly appropriate next, here. You can't use google translate in real life conversation either, cunt.
>born and raised in Bergen
>moved to Stavanger when I was 11
>moved to the USA when I was 15
>not Norsk
What did Mohammed mean by this?
>East Bosnia
>hey guis looki here, I copied Cunt Kristna's story so i know a few Norwegian city names!
Also, what region is that in Romania that's blue?
I know about the Alfold type, but it's a meme, few hungarians I know from the internet look like that. Romania is the most Mongoloid there by far. I am a Turanid type from Moldavia, so I guess you are whiter than me, fake mongol.
Harghita and Covasna because they're full of people who call themselves Hungarians even through I don't really know if they really are Hungarians folk
>he doesn't know the norskburgerbros
There's 3 of them on here I think. From their family that is.
The roman aristocracy was blonde
Ok bud
Tthe heritage matters more, I might be Romanian and bear a Romanian name, but it's obvious that my ancestors dwelt the steppes of Asia.
That's actually Bistrița and Mureș on the map, Varg didn't get it right.
Bavarians are the missing link between Austrians and human beings!
I'm Armenian, so apparently not.
Uga booga Muffukin bixnood
>getting things right
>Bistrița and Mureș
Right, my mistake
good that you explained the burger that they are actually Harghita and Covasna, but on the map Harghita and Covasna are mongoloid, gotta call varg on that.
Blonde hair and blue eyes were considered exotic in the Roman Empire, the mark of the Barbarians.
Similar to Black skin in Europe now.
Also, how insecure must you anglo-saxons be of your own achievements to "we wuz romans n shiet". They even made Alexander the Great Blond HAIR in one of the latest movies.
well some Hungarians got Asian eyes even some in my family without any Asian parents
but blond hair blue eyes is also a meme we got darker hears brown/black and brown/green eyes
the people who you referring to are probably from Budapest or the western part of the country who are mostly Slavic/Germans and the east in the alföld we really look somewhat like that
he wanted the Székelyföld which is Hungarian but he got it wrong on the map
>without any Asian parents
this is what you think, my grandmother doesn't even look remotely white, yet she has a romanian name thus no "asian" heritage. I have some mongoloid traits, too bad my other grandparents look like balkaniggers or russians. Anyway, greetings, brother of the steppes.
I have a 100% serbian dad and a 50/50 hungarian german mother
Dark brown hair and green eyes.
You tell me what I am
Pic related my eye
that map doesn't align with DNA charts.
why brittany and wales aren't nordic but ireland is, that's beyond me.
I dont think Armenians have african admixture
Show your flag roach.
>You tell me what I am
Not White
Finns mongoloid...
Irish not!!
Armenians > Persians > Indians > African blood
Not quite white, not quite arab...
Armenians get their swarthiness from Iran and Iran gets its swarthiness from India and India gets it from Africa
So Armenians DO have African blood
Mussolini had strong chin whereas Hitler's weak
we should classify individuals again
classifying populations makes no sense
Typical mediterranean.
>Russians trash
Lol u trol me?
Yes ,but anybody that claims itlaians and spaniards arent white is probably an oven dodger ,spain is more white than america.
Because Hungary and Finland appear as European I guess now we can say that Japan and China are European, no?
Typical American mutt.
28% Irish (which is weird since I thought only my grandmother was half Irish)
25% Italian
25% Scandinavian
The remainder Western Europe (Germany/Denmark/France), Asian (like, Turkey and I have no idea where that came from) and 4% African (Benin and another I forget, by way of St Croix when it was a Danish possession.
Quads have spoken!
Tell me she doesn't look like a nigger.
She doesn't. No facial negro features like big lips or nose.