Why is it so hard to build new cities from scratch?

Why is it so hard to build new cities from scratch?

Europe is overrun by refugees, why not let them build their own city? The refugees gets protection, the host cunt get extra tax revenue and everybody wins

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Why in heaven would Europe allow them to build their own enclave?
Are you thick or something?
If you come to Europe you should assimilate and take the values not bring your own shit and force it down others.

Wew, nazi one looks like some Coruscant or something from grim future where people are machines. Im glad they all gone.

>let's replace pristine landscapes with commie blocks
It looks like shit

You mean an artists impression?

Nature and animals are pointless at this point, they are meant to serve us, and if they get in the way, removed.

>expecting inbred kebabs that lived ten to a shitty shack over in Syria the past 500 years to build a first world civilization

Then at least make a decent city not commie block central with nazi flags. Fucking, hell I would kill myself if I had to live in that.



No National Socialist would ever disrespect nature. Off yourself lefty/pol/ shill

surely you mean a money sink?

as soon as they try, they will fail, the government will help a little bit. then more. then thirty percent, then ninety percent. then all of it, and it will be just another ghetto blamed on white people because niggers are literally useless at anything except savagery

This. Berlin's my favorite city in the world for this reason. Lots of large concrete structures offset by giant parks, natural spaces and greenery. Every other city I visited in Europe after Berlin looked like shit in comparison.

u should probably kill yourself now tbqhwy

Nature has no consciousness.
By the same logic, we shouldn't, say, ever explore any other planet, since those are pure nature, and our presence alone contaminates it.

Nature, the Earth, is ours to do as we please.
A bunch of trees and mindless insects won't stop us.

They actually do build their own cities. Pic related, the beautiful migrant city near Calais.

>letting the muslims form colonies inside your country instead of fixing their own

>Europe is overrun by refugees, why not let them build their own city?
As hilarious as that would be, we'd have to clean it up afterwards so let's not.

Look let's at least be honest here; a significant number of the nations providing 'refugees' to us have never really left the iron age, hell some have never convincingly entered it. Then there's the fact those immigrants aren't even their best and brightest, some ungodly number can't even read their own language.

If you wouldn't expect Romans to be able to build a modern city why would you expect them to be able to?

Actually scratch that, the Romans were shit hot at civic planning, if you showed them how half the stuff worked they'd probably take a good stab at it.

if you're white: easy
if you're a nigger: impossible
if you're a jew: get white people to do it for you by using your shekel powers


Do yourself a favor and go for a walk

Do yourself a favor and go hug your bunch of leafs, green party cuck.

>nature has no consciousness

explain hurricanes and other natural "disasters"


Berlin is striking and it does a lot of stuff better than my capital but I prefer Cologne as a German city, it's so German whereas Berlin feels like a typical European capital city.

Because it's probably one of the most massive infrastructure spending programs possible to undertake by a government that would span multiple election cycles, basically giving their opposition free ammunition for any and every problem that would or could naturally arise from such a massive undertaking, as well as seeing literally 0 short term benefit (i.e. what gets politicians re-elected.)

Theres the answer.

You think that nature is conscious because of weather?
Nature is a mechanism which we are close to mastering it.

We are part of nature we shouldn't go against it

>why not let them buil-

Because it would look like pic related!
Mind you, the image shows a section below the Cairo Ring Road. Not quite your war torn levantic city. I've been there ... they are literally dwelling in their own rubble and trash.

We aren't, we are above it, and every technological advancement we make makes us go higher.
Now distances no longer prevent us from communicating with each other, the night doesn't prevent us from having light, and gravity doesn't chain us to the planet.

>We're above nature
>Technological advancements we make makes us higher

please dont use national socialist flag anymore.

But we are.
There's no reason to let nature limit you.
You are not a dog.

>Never been to Canterbury

Hahaha faggot

Natural selection >>> cyborgism crap

>Implying we will ever control nature
Dude what? We can't even tell a fucking any what to do, let alone control the entirety of nature along with (because they are what created nature in the first place) the laws of physics.
We are part of nature, we live in it. We should respect it because if we fuck up its' shit it can and most likely will fuck up our shit.

If you want that, then just travel to Africa and get rid of all technology, that place is full of ignorant people who probably agree with you.
Niggers are subhumans and should be treated as such, then why should we respect beings who literally are not humans and have no capabilities of doing anything but feed and reproduce?

We're part of nature; namely the most intelligent animal on the planet. While there's nothing wrong with using nature's resources to our benefit, it's a stupid idea to do this to an extent where we destroy the fundament of our resources in the long run.

It's like money. Not using it at all is obviously stupid because then you're a beggar. Piling up tons of debt is similarly bad, because in the long run you'll end up like the beggar, with no money at all.

1 Pork roast as per site being filmed as its being dropped in every public supply network in Europe, then uploaded to social media. I know I just saved Europe, but no big deal.


Actually I live perfectly well in a place almost devoid of nature, almost entirely man-made, a city.
What, you live and sleep in the middle of a forest?
Nature should be our tool, and if it gets in our way, it should be gone.

Stop again using national socialist flag you subhuman prick

Because there are only so many geographic locations where it makes sense for humans to settle at any particularly large population density. The advantages of low population density (sufficient forage for survival, which can be boosted with agricultural techniques to produce more food and water than the population consumes) outweigh the disadvantages (inability to properly defend against natural or manmade hazards) nearly everywhere except along specific choke points where either there is not as much pressure or capability to hunt/gather sustenance, and instead thrive off that which others hunt/gather (transportation hubs in particular), or points of military significance that must be locked down to prevent invasion by armies led by those that reject the need to produce their own food and water as long as there are still producers around that may be robbed of theirs.

The fuck part of we are part of nature do you not understand?
Every single piece of your city (including you) is derived from nature.
What happened to respecting your ancestry Mr. NatSoc?

>Europe is overrun by refugees, why not let them build their own city?

""Yeah, we might as well give them an army so they don't infilitrate ours!"""

Says the one who bows down to trees.

My ancestry is what my ancestors built.
They didn't build Earth, Earth is just a tool.

Putting all of your refugees in one place makes assimilation less likely. If you must take in refugees, take in only so much that they can effectively be drowned out by the native culture, and do not keep them all in the same place.

But you know what's better than taking in refugees? Helping to fix the problems in the countries they're coming from. It stands to be much cheaper in both the long run and the short run.

>Putting all of your refugees in one place makes assimilation less likely
Exactly this. The No.1 reason why France produces enormous amounts of jihadists is because of their ghettos, where they all sit on top of each other.

If you break your tool by overusing it, you can buy a new one. If you break earth by overusing it, you'll have quite a hard time finding a second one.


Sounds like we should keep moving on so we have plenty of tools available to use and discard.

wtf I love the Paris agreement now

>all refugees got to one city
>bomb it
>kill all refugees

smart aint it

Just because you slice a piece of cheese away from the main block that doesn't make it not cheese anymore.
All you are doing is taking things made by nature and then using techniques developed in nature to shape them to your will.
Those things you make are not unlike anything created in nature aside from the fact that they were made by members of the same species as you.
When our species dies off, the things we make will all crumble and decay back to the same nature they were always in.

Why the fuck should we let them settle here? Fuck off you Norwegian cuck

And now we can handle everything on our own.
Nature is ours to manipulate for our well being, even if that means removing it.
A forest has no purpose, a city built where that forest is does.


If you can show me another inhabitable planet similar to earth that we can reach within the next 5000 years, I'll happily destroy earth together with you. But there is none.

Even travelling to Alpha Centauri, the nearest Sun System (and there's no such planet there) would take us tens of thousands of years. Everything on the ship would be turned into dust by space radiation before making a 10th of the way.

Haha nice bait

>forests produce good, fresh air
>cities produce cancer

you should go for a walk seriously

imagine how trondheim would've looked like if the germans won. dora all the way baby

Europe should pay China to take refugees into the empty cities they are building in Africa.

He's a 10/10 troll and we all got baited.

Props NatSoc guy, I'm out.

Then sounds like we should avoid nuking ourselves.
It's not about mindless destruction, it's about whether it's convenient or not destroying nature.

>forests produce good, fresh air
They've done that for millions of years, thank you very much, but we have enough of that.
And even then, we have the South American and African subhumans who are incapable of building anything, you plant as much of your beloved trees in there.

>cities produce cancer
Sounds like we should research cleaner energies such as fision.
You know, pushing technology forward.

This is how humanity is behaving right now, and it's the correct path.
Too bad about the jews and degenerates.

Better to stop feeding shitskins and let them die off. We don't owe them anything

Refugees and shitskins in general don't work. They are a massive economic net loss for their host Nation. The only people who make money on it are the kikes that charge rent and interest on their gibs me dats.

A) You can't remove nature, you can only change it. There is a subtle but significant difference there you should understand
B)Of course a forest has purpose. Its' purpose is to support hiking trails for humans, to filter water for lakes so we can take from them to drink and use, and many more. Just because it wasn't made by you doesn't mean you can't use it for yourself and give it a reason to stay there.
You keep trying to separate humans and nature. Stop it. It's like tying to take processed cheese and not call it cheese. Just because it's different doesn't mean it isn't derived from the same source and isn't in the same category.

he says.
stop hijacking das flag and kys

> South American and African subhumans who are incapable of building anything

What have you built my dear "ubermench"

>nuclear fision is clean energy
>Chernobyl, Fukushima

few more mistakes like that and we are wiped out

stop playing wolfenstein. It's fucking with your head.

They do not need their own cities. They just need some semi-converted shipping crates to sleep and druka out in for a year or two, then they can be easily and economically sent home with whatever meager collection of trinkets and gibs-bought druck they managed to accumulate. Convenient, fast and uninviting. Just seal 'em up and ship 'em back.

>You can't remove nature, you can only change it.
Then you won't have a problem from transforming "landscapes" like that in cities.

>to support hiking trails for humans

>to filter water for lakes so we can take from them to drink and use
We made a much more efficent way to filter out water.

>You keep trying to separate humans and nature
Of course, we are above it, no one else has done what we have done.

A few piles of dead muslims.

That's fusion, not fision.
We are still not capable of using fision for energetic purposes, we are maybe 10-15 years from that.

If they could "just" do that why couldn't they "just" do that where they came from?

>European values

Is this a joke?

Nice larp

Peace was never in (((their))) plans.

Prepare accordingly.

i like the bottom one better

Nice non-argument, subhuman.

>We made a better filtering system
No. We didn't. The vast majority of the filtering done to water is done entirely by the earth without any human intervention (See: the water cycle). The extra filtering done by humans is just a little extra on top to make it cleaner.
>Then you won't have problems with landscapes in cities
I don't, I never said I did.

>the water cycle
Which we can reproduce ourselves.
All of nature will become obsolete for us.

>I don't, I never said I did.
Good, because those should become ours.

>he needs technological advancements to be superior
>But there isnt any

We do have technological advancements, and each day we advance more and more.
We will keep doing so until every single part of nature is replaced by an improved, artificial counterpart.

Modern humans will be not even subhuman, but "Non human"

Retards like you will inevitably cause our extinction

Our own biology is a weakness, way too many diseases, things like cancer, the difficulty of surviving in space...
We must take over the work of evolution and give it a push.
Taking our consciousness into better, hardened vessels, that's the next step of evolution.

Better extinction than being a slave to nature like some dog.
We developed a consciousness, self-awareness, if we are not to use that to become something better, then we might as well not exist at all.

>Which we can reproduce ourselves
Dude what?
We can't make a new atmosphere or make artificial seas or make artificial plants for that matter. Not without (you guessed it) actual plants and oceans and atmospheres. Because those materials have to come from somewhere, and that place is nature.

I was talking about the water cycle.

>We can't make a new atmosphere or make artificial seas or make artificial plants for that matter
Not yet.

>our biology is weakness

it's the way to keep subhumans like you from our society
it's part of natural selection

>We must take over the work of evolution and give it a push.

Natural selection is evolution

>it's the way to keep subhumans like you from our society
I don't think there's anyone out there who is inmune to cancer, to getting sick, or that can go out to the vacuum of space without protection.
That's why biology is a weakness, because even in the ambient we evolved to live in, we keep dying.
It's a failure, and needs a big push.

>Natural selection is evolution
Humanity has broken the chain of natural selection.
Your body doesn't matter as long as you have a gun.

You do know that national socialists were huge environmentalists, right?

Having this flag doesn't mean I believe in everything they did.
Nazis also believed at some point that the earth was concave and that space was inside.

>I was talking about the water cycle
What the hell do you think the water cycle uses to achieve its results?
>Not yet
Not ever! Not unless we create a way to make matter out of nothing we will use the products of nature to make what we make and those things will therefore be natural.
Is a kitten unnatural because it was made solely by a cat?
Is a spider web unnatural because it was made solely by a spider?
Humans are just animals like any other. You have to understand that.

we allready planed one

Immortality is not perfection
In fact immortality would fucking suck.
You literally cannot even begin to comprehend how immensely boring an infinity of time spent in a long dead universe would be.

>Humanity has broken the chain of natural selection.


>be born with like some condition and you cant survive without pills or some othe shit
>instead of letting yourself to die you survive enough time to procreate and spread your inferior genes

i'm still against transhumanism

>What the hell do you think the water cycle uses to achieve its results?
The artificial or the natural one?

>Not ever!
What do you know about how much technology will advance?

>Humans are just animals like any other.
Let's compare achievements with other animals, then.

>Immortality is not perfection
But it's close to it.

>In fact immortality would fucking suck.
Not more than death.

Environmentalism is one of the core aspects of natsoc philosophy. You cannot understand the ideology whose symbol you use if you utterly disregard nature. Nature and our environment is at the heart of what made each group of people what they are. They were shaped by their environment just as they shaped it. Why do you think that Europeans are superior to subhuman African niggers? It is not because of some divine birthright, but because OUR ENVIRONMENT shaped us and guided our evolution into superior breed of mankind. Sadly the environment that so greatly tuned us is dying partially because of morons like you. Cities do not breed the kind of European that conquered the globe. Cities breed spineless weaklings and degenerates.

>Nature and our environment is at the heart of what made each group of people what they are
And that's really fine, but that happened in the past, that won't stop the future.
No problem with remembering that, though, no reason to erase history, save from a few, particularly awful cultures, but that's not what we are talking about.

>Sadly the environment that so greatly tuned us is dying partially because of morons like you
We don't need it anymore, it has run out of use.

>Cities breed spineless weaklings and degenerates.
That's a cultural problem that fascism would solve inmediatly.

You are an arrogant and short sighted fool.
Fascism "solves" the issue of social decay of cities by forcefully imposing the values such as loyalty and honor, that people living in traditional societies naturally had. Fascism is a solution to a symptom of a far greater illness.

Are you high?
Death is nothingness
Within death infinity passes by in less than an instant and you don't even notice.
Infinite life means infinite loss
Infinite life means infinite length
Imagine being in a perfectly uniform nothingness you are literally powerless to change which spans across the universe and never changes. Ever.