what is so special about this picture?
What is so special about this picture?
/x/ memes
That's it
It makes a smiley face or maybe a maw and nostrils
He's smiling at you because he wants to eat you.
>almost august
>still no hurricane happening here
it's never going to happen again is it lads?
no but the only thing i know about this is that is fkin everywhere and when i ask nne give a shit.
happen what?
Median ETH price (USD) for the next 10 month.
July 1 to August 31, 2017 - 200$
September 1 to October 31, 2017 - 400$
November 1 to December 31, 2017 - 800$
January 1 to February 28, 2018 - 1600$
March 1 to April 30 2018, - 3200$
May 1 to June 30, 2018 - 6400$
It is Kek you uncultured swine
Kill yourself (((cryptominer)))
Stop making my GPUs so expensive
>using the smiley face without the carat nose
Quit being such a pleb, make more money, invest it wisely dumbfuck.
>wahh i dont know how to wait time without cheap shit
>cause inflation and destroy the economy, dumbfuck
KYS. Knock it off cryptocucks.
i bet your beta ass needs some cheap shit gpu to play minecraft on 60 fps faggot. grow up and get real computer parts.
>invest in a one off bitcoin goy
Yeah I rather not, ETH is a dead end, I've already made my money. If you know anything about economics then you would know that something loosing value and momentum midyear and taking longer than a month to recover means its demise or slow crawl to death
Etherum is retarded, a shitty blockchain built on shitty code that got hacked.
Like it wasn't even that a company with tons of ether in one wallet or a bunch of online private keys got leaked.
Straight up etherum is built up by hodgepoge shit. Like a combination between php and JavaScript, the two most shittiest programing languages.
The only solution the white hats could do was steal the rest so it wouldn't get stolen. Etherum is a joke.
it's real and not photoshoped
Nothing. Nothing speicdal at all about this picture.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
>Etherum is retarded, a shitty blockchain built on shitty code that got hacked.
Sounds like the US government
made what money you cheap piece of shit?
>muh gpu!
if you had more than a worker drone's pittance you wouldn't care that an old amd card was exploited by some people. cry more. sucks to suck
>I have no argument so I'll insult you and your amount of wealth I have no idea of knowing about
>cry more.
>sucks to suck
Aren't you supposed to be in summer school sonny boy?
I turned my short into a long, let's do this.
Only subhumans don't margin trade.
It's a binary star system.
It's pretty.
>11 revelations
we're living in it, the two witnesses pointed at by Neptune , the Holy spirit is being poured out in Uranus
>Revelations 9
another user described it, The star that fell and leads the creatures from the abyss, is Islam and Isis, and its' centered mainly in around the Euphrates River (Syria)
>revelations 6
see the sky in December 20-23 2015. you'll see the 4 horsemen there
Jupiter is the white horseman on that date, he is in the lion.
>Leo, the leader, first one out, HorseMan holding a bow. see Mercury.
Mars is the Red horseman, he is in the virgin
>Mars is war
Venus is the Black horseman, she is in the scales
>the scales are Libra
Saturn is the Pale horseman, he is in the scorpion
>"Death where is your sting", biblical scripture
Mercury is Hades, he is in the Centaur
Revelations 12?
>revelations 10:6-7
>time will be no more and the mystery of God is finished (revealed)
the last trump/at the sound of the 7th angel
>when is that?
see below.
>revelations 11:3-7
> the two witnesses witness unto Israel, then get killed
>revelations 11:15
the last trump happens/sounds/7th angel sounds
when this happens, the dead will rise, then, they and we (you too if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord) will be given immortal bodies and raptured.
This is when Revelations 12 opens up.
>the woman pained to be delivered.
>as soon as the child is born, he is Caught up.
boom, Rapture.
this is on Sept 23, 2017
then 3 1/2 years of tribulation towards the people of Israel, then the antichrist comes down >3rd woe??
then for 3 1/2 years the woman flees to her allies on two wings of an Eagle
>america and mexico
then when the dragon (antichrist) realizes that he can't defeat the woman, he goes after her kids (Jew converts to Christianity)
then in 2024 (probably around august) starts Revelations 13
>beast with the body like unto a leopard
Leo minor
>mouth of a lion
>feet of a bear
Ursa major
but hopefully by then, we aren't here.
Larping until proven otherwise
you can verify revelations 11 by looking at Neptunes and Uranus's current location on stellarium or any starcharting map
you can verify revelations 6 by looking at their locations on the date provided, as for revelations 12, there's more than enough information online to verify that it is going to happen.
all the other chapters have happened aswell, but to point them out, in detail would take too long and would be disregarded (as my revelations 9 explanation)
It's thought to be related to a prophecy within the book of revelations. The parts about the rebirth of the massiah.
If you guys want to know I'll explain it but I can't be fucked if no one cares.
Nothing.it's just Saturn and its rings