Self-improvement general

What have you done this week to improve yourself Sup Forums?

>Wore a suit 4/5 past times I went out
>Making progress on NoFap
>Taking wood chop classes
>Seed, nut and grain breakfast every day this week
>Enrolled in martial art courses
>Deleted my Tinder account
>Began taking online lessons in Japanese
>Went to local church for the fourth week in a row

>A suit


Do pic related now

>Not wanting to present yourself nicely when you go out

>Began taking online lessons in Japanese

Weeb faggot

just dont wear a suit


No bread is fucking hard for a dutchie. We live on that shit.

>basic improvements that you should've learned by age 13

you must be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums

Just exercise

>Wore a suit 4/5 past times I went out
>Began taking online lessons in Japanese


Also follow this guide to increase test

WTF's wrong with sex and hot sauce?

This is a very good thread, I cannot understand why these keep getting banned. Sorting ourself out is step ONE of political change and action, in fact it IS political action. Affects buying patterns, people around us, etc.

>Worked extra
>Researching (and dreaming about) the JQ
>Logged into to normiebook only once (2 min)
>Took some walks (am fat)
>Halted myself from spending too much on games

Pretty bad desu, but I will try again this week.

>I wear nogball shorts and my finest pressed white t-shirt erday

>wearing a suit daily as a teenager
>nofap as a teenager
>going to church as a teenager
I doubt you did that

What an absolutely retarded list.

Name one better language for an english speaker to learn.

I cannot understand why these keep getting banned.

because has it's own board already

we shouldn't give quarter to brainlets who haven't figured this stuff out already. seeing this stuff is like watching the wheel be reinvented over and over.

started a intermittent fasting routine
cut out dairy feels good
devouring books like revolt to the modern world, on war, dispatches, irving - churchills war, upanishads,

English you fucking tard. That's all you need to know. We bombed them so you you wouldn't need to learn their confusing language.

Sex is fine but hot sauce is bad, trust me

>No Bread
Because whole grain is stupid, am I right?

>No sex
Because having a relationship is stupid, am I right?

>No bullshit sites including this one and reddit.
You outed yourself as a Redditor right there. Also do you not see the irony in your post?

>Anything that wastes time.
Se previous response.

>No sad songs
Are your emotions really that fragile?

You know what? Fuck you. Weak people deserve to die. Beta cuck.

>wood chop classes

>doesn't give reason why
I guess I'll just take your word for it then

have a better quality image then this?

I was thinking of taking up either Spanish or Arabic language classes in September. Still not sure which one to pick. Arabic is definetely going to be a waaay bigger challenge


I'm from the midwest. I wore suits when appropriate, even as a child. Usually I didn't need to, and still wouldn't today, because it's a place where you don't need to impress anyone with a costume because everyone is rich and there are no local windowlicking plebes you need to visibly differentiate yourself from like in the culturally enriched cities.

>tfw to smart to learn

>Wore a suit 4/5 past times I went out
People weren't staring because you looked good
>Making progress on NoFap
A literal meme
>Taking wood chop classes
Useless hobby. Learn what you need when you need it
>Seed, nut and grain breakfast every day this week
An actual good idea
>Enrolled in martial art courses
Get a gym membership like a normie
>Deleted my Tinder account
You weren't having luck anyway
>Began taking online lessons in Japanese
>Went to local church for the fourth week in a row
Jesus said spread your cheeks and take in muhammad and ngumbe.

>Wore a suit 4/5 past times I went out
Whats the fucking point

t. Someone who own more than 10 and need them to work at the office

>Making progress on NoFap
There is nothing wrong about masturbation. Restoration of your seeds are necesary sometimes.

>Went to local church for the fourth week in a row
Religion is bluepilled. Annoying atheists are retarded too.

>japanese, woodchooping, matial arts
looks like you have too much time
get a fucking job

>Wore a suit
mad swag I bet

Learn Arabic because that's going to be the standard language in the western world in a few years.

I've forgotten more languages than you'll ever learn. You don't need to know any other language than English. If you learn another language to speak with people from another culture, great, but just realize you will be doing so to communicate with people who were literally too dumb to learn English.

>Wore a suit 4/5 past times I went out
You should try dressing down, not like a hobo, just basic simple clothes like a proper stoic.
You'll quickly realise how many people are superficial cunts and appreciate the rare few people who treat everybody with respect no matter their appearance.

A suit is for business/professional conduct. You can present yourself nicely without being a fuckin supreme gentleman in a suit with matching fedora.

I'm working on organising my thoughts as to what my beliefs are and what genuinely makes me happy. After a lot of change in my life I don't recognise myself so I wish to learn and then make any changes I need. I feel emigration may be on the cards, I truly detest this country and it's passive slave people

>Slept a shit ton
>did drugs
>drugs kept me up so I came on here every night
>ate only frozen pizzas
>drank 8 beers / day
>sold a stolen bike

I can still kick OP's ass.

Mandarin for international commerce or spic for Burgers since it works for resumé fodder.

>no bread
Do some research, bread saps your energy due to the amount of shit (((they))) put in it these days and causes cancer (just research it). Making your own helps.
>no sex
This should not be on the list, I agree
>no bullshit sites
Are you implying this site and reddit aren't mostly a waste of time? They provide meaning in life? They help you better yourself?
>do you not see the irony
I see it.
>No sad songs
Now, I didnt make this list but I can see why it's on there, they can make you depressed and lazy. But it's up for debate I guess

>Whats the fucking point
Whats the point in doing anything to make yourself look better?

>There is nothing wrong about masturbation
There is with how much I was doing it

>looks like you have too much time
Once you begin to focus on working on yourself you'll realise how much time you actually have. You have no idea how much time you burn playing games and browsing Sup Forums until you begin to cut down

Yeah I was expecting this answer

>Mandarin for international commerce or spic for Burgers since it works for resumé fodder.

Mandarin is 100% not needed for international commerce. Even if you found the 1 mainland business trading magnate out of 100 that didn't speak a word of English, he'd have 10 customer-facing reps who would for him.

The benefits of being bilingual beyond communication are well documented. Its worth it for that alone.

>made progress on job interview anxiety, interviewed 6 times, got an offer
> lifted for 3 days, lost 2 pounds
> started chess boxing with friend
>made progress on appraoch anxiety, talked to 65 girls, got 12 numbers, got laid twice
> didn't eat any junk food
> got a mohawk and some fratty pink shirt to improve my style

>wore a suit
You're joking, right?
Everything else sounds fine. But seriously, don't wear a suit unless it's for work/formal function.

Keep telling yourself that

>wore a suit
>not releasing at least once every two weeks
>learning japanese
this better be a nice bait m8

>made progress on appraoch anxiety, talked to 65 girls, got 12 numbers, got laid twice
Your in the wrong thread kid, this is supposed to be about improving yourself not mindless hedonism

Also, Spanish is only useful to employers if you are retail customer-facing and you are bilingual from birth. There are literally millions of native bilingual Spanish speakers who have credentials to have retail McJobs, you will not get hired with high school or night school Spanish.

Soon enough we will all have to submit to Allah's light or soon perish.

The fuck you need to take a class to chop wood?

need a better image than this

Fastest way to conquer anxiety in males is to bed a woman. Probably helped that user out with his interviews.

>The benefits of being bilingual beyond communication are well documented. Its worth it for that alone.

fair enough. in that case, learn a language that you can use, today - at least that way you can get pussy out of it while learning.

if you learn a language in isolation, you might as well be learning sumerian script (which would actually be more useful because there is a dearth of people about to read it and thousands of artifacts yet to be translated)

>cut sweets from my diet
>been doing boxing and bjj for two years now, currently eying an MMA gym, since I moved
>learning to talk less nervously to strangers
>getting the courage to be more active during lectures at university
>self authoring jordan peterson style

a dearth of people *able to read it


>The fuck you need to take a class to chop wood?


wouldn't be surprised if someone told him he needed a (((class))) to learn how to wipe his ass

You have no class mate.

You did all of this in one week?

Do you know how to fell a tree with just manual tools?