Why is it that Sup Forums hates trannies but most of the trannies in /tttt/ are right wing and love Sup Forums?
Really fires the neurons.
Why is it that Sup Forums hates trannies but most of the trannies in /tttt/ are right wing and love Sup Forums?
Really fires the neurons.
Because the trannies in /tttt/ are honest about the fact that reality doesn't let them change genders as easily as changing clothes, aka they aren't mentally ill.
Mentally sound trannies hate the mentally ill ones, much like actual rape victims hate attention whores like Zoe Quinn.
Idk Sup Forums just seems to hate all trannies. Not just the SJW Tumblr ones but TruTrans too.
Most shitposters are leftists larping as Nazis. Not everybody does it for the bantz.
They're mentally ill, thats why.
really dilates my hairball infested crotch wound
Oh so it would be possible to get a Sup Forums bf and not get murdered?
Theyre all mentally ill by definition
Amd you are too for liking them or thinking this is in any way acceptable
nah a good majority really hate our guts.
success breeds jealousy
If a tranny actually managed to leave their hugbox echochambers, they're probably one of the tolerable ones
They don't hate trannies look at the obsession with Leif's kid dressing as a girl. They love conservatism and hate women and any male who wants to be like a woman. Women are bad, I hate women, women are bad.
Probably easier than you think, but still pretty dangerous. The people that will pursue you most intently will be leftist Nazi larpers trying to save you from yourself or make an example of you, and those are almost guaranteed to leave you as a collection of body parts in a dumpster.
Unless you have perfect psychic superpowers that can instantly tell when someone is lying to you, just stick with the local homosexuals looking for bottoms, and fantasize about being a girlfriend (unless you already had SRS, in which case you fucked up, you poor bastard, and the best thing you can really hope to accomplish in life is to warn others).
Wtf is TruTrans?
I dislike them because I have to hear about their stupid gender shit all the fucking time.
Anyone that obsessed with their gender must be an empty and stupid fucking person imo
If they just wanted to be trans without imposing on others I'd have no problem though.
Sadly most seeingly don't & expect me to fund their unnecessary bullshit "treatments" while people I know have to pay out the ass for medicines necessary for them to even live.
Doesn't seem that way, given that leftist Nazi larpers tend to leave the other boards alone, aside from the occasional invasion.
Try not to skew your own statistics, that's guaranteed to fuck you up.
Pretty much all the attention whoring Tumblr ones who are 6'3" with stuble and not TruTrans, and the young transitioning, small, slim, passing ones are TruTrans.
Homo scene is literally just after casual sex and is creepy/weird af.
Yeah nah mate. Not by any definition of mental illness that can't be extended to cover literally everybody that's different than anybody else.
Not that I'd expect a Rooski to understand why social justice always leads to throwing everybody in the gulag.
wtf is /tttt/?
>Homo scene is literally just after casual sex and is creepy/weird af.
Yeah, but relatively safe. Like any dating scene, if you're looking for a serious relationship you have to be careful, and filter out the faggots that are just pretending to be homosexual to virtue signal and put their dicks in holes.
There's no easy solutions in the modern age, I'm afraid. Bad people whose only skill is pretending to be good people are everywhere, and often the only way to tell is that the bad ones try just a little too hard to look perfectly good.
meme way of saying /lgbt/ since it's full of trannies.
>try just a little too hard to look perfectly good
What does this look like?
Trans need to be ovened because they are part of the LGBT+ industrial complex (formerly known as the Gay Agenda.) The political shit done on their behalf is the problem.
Even the most hardcore Nazi/Alt-Right types don't hate trannies because of their disorder, they hate them for not admitting their disorder, and for trying to normalize it. The true murderous hate is reserved for those trying to act like the gender binary doesn't exist.
Radical right wingers do not want to kill all gays/trans/etc because of their sexuality/disorders. They don't give a shit if they keep a lid on it. The problems is their cancerous politics.
>Why is it that Sup Forums hates trannies but most of the trannies in /tttt/ are right wing and love Sup Forums?
most trany fags dont actualy have gender dysphoria there transtrenders much in the same way as the "genderfluid" morons from tumbler.
Most accurate responsse so far
Moreover we've got a lot of enemies in common, most prominently muslims.
I dislike trenders/troons. I don't mind trannies that integrate and don't get on everyone's back about everything.
Yep. People need to get on board with the wider needs of society. Everyone has issues and problems to some degree or another. The whole point is to recognize what parts of you contribute, and what detract. Maximize one and minimize the other. The left has been assmad for decades about people shaming people with mental disorders/alternate sexuality, but they don't seem to get that social pressure and social shame is the kindest method of discouragement that we've got to work with.
Their attempts to force people to be nicer to those with a shit deal have instead given them an excuse to rent seek and guilt regular people. And they seem to think that society is there to be sold off to the "disadvantaged", rather than to be something that everyone tries to contribute their best to, despite their own personal shortcomings.
If people are willing to say "this aspect of me isn't great overall, so i'm not going to focus on it" then it doesn't cause problems for everybody else, and others will generally help a little. This is true for most problems, whether a physical disability, or mental illness, or character flaws.
If gays were to say "I get there's a lot of issues here, but I can't help being attracted to men. I'm going to keep it quiet and in the privacy of my own home." Then nobody would really care. We don't want to repeat what happened to Turing, because that was just a waste, but that doesn't mean we need to have constant dildo parades in front of children.
/polgbt/ was never a thing, just because they have a nazi fetish doesn't mean we are into it
That's why there is a official discord and multiple gay groups dedicated to it. (Albiet, they're fucking cancerous)