It's a boy btw. Why America?
janitors don't know how to raise children
A little kid cant dress up. In america the gender is decided by the mother and your cuck fathers. A boy liked flower, lets pump him full of hormones and call him Rose.
What more do you expect from Schreiber, who was raised by a communist Jew mother
he must know this is a pedo's dream. Probably sells him to Hollywood to further his acting career
>new HareleyQuinn
So lame...ugh. Disregarding the gender, this is too unimaginative and lazy. Why not try and pull a Poison Ivy you lazy rich fucks?
> Why America?
This is not what America is about, this is liberal Hollywood degeneracy, plain and simple. Creepy dude probably makes his son dress like this to fulfill his own fucked up fantasies. I don't like this.
theyre jews so who cares.
>shockingly attractive to children
>calls himself hairy
Kinda meh
>It's a boy btw
Kinda hot
so fucking hot. i want fugg xir so bad desu
>tfw no flat chested qt3.14 girl (male) that calls you daddy
Im sorry, but did you just assume the gender of that faggot?
>shockingly attractive children.
They dont even hid it anymore.
>Trump finally makes anime real
>the anime he makes real turns out to be Boku No Pico
Absolute madman
fucking based shad
he tweeted his sons in make-up and making out
g*d bless
>not posting the original
pretty hot desu 10/10
shota traps for all
oy vey! delet this shoahman
>tfw men can look hotter than women while just pretending to be them.
Why don't we just replace vagina carriers with robots?
Also it's kinda ok if he is going to be an actor.
>it's a boy btw
When you stop teaching your kid the truth about women being support characters they will take the easy route.
It's that simple.
So who is gonna tweet him this
Child abuse.
Totally unrelated I like Harley Quinn and her new design. I just wish they hadnt covered her in nasty jail house tattoos.
old as fuck news
Also stop talking about other countries when you come from a shithole and have to hide behind a fake flag
Every one knows why. If you point and laugh you get hassled. If more people just pointed and laughed at all the new freaks we have it would stop.
For the love of Odin, please just die.
>Kid getting dressed up for Comic Con
It's literally nothing, you sensationalist faggot
Lol, many moons ago when I was a kid this would have been considered bizarre and perhaps even abusive.
I guess this is what you get when a bunch of "smart college graduates" run your country.
my 5 cents: sage this shitty useless thread. it was posted the last days w/o any results. so fuck off shill n slide