What's the Democrats and the neocons' actual problem with Russia? The alleged interference with the election is one thing but why is their entire foreign policy so incredibly hostile towards Russia? Why do some of them even want a war with Russia?
What's the Democrats and the neocons' actual problem with Russia...
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Umm, are you serious right now? They literallly hacked American electins to put DRUmpf in, you turd
>Not wanting to invade a kill all the subhumans in R*ssia
What are you a fag?
They hacked our election. They meddled in France's election. They illegally annexed Crimea. They invaded Ukraine. They are propping up Assad. Putin is a dictator who murders journalists and dissidents. Russia oppresses its LGBTQ+ community. Putin allows the genocide of gay men and trans women in Chechnya.
Can you believe all these hebrews today?
Jews hate white people and want to start a war between whites so they can rule the earth over the shitskin races.
russia is whiter than you
Not sure if half people on this thread are ironic or for real...
Do you guys understand how much resources would need to be spent on Russian behalf to try and meddle in elections in both France in the US? Are you just retarded?
I'm pretty sure that Russia has someplace smarter to spend all those resources, especially since Trump is not their puppet (i.e. he bombed Syria and now he just reaffirmed the sanctions against Russia).
Putin/Russia is the only group capable and willing to stand up to a one world government. The people vying for this super-government hate him for it.
That's it. All other current Russia related problems stem from this.
The US has openly interfered in countless elections and referendums around the globe for over half a century, it has orchestrated coups and violent uprisings consorted and covered for governments even as they committed genocide on their own populations. Fundamentally no matter how much the US may squeal in discontent about anything Russia has done, America has done the same and worse. To quote the director of the CIA "Hacking is what adult nations do to each other" and America has been busily hacking and monitoring their own civilians for nearly two decades.
As ever it comes down to power, if the US does not squeak, rumble and kick up a fuss then it believes that it's losing its diplomatic position. And in order to do so both sides feel the need to make pre-emptive moves.
If the US isn't in Afghanistan trying to establish an oil pipeline through the region (and critically bypassing Russia) then there would be no need for the war in Afghanistan. Similarly if the US hadn't been funding the proto-al-queda against Russia when they were in Afghanistan then the Russians would have been able to establish their own presence in the region as a preemptive move to block the Americans.
Similarly just as the US has been funding ISIS via the Saudis and Kuwait to attack Assad who they consider to be a Russian asset, Russia is funding Assad to attack ISIS which they consider to be an American asset.
You don't get to be a global hegemony without getting your hands dirty, we're just watching the courting ritual between an aging and fractured superpower, and a younger, more vigorous contender.
are you mentally retarded?
please help me I need to feed my family but I only can hacc hillary emails no jobs here in my town i'm starving
That's the façade. What are the real reasons?
And Sup Forums actually believes this crap. He is literally the Hillary of Russia.
>inb4 russophobe
That is the very reason I never even try to explain more. You would dismiss it anyway.
That might be true but he did save Russia from American globalization and crony capitalism. Instead they got their own, Russian variant. It's something.
russia has its own oligarch controlling everything, which is a problem for jews from washington
>inb4 russophobe
Nah, the real reason is because
You ex-soviet shitholes wouldn't mind seeing us developed nations burn because of WW3 as long as you could get back at the russkies a bit at least for "muh decades of gommunist obbression ;_;". We at least keep a friendly AND realistic approach to Russia where as you cucks keep barking at them confidently while there are american troops stationed in your country knowing that they will be pulled into the conflict if/when you "accidentally" manage to cause one. Your countries are dying away because of brain drain & population drops anyway which leaves you with one role in mind; being eternally butthurt.
There. Dismissal. I'm out of here.
They are scared of Russian potential power.
Already in the 19th the bongs predicted that Russia would be the number 1 power but because of the (((marxist))) they took the wrong train.
Now they are back in the game, and because they are a federal Republic, they can't use the "evil empire" meme as an excuse to smother them.
At least one decent comment.
Although, a lot of coups are done with EU partners. Yugoslavia, IMF, US - Germany co-operation. etc.
There are two problems.
The first is that Russia is ruled by a megalomaniac president whose lust for power is eroding the rule of law. In a way Russia's similar to Turkey in that regard, though worse because Turkey had a better starting point.
The second is that they invaded and annexed parts of Georgia and Ukraine.
But Russia's population is decreasing while the number of muslims keeps growing
>Why do some of them even want a war with Russia?
Putin is constantly provoking war with the US with his cyberwarfare attacks on America and his repeated threat to annihilate the West with nuclear war.
Putin has threatened to use nukes in Ukraine against the US
Putin has threatened to use nukes in Syria against the US
Putin is threatening to use nukes in Norway against the US
Putin is threatening Germany with nuclear war:
Putin has threatened to annihilate the US with nuclear war
Putin has threatened to launch a nuclear war if Hillary was elected:
Putin is the one willing to launch the nuclear strikes that trigger WWIII
If the west is "hostile", it's probably a reaction to Russia's insane levels of military aggression against the US.
Nice try
>thedailybeast com/articles/2014/08/31/putin-threatens-nuclear-war-over-ukraine.html
>America has done the same and worse.
It's OK for Russia to commit crimes because somebody else committed crimes? Isn't this called a "tu quoque" fallacy?
>an aging and fractured superpower
Well, I wouldn't call Russia a "superpower". A regional kakistocracy, maybe, a global menace perhaps.
>and a younger, more vigorous contender.
With a much more massive defense budget and better technology that Russia frequently steals.
Pic related: Russia's "space shuttle".
>Putin/Russia is the only group capable and willing to stand up to a one world government. The people vying for this super-government hate him for it.
This is the only explanation that makes sense
>They hacked our election.
Looks unlikely:
>They meddled in France's election.
France claims otherwise: moonofalabama.org
>They illegally annexed Crimea.
They claim Kosovo as the international law precedent (and in that case, there wasn't even a referendum):
If it WAS illegal, at least it was a peaceful transfer which continues to have public support in Crimea. Ukraine has since cut off Crimea's water and electricity supply (causing a several-week-long electricity outage until a link was built from Russia).
>They invaded Ukraine.
Ukraine shot first. fort-russ.com
>They are propping up Assad.
True. And until last week the US propped up Syria's Al Qaeda branch.
>Putin is a dictator
According to Levada, 62% of Russians think that "there is democracy in today's Russia", up from 36% a decade ago.
Also, 66% "feel like a free person" in Russia, vs. 26% who don't (in 1996, only 33% "felt free", while 53% didn't):
>who murders journalists and dissidents.
The data shows that journalists have become far safer under Putin: unz.com
>Russia oppresses its LGBTQ+ community.
It's still legal to be gay. It's illegal to propagate it to children, avoiding certain societal problems (see: socialmatter.net
>Putin allows the genocide of gay men and trans women in Chechnya.
They have a lot of autonomy...
>russia has its own oligarch controlling everything, which is a problem for jews
"Oligarch"? You mean this Jewish guy?
Because they always need a bogeyman to try and distract the public from corruption and troubles at home, since Britain and Germany are no longer superpowers to be afraid of anymore, they'll use either Russia or China to scare the public, it just Realpolitik as usual
>Looks unlikely
There's your problem right there.
>>Putin allows the genocide of gay men and trans women in Chechnya.
>They have a lot of autonomy...
To clarify a bit, the relationship between Russia and the Chechens is a bit like the relationship between the US and the Saudis. The former agrees to make the latter rich and internally independent while the latter agrees to not attack the former and support its state structures. In both cases, the two sides are culturally far apart.
The Russians can no more renege on their commitments to Chechnya than the US can renege on their commitments to the Saudis. If they did, the result would unleash chaos and a great weakening of the senior partner.
It's a geostrategic thing
It's been a nightmare of the british empire that russian resources and german tech would link up, because they would suddenly be on a very small island next to a giant military power.
Before WWI the Russian and German royalty was very close and they intermarries regularly.
They did all they could to isolate these states. The US kept up this diplomatic strategy until today.
Europe is today basically on US vassal status.
They are slowly encircling the Russians, pushing EU and NATO east, stationing troops, building a "missile shield" against "Iran".
Ukraine is a central strategic point here, since it connects Asia and Europe, has mayor pipelines and grants access to the Black Sea and therefore to the Mediterranean.
US tries to suffocate Russian influence, Russia tries to keep swimming.