N O W ! ! !
N O W ! ! !
I can't, it's indefensible.
We should be proactively culling the population of Africa, not just passively letting it happen.
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
If they can't take care of themselves they don't deserve to live.
If you want gibs, go to europe you niggers.
Tomorrows headline:
>Trump creates new economic migrants in europe
>Trump creates humanitarian disaster
>Trump redirecting money back to the country he's in charge of
didn't know trump was president of uganda
Good they are too many people already and its their own fault, alternativel they should FORCE a one child policy on all of africa. Or only give them aid/food that will also make them infertile. Only when they reduce their breeding to actual sustainable levels should they get something from the rest of the world.
Africa as a whole gets billions in gibs annually. Reducing it somewhat isn't go to hurt or help.
Who fucking cares?! It's not the responsibility of whites anywhere to take care of other subspecies.
Exactly. If an entire subspecies can't survive on its own, it doesn't deserve to live.
The same reason it's not immoral to stop giving money to a charity - it was your choice all along.
He is literally hitler. I'm pretty sure Hitler was the president of Uganda.
How 'bout they get off their asses and build their own first world country?
He's not the president of Uganda. Show me the treaty or contract they entitles them to American money, protection and, aid. Also when you subsidize niggers you just get more niggers.
And if he doesn't stop even more will die because they literally can't stop breeding like rabbits
This desu
idea on how to save the women.
send back all the fathers of the kids from
places like Greece/italy etc.
2 problems solved(Europe saved?)
We don't owe shitskins a dime
pain of people whom i don't know is my ultimate pleasure
the more some idiots suffer, the more i get satisfaction
Why is 'murica paying them in first place?
By the logic of these insane Guardianista lefties it's always immoral to cut foreign aid, it has to keep growing forever.
Anglos' problemes
women sre strong and independent.
if they die , its because they chose and want to ( = basically a form of throwing a tandrum )
Fuck them. We should replace their meds with sterilization meds. Problem solved in 1 generation.
Since i was young i had a feeling that white people are in fact aliens. The goal of these aliens was to take over their lands and wipe out culture. Everything checks out. History and this thread. Go back to mars aliens... I mean white people.
Just because I don't want them here doesn't mean I take any pleasure in them starving, but if they can't take care of themselves, nature must be permitted to re-balance itself.
If churches or individual groups want to provide aid, then good for them, but if the third-world hasn't become self-sufficient yet, more money isn't going to change anything.
I know, I know. I'm disappointed too, but at least it's a step in the right direction.
Why cant they form a government take taxes, and entice rich investors, to you know invest in their Country/Economy?
>Oh no
>Not women!
>Those are far more valuable than men
Uganda more like Ugandie AM I RIGHT FOLKS?????
Yep and that's inevitable.
”>1950 Africa population ~200 million. Famines
>2017 Africa population ~1300 million. Famines
Make it stop.
When the Yellow man finds an oasis in the desert, he maintains it.
When the Black man encounters an oasis, he turns it into a desert.
When a White man finds a desert, he turns it into an oasis.”
Niggers overbreed with 6-12 kids when they can't feed themselves and are projected to become 4.2 billion people in 2100 making up nearly ½ of the earths population. Ofcourse this will never happen what will happen is that hundreds of millions perhaps even billions of them will starve to death within a few short years once the food runs out.
See it's the western agriculture that puts food in their belly same as it's the western agriculture that feeds large parts of asia.. When we need to remineralize our soil, there will be no food coming to africa and they will mass starve to death. It's inevitable.
This is what you get when you breed like a virus and expect someone else to feed and take care of your kids. You are not supposed to pump out so many kids in the first place, this creates poverty and starvation because the infrastructure and ressources can't keeep up with that kind of a population. The reason for high living standard in white nations is that they have equilibrium with their infrastructure and population, so they have small population and high infrastructure.. These match very well.
Niggers do not.
How many niggers in uganda right now 205 million, the ENTIRE population of africa in 1950's, all niggers know how to do is breed and nothing else. They should never have been allowed to do this.
it's inevitable and niggers own fault, so i have no sympathy, because of their reckless breeding it's either we get food for ourselves, or we starve whilst niggers get a little food..
Can't feed yourself, have that insane amount of kids, you're going to starve by the hundreds of millions even 1b+
I mean I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY EXPECTED TO HAPPEN.. that the food would just keep coming, the entire african continent and it's people is basically on global welfare paid and provided by western nations. And the reason is because they were poor AND STARVING in the first place.. and what do the niggers do.. make sure so that in the near future UNPRECEDENTED AMOUNTS OF THEM WILL STARVE..
Nope niggers you are NOT coming to our nations because you can't keep it in your fucking pants.. Make such a massive problem for yourself? Deal with the consequences! That goes for EVERYONE ELSE OVERBREEDING and creating poverty and starvation for themselves. YOU ARE NOT COMING HERE.
And they just expect that it a) keeps going b) that they pump out 6-12 kids per family which makes the problem worse and makes it so each have even less. What's impressive is that they manage to starve regardless of their population but ofcourse the amount of people that are going to starve when we turn off the supply is going to be hundreds of millions because of how many kids they had in the interim.
Pic related is what these wellmeaning idiot leftists produce. Next time someone comes and asks me if i want to donate some money to help africa, i'm seriously thinking of punching them in the face.
oooooooh nooooooooo, that sucks.
Niggaz die err day
Usually to their own kind.
Why is that America's responsibility?
They have enough problem with foreigners on their own soil exploiting their generosity.
Culling foreign aid is a big step towards improving Africa.
All this africa aid stuff.. it hurts niggers and it takes our money our effort (niggers don't do fucking SHIT but beg), that could be used somewhere else..
It doesn't help them it doesn't help us, because you are unwilling to sterilize these faggots whilst building infrastructure for them and giving them food so the problem just gets worse and worse..
And since you don't have the balls to do what is right.. then there is only one solution. STOP DONATING MONEY TO AFRICA, PERIOD YOU FUCKING IDIOTS, that's the ONLY way these people will ever learn to act responsible and be accountable for their own actions.
There's nothing you can do about the mass starvation coming anyways, literally nothing because due to remineralization eventually the overtaxed western soil has to rest and remineralize or you can't grow shit in it.
If you stop giving money/aid now then there will be less of them that starve, if you keep this shit going you guarantee it's going to be in the hundreds of millions or more. Your call shitlibs what's it going to be? Tick tock!
Fuck Niggers
That's my defense.
If Africa wants aid, they need to implement a one child policy for at least 20 years and implement mass sterilization.
die niggers die
I love you Japan, never change.
Why is the welfare of nigger whores in Africa Trump's business?
Uganda should pay for Uganda.
Easy. She isn't an American, so MY tax dollars shoildnt b paying for these dindus in the first place. Bad enough that we are giving gibs to the fucking dindus already here. But I am not completely cold hearted. I am willing to subsidize the cost of a bullet to end her suffering.
Where's Ebola-Chan when you need her?
I wish the uk would do the same with its foreign aid budget.
Ugandas problems != americas problems
Good. The solution for world hunger is not feeding them, it's teaching them to feed themselves, regardless how many die in the process. Kys lib-fag
Not my country, not my problem. Go cry to Europe, they're still sufficiently cucked.
"family planning"? Are you fucking kidding me? They have the fifth-highest fertility rate IN THE FUCKING WORLD. 6 kids per she-bitch. They couldn't plan a game of tic-tac-toe.
Look at this graph. 6.7 million in 1960, 41.49 million today.
Is this sustainable?
its africa. let em die
Are rwandese the niggerest ?
>ask for aid
>get aids
if niggerest mean takes the most aid. have a look at liberia
Nah. Hit hard by the recession but doing much better since. Chart is old as hell.
On the plus side, the western world ignored the genocide taking place there, 1 million gone was a good start.
I didn't see Liberia, kek they are the true descendant of US gibmedat slaves it seems
So the niggerest are US niggers
Good. Artificially propping up their failed society has created more problems. Their population is now at unsustainable levels. Let nature take its course. It will only get worse the longer it's left.
Were they this starving and hungry during the colonial era? But nah das racist and we should let them reproduce to unsustainable levels
I would rather do nothing. Sure, .556 is cheap but I would rather spend nothing and let them die off in droves.
Its a good thing, we need to reduce population and we start in 3rd world countries because they breed like rats
pic related!
who literally gives a fucking shit
>not even hot
"Usunthu Zulu, Zulu!"
Just removing white man's racist science from Africa.
This is your doctor now.
It's funny how people still believe in those witch crafting, mumbo jumbo speaking and head clubbing fucks.
we gave them a finger, then they took the whole hand, then the whole arm, then both arms and everything they could. now its our fault they are dependant on us?
Wtf let them fend for themselves - wtf do you owe them you cuck
thats a job for the ugandan president. trump is the president of the united states of america. trump isn't the president of uganda you moron.