>Swedish Government Scrambles to Contain Damage From Data Breach
>Swedish Government Scrambles to Contain Damage From Data Breach
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Hanging when
Press conference in 34 minutes
Fucking Sweden, u wuz vikangz n shiet, what the hell happened to you? Do your people ever ask this themselves?
Funnily enough, yes. But the answer to that question is the reason why nothing will happen. We dont actually care.
When you remove pride from a people you gain apathy.
thread after thread you are doing great work Archivist
This should be one live stream.
And this would be another, if I get to post it.
Could be up for reelection, bad thing is Sweden Democrats cant take power without the help of literal coalburner Moderates. Even when we win we lose.
>t. bonnier
another live stream but from our """""""""""""""impartial""""""""""""""" state media
Sweden has undercover operatives?
We'll move a bit towards salvation if AKB is forced to rely on Jimmie as a crutch. It will be hard to get rid of him afterwards.
not many but a few
gotta bring down those nazi organisations
I did not give you permission to reply to me, Sven.
he's not leaving
big news
He stays. Regeringsombildning
LOL Socialists are such fucking delusional power hungry idiots
Fuck this country
What's he saying Swedecucks?
Is it good news for SD?
>t. 42%
nah, he's just moving people around
Well, fuck.
Quick rundown in pic related. Swedish anons, what is the status?
Nothing happens, board is changing. Back to sleep
When is this shitty country gonna hurry and collapse?
I need this meme translated
show your flag, nigger
It's the same in all the Western European countries. No one really has to take responsibility for their actions anymore - minister of interior in one of the German states was more or less at fault for the attack on the Christmas market being successful (the guy could have been arrested numerous times but he veto'd it) and he just remained in office regardless of that. Only lost it when his party crashed in the next election.
The problem is that by now all of them are in deep shit. If just one steps down, they'll fall like dominos, so they simply suspended all consequences to save their own asses.
Take your country back then.
Who would win:
The swedish government vs a czech usb with some car licenses
Sweden needs a war. I don't know much about this country besides that it's bordering Somalia. But what do know is that you really need at least one war/5 years or you turn Swedish.
>who would win?
>Swedish government, conservatives and greens with socialist support
>a Czech USB flash drive with some drivers licenses
Close, but no cigar.
>Swedish ruling cabinet, socialists and greens with communist support
Haha, what a fucking farce..
Oh well, SD up another percent..
Kek, you guys have a legit commie party?
Nothing happened
Stefan didn't resign, all he did was change those ministers
I fucking hate that powerhungry welder
He should have resigned. He just made the Red-greens loose the next election for that PM money
Thanks archive nord
You bet!
But they don't call themselves communists anymore, just "left". This is a video of what happened when their former leader got called a communist:
>Except Morgon Johansson gets even more power
fucking christ. I hope we lose all our alliance and get invaded by russia, this country deserve no less for this incompetent shit.
digits confirm.
Putin please hurry, you already got all the data needed.
this is our new minister of migration
what do you think she will do
Judas Ygeman out, ISIS-hugging mongoloid Johansson in. Civil war when?
>I see problematic borders in Malmö
Well the bright side is that now we can get a bunch of statisticians and analysts on all the swedish data to come up with some interesting research!
I'm reaching the point where I am wondering if there'd even be any severe downside to that.
If your own government literally wants to wipe you out, foreign occupation might actually be a preferable alternative.
atleast the rapebabies will be white
Speaking of which, does anyone have a link to the leak? I'd like to take a look as well.
They're clinging on, they simply replaced some of the ministers
Because of this loss of face SD might grow, but not enough to become part of the new government
I predict we will end up with yet another weak government after the election, unless other parties decide to cooperate with SD. Could happen if moderaterna lose two of their allies due to those parties being too small to be in parlament
So I guess this means more votes for SD in the next election?
>Tune in
>We're gonna focus on building more welfare!
Welfare is exactly why this shit is happening, fucking retards.
>literally give up every piece of national security to foreign countries
>lol we're not leaving
these fucks better be voted out in the next election
Oh lali. Hubba hubba.
Hopefully (S) in 2018 election are fucked
>official no-go zone
shut up flaggot, no one likes you
Lol they are importing voters all day.
The shittiest ghettos always vote 80% or more for these fuckers
>these fucks better be voted out in the next election
I want to believe.
I truly believe that giving Swedish women the right to vote was the worst mistake we ever made. Democracy is so fucking overrated, but we've really put ourselves in a mess here.
Give our money and women to brown people
The show ain't over until the fat lady sings. They have still called for an extra meeting in the Parliament. It's still possible that votations of no confidence will be flung around sooner rather than later.
But all in all, SD will chug on. Libtards are likely to sperg around while not accomplishing anything.
is there any chance to uncuck sweden?
Should they resign?
I mean, SD could still grow until 2018.
Is there any authority in Sweden that could hold them responsible for it and is not yet compromised?
Only if everything collapse into anarchy and we need to conquer farmlands held by Achmed
All authorities are their puppets, more or less, so no. Not gonna happen
You're forgetting we've got the SP, which is also a commie party.
Well, fuck. I hope that enough of your fellow men do the right thing next year then and vote these fuckers out.
Or that some allahu akbar does you the favor of blowing them all up, that would be acceptable too I guess.
Yeah, the Red-greens already have a very low trust rating and with this scandal happening and all they do is switch ministers
It will cost them votes
hörrni svennebananer
vad fan snackar svetsnegern om
finns ingen röd tråd i hans tal
Seeing Shrek clinging to power after giving away the keys to the kingdom to foreign powers I don't feel like this is how democracy was supposed to work
does sweden have an army or something? i reckon 20 good men with grappling hooks could conquer sweden tbqhwysampie
He could have gambled with a resignation. Had the liberal coalition fuck itself. Then made a grand comeback.
Hur i helvete kan någon ha förtroende för svettsaren!? han stakar sig och ser otrygg ut hela jävla tiden... ett tydligt tecken på han är en korrupt bedragare.
Could be a risk that the fire dies down and their damage gets somewhat healed before the election
People forget things really fast so we must make sure to bring this up whenever we can
Han skyller ifrån sig i vanlig ordning. Anledningen till att det inte finns någon röd tråd är att han ljuger med varje andetag.
Shouldn't the best and the brightest rule? Here we have a fat, balding, ugly retarded spineless midget ruling our people. Look at them. I cracked up with laughter a few times during the press-conference, they just look so fucking weak and stupid. Smug faces while telling us that nothing will be done, things will stay the same it was.
They could put a puppet painted like Löfven on the microphone and just play a recording from his previous speeches, nobody would notice or even care. Pinsamt.
u mohammeds better start talking english or else, i mean or.. present.. hahah
Power is one hell of a drug.
To think he'd relinquish his power by himself is nothing but naive. The only way he'll be replaced is by force.
Lövfen is such a fucking orc. He can barely form coherent sentences even while staring down his manuscript.
shes got the dopey eyed expression of a libcuck, id say 1000% increase to undocumented terrorists
tror inte han gav ett direkt svar en enda gång
this is /swepol/ you adapt to us, nigger
I think it's really time to liberate your hold from the orcs and all those foreign races coming in dont you think
"I'm the minister of state, I'm the one who rules Sweden" x several times.
Like an obstinate child....
>Shouldn't the best and the brightest rule?
Representative democracy has hardly anything to do with the will of the people or the well being of the country.
It's mostly just a self-appointed aristocracy that keeps the population docile by giving them the illusion hat their input has any effect at all on the political decisions.
The liberals are just mindless drones
They didn't even think about the Hillary email crisis before the election
So what you are saying is true, they will forget
Alright upside down cunt, I'll help you
Hey Swedes, what the fuck is the weldernigger talking about? There is no red thread in his speech
How the fuck can anyone have any trust in the welder? He stutters (not really, can't find a good translation to stakar) and looks very uncomfortable all the time.
A clear sign that he is a corrupt betrayer
holy shit, did not expect this to happen in the west. heads will fall
they are fucked, how many kids does she have? how many cats?
i dont see syria general in the OP mate
He's trying to be assertive, give the lad a break
>looks uncomfortable
Because he's in his wrong form.
Hela den här regeringen förtjänar döden. Under vilken tidpunkt i historien som helst, bortsett från vår, skulle det där gänget av flinande mongon blivit avrättade för folkförräderi. Istället får de sitta kvar vid makten.