Draft dodging cheeto

>spend years dodging the draft like the humongous coward he is
>now makes it so trans people will never have to fight for their country
Lmfao what a quivering pussy

umm honey mr is best you lose. prake kek magapedes ignore shills! xD

Fuck off you bigot, are you saying you want transgenders to die in war? You actually want them to die??? In the current year??? I can't believe you could be such a bigot!!

Trump is a sad little spoiled brat that is trapped in a grown mans body and you know it. Its what happens when nobody tells you "no" when you're growing up

Vietnam was a retarded war. Draft-dodging was the right thing to do - starve the warmongers of the human fodder they needed to pursue their mistake.

Yes you're right send all the poor to fight while you stay cozy in your daddy's mansion. And then ban trannies from ever fighting for their countries.


>dodging the draft for a war we shouldn't have been in
I thought left shits hated that we were in nam and it was a badge of honor to dodge

>trans rights are human rights

>political correctness has made cutting off someones penis and keeping the wound open for the rest of the guys life a more attractive option than admitting that hes mentally ill

Stop talking about yourself

Trump was a Democrat back then.

They only ever empathize with veterans when it's convenient. It's how McCain transformed from Tokyo Rose to TORMENTED WAR HERO WITH A HEART OF GOLD as soon as Trump said something nayward about the way his balls were hung.

>posting our own propaganda to try BTFO Sup Forums

Is this what it feels like to be a jew?

That doesn't count as draft dodging, does it?
He was clearly exempt (because of school) and then disqualified.
Draft dodging is having no exemptions and no disqualifications and then not showing up.

>shitty bait from a mentally ill tranny without a dd214
try harder.
This guy gets it..

Doesn't change the fact that he is a gigantic coward
I didn't make it

Poor people should have taken up arms against the cops and MPs sent to round up the draft-dodgers. Instead, they were more likely to VOLUNTEER and inform on dodgers. They chose their fate.

Trannies aren't good for "unit cohesion," and the military's main task is to fight wars. Unit cohesion is important in war. So, the military should implement the policies which foster unit cohesion and abandon those which don't.

>Armed combat


More like stupidity



>stay cozy in daddy's mansion when you send others to fight.
uhm. do you really think that President Trump sent people to war in the 60's, while living at his dad's? Trannies are mentally ill it seems afterall.

>shitlibs suddenly love wars for oil

lol, 4D chess

Your heros are going to jail.

>Doesn't change the fact that he is a gigantic coward
Good. Let him be a coward with his own ass and the asses of our boys. A leader for the modern era is not a fantasy king ready to die or some flower child hippy who thinks everyone should get everything they want and no one should suffer the slightest setback in life. It's a fucking mob boss, someone who will bully, intimidate, lie, and cheat in order to avoid war and increase his country's prosperity.

You're a fucking child with delusions of nobility. You wouldn't be so eager for someone else to run off and get shot at, if you'd ever experienced a genuine threat to your own tender ass.

Draft dodgers like Muhammad Ali are my heroes, why would anyone want to die or get crippled for the rich (who refuse to serve themselves, like Trump did) and the Jews? There are always enough dumb fucking animals and sociopaths around to do that for me, especially now when they all are contract-signed mercenaries and can't blame anyone for being limbless or paralyzed.

Trannies are disgusting and deserve no rights fuck off
