Why do some people view nationalism as a bad thing?
Why do some people view nationalism as a bad thing?
Because it's been hammered into their brain from a very early age, where they were not capable of reasoning yet.
And a lot of stuff from that phase just sticks around even into adulthood unless reality forces you to rethink it.
Because tricks people into believe that artificial constructs are worth dying for.
Nationalism is the radical idea of caring about your country. Absolutely abhorrable.
Everything worth dying for is an artificial construct
>prioritizing the well-being of your family, friends, and community
Here's an earlier model of that poster.
When I see a stromcuck saying that nazism was the cure for Weimar "degeneracy" I point him straight to Oskar Dirlewanger, and the fact that it was nazism, not "liberalism", that almost obliterated European civilization.
A country might have many nations.
Turkey, not even once.
So, one fellow out of many disappoints you in his moral behaviour. In any case, Dirlewanger was twice the man you'll ever be,
Their thought process goes like this:
>Nationalism -->National Socialism --> N-N-NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI NAZI!!!!!!
It is the guilt by association fallacy. Because party "x" says "y", and party "x" is bad (purportedly), "y" must be untrue. Absolutely brilliant.
Those colors are so off dude...this is what it should be
Red - Communism(obvious reasoning)
LGBT - Orange(because fire is orange and all gays burn in hell)
Yellow - Open Society Foundation(nothing else fits)
Green - Islam(obvious reasoning as well)
Blue - EU(also obvious reasoning)
Feminism - Purple(purple is closest thing to pink)
>muh noble Wehrmacht!
When war broke out all previous social norms disintegrated, killing, raping, and looting were rampant.
>b-but it's war
that's exactly why the you fascists never stop to glorify war as something "spiritually revitalizing", it allows you to be a degenerate for a while, it allows you to "let out steam" when "liberal PC culture" on the other hand is demanding that you respect women's autonomy, LGBTq, and minority rights in war these rights are to be suspended, you can kill, fuck, feast and set it on repeat - while engaging in this dehumanizing degeneracy you simultaneously make up myths on how this destruction and total degeneracy to barbarism is somehow a noble crusade against "degeneracy".
Quality post
But pissing in the wind here.
Maybe it has something to do with the billions of people who have died in wars and genocides.
This is a manifest fallacy: you are extrapolating the behaviour of *one* unit, a penal unit at that, to the remainder not only of the German forces, but also *all* soldiers and fighters for European values.
In that, you display yourself as having an intellect equal to your sense of morals.
One does not make an omelet without breaking eggs, let it be said in passing.
Because Nationalism stirs up the rightful fear that enough white people could together to put an end to this degeneracy. (((they))) know that non-whites are more degenerate and more easily controlled, so white people aren't god's chosen peoples chosen people anymore, and therefor are evil. Anything giving them a collective voice as white people is dangerous to (((them))) and is suppressed.
>i-it was just one guy, bro!
>i-it was just one bad unit, bro!
>b-but wermacht dindu nuffi, brah!
They broke a lot of eggs, but where the fuck was that omelette stormcucks keep yapping about?
>Stop supporting all those lazy, stupid brown people!
>you should only support lazy, stupid white people like me!
basically this.
>Shows picture of UstaĊĦe
a nationalist government doesnt need to go to war.
seems like any nationalist government gets incited into violence by the global government.
modern nationalism is socially libertarian and feminist btw.
Yeah, well, a leaf would know
i love how leddit t_d covered lgbt part with pizza hahahaha fucking cucks
Very simple. It forces people to think that the state is more powerful than the people. To believe in any form of nationalism is to segregate those not part of it. Nationalism does not even have to be a state only issue either, it correlates to beliefs as well.
no way is this real, looks like cancer
That's because it is.
>no israel flag
>no david star
Top goy
I fixed your pro-Jewish civic-nationalist cuck meme
they dont want to admit its the best thing
It is. Tribalism would be organic, but not nationalism since it is based on nation-state.
Is nationalism not just tribalism on a grander scale? Ethno-nationalism anyways.
It is primitive format of thinking. It holds no place in an intellectual mind. Since culture is not organic and subject to change via social and technological pressures it can hold no basis in that. Same goes for etchinicties and languages both are subject to change and can be controlled aswell.
Not necessarily since both language and ethnicity are subject to change over time, same goes for culture.
A nation is not a way of thinking, it is a biological entity. It is an extended family you commie fuck.
>the fact that it was nazism, not "liberalism", that almost obliterated European civilization.
Nationalism for life
culture is largely organic though, rooted in our biology and psychology
also most minds aren't very intellectual, literally 95% of people can't handle more complex ideas than basic nationalistic or even tribal structures
because i prefer personal freedom over taking pride in my geographical location
In school you are taught why America fails, and its because of nationalism. They teach you all about how Europe is some utopia where you don't have to work and you can live how you want with no consequence. This added with teaching kids that they are all unique and can do anything causes resentment by the time they enter the workforce because they end up not being as special as they think, and that if America was more like Europe it would all be fixed.
looks great
>Why do some people view nationalism as a bad thing?
because nationalists are people who have no accomplishments of their own to be proud of, so they're proud of the place they were born in by accident
>Certain thoughts don't hold a place in the intellectual mind.
I'm not surprised that you're the one with the sickle flag
yeah details in language can change but the most often used structures actually find their roots in how our brains work. that's cross-culturally too. there's only a few foundational ways for language to evolve because of our biological nature. iow it's not perfectly malleable to your maxist whims
eventually the lebensraum question comes up
Because it literally creates a hivemind and is a direct reason for conflict and lack of cooperation. Middle East is the biggest example. Creating nations there has created more instability in 80 years than existed in the past 600.
I can't see it.
Nonsense. Extreme Nationalists are by definition, irredentist.
Lets say Nationalists get into power in Germany. How long before they go to war to take back their lost territories (chiefly Alsace-Lorraine) , sparking another World War?
>Dirlewanger was twice the man you'll ever be
Ladies and getlemen. This is I will never take seriously all those stormfront nazifags. Dirlewanger is personification of pure degeneracy. Absolute psycho monster. Everything a true white man should hate and fight with. Yet there are shitload of those degenerates who are worshipping him here on Sup Forums. And you faggots are calling other degenerates? Pathetic.
Culture is depends on surplus production in society, so its largely determined by economic forces.
Because "muh Hitler".
Again, more ad homs and logical fallacies: no one is idolising or worshipping Oskar or whoever, he remains but one man among many, a particularly vile one, yes, but one who knew how to fight, unlike the keyboard warriors on here right now.
what are you proud of?
Where there are two or more differemt things, there will always be disparity. Where there is disparity there will always be conflict. People would kill each other over flavors of chocolate or the color of a uniform necause it's not about city or nation. It's about anything with a label that's deemed to possess some sort of value, even if it really doesn't. We love tragedy and violence, even if we never really want to admit it to ourselves, and the proof is that the cycles of history just keep repeating over, and over, and over...
>War crimes
nice meme
No its not, my country for example is composed of multiple ethnicities, 2 official langues and few state sponsored/supported ones. Economic circumcises divide the country even further not to mention politics, religion or "ethnicity"
low, if the chances they would start a world war were high. it doesnt make sense to try to claim small territories when you should be securing your authority in the land you just won.
>the place they were born in by accident
Are you retarded?
>no its not
what is genetics
World war is already here. It just hasn't been declared as "official". Everyone knows this eu fag. Stop trying.
One nation one majority one country one way of life one religion !
Can we all just a agree that "artificial construct" is a meaningless concept that pseudo-intellectual academics concocted to sound smart?
You guys are basically just unitologists from dead space. You bitch about over minds when your entire philosophy is based on feeding one by making everyone equal/the same so the overmind has an easier time controlling the shit.
I don't know if you realize this, but youre one of it's neurons. You are the overmind. When you act, the overmind acts.
Way to divide ethincities to even smaller sub-sections.
explain ww1 and 2 then
fucking jews obviously
Different ethnicities have different genetics
Because your version of nationalism has a bunch of religious and racial shit attached to it.
No, the world wars were the results of internationalism trying to destroy nationalism.
No our goal is not to create equality but to create smaller more organic, self-sufficient communes run on the basis of democracy.
Ingroups have differences too albeit smaller.
>our goal
You ain't gonna create shit because you're a useless dim-witted fuck up.
>no one is idolising or worshipping Oskar or whoever
Dude, you are new here or what?
>but one who knew how to fight
Sure. With defenceless women and children. Stop this bullshit mate. Even wehrmacht soldiers who saw him and his men in action (and Im not even saying about slaughtering civilians) said that all of them were always drunk and were charging on enemies like complete savages, dying like fucking idiots. I trully dont understand how anyone can call himself white nationalist or anything like that and try to defend this psycho monster in any way. He would literally be great companion for all those isis retards or most primitive niggers from deepest jungles of africa, running with matchetes killing and raping everything.
No one is defending this man, now you are losing yourself, and no one is holing him up as a model of anything positive either.
You are full of bad faith, piss and vinegar. In other words, you are a shill of the globohomo regime.
>Because your version of globalism has a bunch of religious and racial shit attached to it.
That's an extreme oversimplification. It's like saying all school shooting are based on nihilism. From a sophist point of view, sure, but plenty of nihilists don't shoot kids, and there is way more to mass shootings than edgy feels. Guns, school safety procedures, mental illness, time of day, and literally any other form of qualitative data regarding a shooting event.
You don't understand the One.
I'm fine with Nationalism as long as I'm allowed to put our Christian God first and foremost.
Greatest commandments
>Love God
>Love your neighbor
It is not about me but the party. It is enough that I can influence leftist alliance party even bit towards democratic socialism form their current social democracy.
Because you should't take pride in things you have no contribution.
But it's still better than the current globalist agenda.
>Muh Jew on a stick
>Green - Islam(obvious reasoning as well)
>Blue - EU(also obvious reasoning)
>Feminism - Purple(purple is closest thing to pink)
But thats already how OP pic looks :^)
Only in leafland
That's the same goal nearly every other government creator has (unless full psychopath), whether communist, capitalist, or whatever else. Restructuring govs on a mass scale like people are today to implement something that not only has been tried before, but also ends up with the same results as many other systems ideally, is just repeating the historical loop foolishly. Fantastic goal, shit methodology.
Use meditation/mindfulness when studying this stuff. It should lead you down the same path Jesus and everyone other super Buddha went on. I'm on it. ya mama is on it. And it will actually give you the key to fixing society.
Hint: it's not communism.
>In other words, you are a shill of the globohomo regime.
How exactly? Did I said anything against nationalism? Did I said anything pro globohomo? When I see someone is saying anything positive about Dirlewanger I just want to start shooting. Maybe it wasnt your intention and I misunderstood you. But saying that no one on Sup Forums is worshipping him is just silly.
Your grandpa saw it without any problem.
>Personal freedom
Yes, because islam, feminism and big corporations will make you free.
Now you're just trolling.
Yea his grandpa
Well, I doubt roaches like rats either.
well, i like to take drugs, have sex with both men and women and i couldn't care less about a piece of land and its cultural customs. why should i view nationalism as a good thing?
Op this is an incorrect view
Daily reminder Hitler has divisions of the SS for Muslims and high ranking officers occasionally we're even Jews.
Nationalism I'd the fight against degeneracy
Aka sexualization.. anti 'country first' attitudes and general dick headedness
Your umbrella bullshit literally just builds internal divided.. you need a Hitler.. you need someone to unite all for the greater good of the nation..
Fucking idiot
That's pretty cool
It always leads to the country starting a war and then getting shit on.
Its just as bad as leftism except it delivers the results which are a ruined country faster.
Never pick extremes they always encourage hating the other extreme leading to conflict.
And nationalists are ridiculous.
They would gladly lose their life because:
And because nationalism avoids these problems that does not mean its the only valid solution.