>picture related
Also is this not a double edge blade? If they convince people that all empires that where majority white where actually diverse and filled with blacks, does that not mean that it wasn't just whitey that colonised and enslaved?
>picture related
Also is this not a double edge blade? If they convince people that all empires that where majority white where actually diverse and filled with blacks, does that not mean that it wasn't just whitey that colonised and enslaved?
step 1 - have kids
step 2 - teach them accurate history
step 3 - make way for a new generation to make history in the name of your family and race
Nobody these days knows real history, they all "learned" from a shit podcast.
Thinking being African back then = being black.
Why the fuck would you ship moors all the way to Britain. Why do they portray moors as niggers?
and PJW refutes it again doofus
Except that guy's argument has already been thoroughly debunked. A handful of north africans =/= a diverse society.
>rome held territory in north africa
>therefore sub-saharan africans were prevalent in roman society
are you retarded?
how could britain be fucking diverse 2050 years ago?
the only place that had diversity was the italian peninsula just because they were the center of the roman empire
>Why do they portray moors as niggers?
all women love big black cock
white ''dicks'' are too small for women to be able to feel an ultimate satisfaction
admit it
good for you negroid
now fuck off and get your welfare check
he looks black, why not use white marble if he's white
Well if it's debunked, post a fucking link, moron
Gtfo fucking ningnog jew
You disgust me , gys
Pic related is your average north african man in roman era.
Also femanon here,
>inb4 reeeees in hate and disbelief
and blacks gross me out.
he looks like an average italian
what are you talking about
I wonder what the famous historian PJW has to say on this.
Link please?
go on his fucking YouTube channel you autistic mongrel
i was trying to make a joke about a "story" a month ago.
Professor: White-Marble Sculpture Contributes to ‘White Supremacy’
> wait, let's not use bronze or 21st autists will think we are negroes disregarding obvious caucasois features
fuck off leaf
they actually get butthurt over ancient statues
fucking amazing
I meant 21st century.
Also Scipio Africanus, was a general born in Rome from an ancient patrician family.
The appellation of Africanus was added because he fought and won Carthago in Africa.
Implying he was negroid is basically retarded.
wikipedia and google intentionally use the nigger colour statues for him because "Africanus" atleast for the english version of websites
but anyway
>Explaining a joke
>Being proven wrong
>just ignores the evidence to claim victory
There really is no reasoning with wilful stupidity, is there? The archaeological evidence demonstrates the presence of negroid individuals in Britain throughout the Roman occupation.
This is the problem the alt-right is infected with but refuses to address: it fights with its own fallacies, but those are thevery things that weaken them for future generations. It is so easy to prove the mistaken assumptions and false beliefs these people use as their primary weapons of debate. They may work in closing down any debate by crapflooding it at the time. But nothing is deleted from the internet and, with hindsight, these bad arguments are what will turn future generations towards cultural marxism.
Like I'm going to waste time searching through some cucks channel filled with autistic altright rants aimed at edgy highschoolers.
I'm sure you have it bookmarked somewhere.
God this bullshit angers me so much. They are trying to rewrite history....Fuck this should not be allowed.
stop giving Israel 30-40 billion a year so they have to survive on their own. their literally using our money to fund their bs propaganda campaigns against us
Uuuuh no
What evidence?
Only sluts and fattys fuck blacks. I have never met a normal white/asain/brown/native women who even talk to let alone fuck black men. Keep dreaming Jamal.
>they were from Africa so they have to be black
Yet another example of how delusional and "racist" these brain-diseased commies actually are. Carthagians were white, the egyptian royals were mostly white and most North Africans were whiter than modern day spaniards.
There where so few blacks in Britain at the time that they didn't even breed. There is evidence of one black woman that was probably a slave. There is some evidence that their might have been some black Auxiliary's but there is no physical prove that I have seen.
Liberals are such filthy fucking pigs.
there is no evidence for negroids in Britain in Roman era
there were hardly any negroids in Italy at all
you know, negroids do not magically just fly over the sahara and conquer the world because BBC
first , historically, you need slave traders to trade them as slaves anywhere
Romans did not trade negroid slaves
In facts negroids were not living in Roman empire territories, if not very marginally (Egypt)
North African soldiers, which were sparse, were not negroids
> but a SJW jew financed cartoon told me so
Yeah, ok
>Birds can't fly
There was evidence that one slave in Britain was a black. Its funny because she was a women she was probably some rich prefects oddity/Sex slave.
>Africans are white
>North African
Uh... no sweetie...
The thing about this cartoon says this was the "average" family in Britain at the time.
>Write history books and thousands of accounts of history
>Worried about some shit cartoon
Stop caring dipshit
Its sad how these kids sped so many years in College and learn nothing....
>Vikings were black
If this was an isolated incident it would not be a big deal.
We waz everything yo.
>north africans
piratefags are becoming the new leafs
>Women are oppressed
this. North Africa was majority white according to academically accepted modern conceptions of the term. In fact, North Africa was "white" for the greater period of its history.
>Greco-Roman colonists
All Caucasoid, not Negroid
You cant compete. Bigots BTFO by (((BBC))) historian
One needs an IQ of at least 100 to ne in thé roman army, so no joggers allowed.
I genuininely care because most people spend more time on social media than reading books.
If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes truth to them.
>rewrite history
>internet exists
History has already been re-wrote. This would be closer to the truth than what you believe
China and Japan both tried to rewrite history just recently. It always backfires on them.
The day of rope is coming. This virtue-signalling bullshit will just make it happen faster.
So you all accept Roman Britain was ethnically diverse with North Africans and other ethnicities being around. Well done Sup Forums
Stop throwing a hissy fit because the cartoon is darker skinned that your average berber, moor or Egyptian. They could be Nubians. Stop being insecure and accept the facts.
Great job on having a big dick, nigger. I'm sure it'll give you some intelligence, empathy and respect from all other races.
Right now though, every other race, even niggers hate niggers.
>muh black Hannibal an shiettt
>his name was AFRICANUS scipio muh nigga
Lets pretend that somehow Berbers and Semites were Sub Shaharan.
Defend the portrayal of indigenous pre Roman picts leftards.
Shitshow related, same child orientated propaganda funded by money taken from indigenous Brits at gun point.
>its that bad
It's disgusting, and pissing off Normie's after being shared by a few big pages on fb.
>we can make enough
>That might be enough
>I won't pay the toll of tits to be taken seriously.
So if Britain was so diverse
how come nigs ceased to exist after the roman empire?
Im laughing at you westcucks. You have indeed lost your own countries. Shit like this is just the beginning. Soon your media will begin releasing pieces about how your countries were initially populated by kangz and out of nowhere whitey came and stole their lands.
Meanwhile in here our media produces stuff like 'Migrants bring ton of deadly diseases', 'Islamic rape of Europe' and so on.
Looks like 50 years of gommunism was a blessing indeed. Now we can activly resist the changes ((((they)))) are trying to implement.
It's over for you.
That means marble statues should become more prominent.
Are you sure the history you know is also not a fake one? Even some of your proverbs were artifically created by the aristocrates in order to have better control over the plebs, so they might as well have faked the history, why not?
>That feeling when Poland is superior
Is it true that the black Roman emperors from ancient Britain build the Big Ben and the English Channel while anglos still lived in caves? I'm asking for a friend?
>Soon your media will begin releasing pieces about how your countries were initially populated by kangz and out of nowhere whitey came and stole their lands.
I hope so because then even he normies will wake up. Eventually (((they))) will go too far.
by stopping these retarted and repetetive shill n slide threads. please take a deep breath of fuck off
>The archaeological evidence demonstrates the presence of negroid individuals in Britain throughout the Roman occupation.
burden of proof is on you.
Could Newton have had black Moorish ancestors from the time of the black Roman Empire hence why he was so gifted in al-gebra and c-al-culus?
>doesnt understand ebonics
>So you all accept Roman Britain was ethnically diverse with North Africans and other ethnicities being around.
North Africans were White caucasoids.
There were no Pakis around.
Well done Sup ForumsStop throwing a hissy fit because the cartoon is darker skinned that your average berber, moor or Egyptian.
Stop calling out jewish lies? How about no.
>They could be Nubians
Again, our cartoon features nubian roman soldiers..
Real life didn't feature nubian roman soldiers.
> Stop being insecure and accept the facts.
I will accept the fact that the UK is done for, spiritually and morally if this low-level propaganda is not debunked publicly by real historians.
Pull that big black cock out of your unwiped ass and STFU Jamal!
What's more annoying than the stupid position is the belief that they have enough knowledge to "educate" anyone, when all they're doing is spamming a handful of tangential evidence that doesn't say what they want it to, that anyone whose "research" consisted of googling through clickbait pop-science articles would have been familiar with already.
>ethnic diversity = blacks all over
show me a negro with that facial structure
>Stop caring dipshit
yesssss (((master)))
Ah, just like the new Transformers. Ye olde England full of blacks. Funny how there are never any chinks, or poos in ancient revisionist history. Just blacks. We wuz kangz after all.
Imagine a cartoon about the Zulu and 1/4 of the Zulu are whites and chinks. Or a thing about ancient China and half the chinese are black. It's so fucking lunatic.
don't worry about history, user. It's a thing of the past! Look forward. The future is bright! And in MULTICOLOR!!!