equity involves redistributing just enough resources to achieve same quality of result, while equality gives people resources equally regardless of the results.
Which one is more feasible in practice?
equity involves redistributing just enough resources to achieve same quality of result, while equality gives people resources equally regardless of the results.
Which one is more feasible in practice?
why is everyone black on this image
We all come from Africa, user
whites could afford season passes
why did you have to bring race to it
Remove the fucking fence-ity
White people can afford seats instead of stealing boxes to watch the game without tickets
why not? Im white and id like to see more whites on this image
Because they can't afford baseball tickets
Subsidize poverty, get more poverty. Stop subsidizing poverty.
Equality obviously. Equity means that all of society will be dragged down to the level of the weakest link. Good luck trying to build a successful society under that premise.
>captcha: Salto King
That's what I thought too. Redistributing resources more in favour of weak people is literally rewarding degeneracy.
The real answer is to raise the fence and prosecute these niggers who are trying watch a game that people spent their hard earned money to buy tickets for
so what you're saying is that in order to help the short guy, we take away from the tall guy because he was born different? So instead of discriminating against one person, we now discriminate against another.
Fucking brilliant.
thats how libtards think. know ur enemy.
Libtards are racist, sexist, classist (and so on) as shit. They just think that because they are "stealing from the rich" it's not stealing.
I don't think brown people have the ability to grasp these 2 abstract concepts.
Gibs for the Australopythepeeds.
Equality is what should be implemented.
Some guy just doesn't deserve half of what I fought for just because he didn't feel like working.
its not really diverse if they are all black
just kill them all and be done with it god johnny why do you ask such retarded questions
Equality is a negative right and as such much easier to enforce.
Best answer.
Equity is Communism that gives you more resources the dumber and weaker you are. Ensuring that over the long run humanity will devolve into brain dead tranny goblins and then die out
It is the most evil thing one can possibly image. It guarantees humanity will never travel the stars but instead go to hell and die out and be forgotten.
Equity is totally impossible in academic and employment outcomes, and that's all that equitards care about. You're never going to turn that black retard into a doctor, no matter how much money you spend on dem programs.
Neither is right.
The superior ones should have the right to do anything
Theocratic plutocracy is the way to go.
Nah, that sucks also.
Plutocracy is the death sentence for culture and heritage.
Some authoriterian stuff is way better.
You missed the theocratic part.
kek ... truth manifest
>Which one is more feasible in practice?
arresting these 3 niggers for attending the game without paying for a ticket
one doesnt deny the other unless youre talking about social programs.
society creates equality. individuals create equity
>individual productivity = height
retarded analogy. also get off my property.
Get out marxist. MODSMODSMODS
None of them paid for a ticket, they're all breaking the law and shitting on equity and equality both by not legally viewing the game in the first place while everyone else had to pay.
equality is on the right, that's how things are used today
also what kind of a faggot uses one word and one picture? equality of what? you evil piece of shit
equal rights
equality means an ignorant rapist listening to rap and raping his own grandmother occasionaly is as precious as a nikola tesla?
noone is equal, there is merit and civilisation are not built upon luck
Equality of opportunity (aka the left one) is what you want, except the picture makes it look bad.
Give everyone 3 more boxes and the problem disappears. This is the ideal outcome.
... a white person would have tickets to the game of course
The best people get the best
Ok people do ok
Bad people fuck off and die
from each by ability to each by needs
The best people work the hardest
The worst people get the most reward.
Gee really makes me think why one works and other doesnt.
I grew up in a black part of town I'm white the black kids got affirmative action programs that I didn't get to participate in now that I'm grown up I'm still experiencing reverse discrimination the uncle toms get to sale crack and they turn in the other people black and white and the cops live them alone for helping to control the other poor people however I'm still treated more badly then the blacks economically by the middle class I just don't get it or understand WTF
The false premise is that equal outcomes are possible. The pie is not infinite. If you advantage the blacks in a trade, say quotas for black doctors, that means fewer places for everyone else. So I don't get to watch the game at all, because it's more important that the black guy gets to watch it.
It's pretty disingenuous stuff, but I imagine they know that well enough. Tying a millstone around one person's neck to advantage another person because they are from the correct subgroup.
Equality the way leftists want it is having three tall niggers. The argument that they present is not 'we should give women and minorities extra help so that they can preform jobs as well as white men', it's 'we should allow women and minorities to do the same jobs as white men because there's no difference between them.'
If you want to see what the end result of equity is, you need to read Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut
Equity is basically the kind of ideology that is shilled by dumb animals who can't tolerate anyone doing better than them. It encourages mediocrity, and mediocrity is for subhumans.
A guard beating them with a telescopic baton and constructing a higher fence is what should fucking happen.
Fuck equity and fuck equality.
If I would get an equal outcome, I would stop working instead of putting in 50+ a week, most would.
That's why this always fails, those rich enough leave with all their capital, and the middle guys you planned to squeeze only put out enough to get by since it does not matter anyways.
> Blacks stealing something
Equality would be arresting all three and putting them in chains.
why is it that when these is gobs to get they always go to the same middle class whites and uncle toms and the poor blacks and the some white poor people get left out of the equation
Equity is an absolutely disgusting idea. It's what all this SJW "equal representation" bullshit is built upon. In that pic, if you need a box to stand on, build one or buy one. Don't expect one to be handed to you just because you want it.
No you need to read gulag archipelago if you want to see the equity end game
sounds like commienism to me desu. both of them.
>A manlets guide to height