Unforgivable red flags

>doesn't like dogs

Only dogs I don't like, are dogs that were bred specifically to kill other dogs.

I don't trust women who own dogs. Thanks internet.

Women who dont like dogs are to never be trusted, and men who dont like em are weak.

I love dogs but I don't want one because I don't want to have to deal with their inevitable death

>loves cats above any other animal

cats > doggos

+1 unironically cats are lame parasites that do nothing

You're a cuck.

>Has non natural hair colors
>Was raped but didn't tell police
>Doesn't know father
>Multiple tattoos especially ones not easily covered
>"Suicide attempts"

Yeah, mental health problems are a huge no-no, aren't they?

you are fine. My advice is to remember that death is a part of life and not bad per se.

the time spent with beautiful doggos outweighs the sadness firendo
for life to be interesting you need ups and downs
even constant good feels become repetitive

They will only lead to problems.

I hate a lot of other peoples dogs. They jump on me. They stink. They don't keep them on a leash. They let them shit in my yard

i have only one that stems to all the other problems you fags point out
holding certain views without coming to the conclusion logically
most problems stem from this one thingu

You seem to have a neighbours problem.

I donĀ“t trust women.

Dyed hair, new age om sign tapestries

>deus vult LARPer pulling out a buzzword
Like clockwork.


this is true though. Especially white girls.

>by dog alongside your kids
>let them grow up together
>bond with the dog, best friends
>dog dies when the kid is 15 and going through ups and downs in his life, unsure where he's goes
>kid goes on a downward spiral, does drugs, sucks a dick or 2, becomes trans

well played jews

your opinion means nothing
go back to your shithole

>unforgivable red flags
black "men" on her facebook.

The good times are what count. I still remember my German sheperd than grew up with me and i smile everytime. My fucking neighbour gave him a steak with rat poison or something before moving out of town. I swear i will find the fucker one day.

Thinks she can sing. Not like everyone else who sings when a good song comes on, but I mean a girl who things she's the next Adele and thinks that her screaming is good singing
Pretty much and girl who took art or performing arts subjects seriously is a massive fucking red flag, they're all attention whores who put about mental health shit on their social media pretending to be suicidal when they just want attention

She was beautiful before too. Imbecil

>not owning rabbits.

fucking faggots.

>be a good parent
>comfort your child through the sadness
>child becomes emotionally more mature
who could ever be behind an atrocious post like this

You have shit taste

Can't we just have a doggo thread?

Best breeds? Border collie, ACD. Working dogs are the white mans friend.

Does not want a family until later in his life, does not like kids, finds pregnancy gross

vanity dogs need to be breed out of existence
pic related best dog from balkan
used for shepherding and guarding

That's because you can't buy a cats loyalty. You can turn a dog into a good goy - never a cat.

Pets and their deaths are the best way to teach children to deal with loss.

Specially fucking chihuahuas. God i hate those rats.

Go away, trash.

I felt like a man when I buried my dog. It was a major feel.

I had a white haired toy poodle. I'd probably get a poodle again, but maybe a regular size. They have hair instead of fur so they don't smell or shed. It's nice.

had an ex that:

- didn't like dogs
- didn't like ice cream
- didn't like chewing gum
- didn't like facials but would swallow every time

pretty sure she was a psychopath

>1 species is bread to be a loyal companion
>1 species is bread to be a pest remover

border collies are fucking top dogs mate, right up there with German sheps and Kelpies imo

If you don't like dogs you're not white.

>unforgivable red flags
1) tattoos
2) too much makeup
3) any piercings aside from normie ear piercings (i.e. no gauges)
4) has had an abortion
5) bisexual
6) has ever cheated

Pugs are fucking worse


You're seeing the thinly veiled purpose of my thread, Dutchanon...

>has had an abortion
nigger if she ain't a virgin you need to drop her let alone fucking abortions
what the fuck is up with your standards lad


I did own them while I was in Ukraine, had dozens of them in my dachya.
Taste great, good fur, you can sell or trade them and they breed like niggers on UN aid program.
Also ducks are great.

pugs are disgusting

A girl that never directly tells you anything but instead "hints" and gets made when you don't pick up on them/stop giving a fuck about them

On second thought that may be all women

St. Bernard, Doberman, Great Dane. Boxers are pretty good too.

>cats were bred to be pest removers.

Do you believe in santa too?
Dogs were already pest removers, and they're literally better at it.
Cats weren't bred for anything, they only started hanging around us because of our trash.

>nigger if she ain't a virgin you need to drop her let alone fucking abortions
Virgins are boring in bed

Losing a dog is hard as fuck though.

I meant to reply to

no u

Can confirm. I know one girl who likes pugs. Absolutely terrible relationship material.

>likes dogs too much

>tolerant of other races
>cut marks
>unnatural hair color
>photography hobby(especially this)

do you still believe in the easter bunny too?
dogs were used for hunting and guarding
you think a 170lb wolf is gonna chase after rats you stupid faggot?
cats were domesticated because they removed mice and bugs and shit from grain you dumb faggot

You don't deserve those hitler dubbs.

You make them exciting in bed you fucking weeb. The only reason you think non virgins aren't boring is because someone else got a virgin to do some perverted shit on him first.

You just made me smile for the first time in days.
Not so much.

my thread wasn't even about relationships, just people but this is okay

true on both counts

I'm not going to lie, it hurts like fuck

I'll never understand people who just pop out and get another dog when the dog they've just spent a decade with dies.

have fun being cheated on fag

still guts you, bro
guts you bad

beauty in your pic, btw

When my last dog got old she fell on her own neck somehow and it is an image I'd like to forget. I also heard her yelp for a solid minute before I could get to her.

This is like every girl on a dating site too.

More like mutual species.

Wouldnt say companion since theyll leave you for fairer humans.

>I don't know how to srimulate a woman: the post
Well you are a Leaf so that's understandable.


Have you ever gotten a good blowjob from a virgin? I haven't.

The niggers of pets. Violent dumb ape like behavior. Cats are the patrician choice, sorry fags

>you think a 170lb wolf is gonna chase after rats
They literally do.

>Huskies aren't still used today to help trappers catch small rodents.

It's been that way for ages bucko.

I never said cats were companions, just that claiming that they were bred to remove pests was retarded, because it is. They were not bred to do anything, they might as well have been domesticated raccoons.

Basically this, especially the photography hobby, or any art based hobby desu

I own one like this, but with normal ears.

My first dog, 2 and a half years old. I will cry so bad. Hope still have 8 years at least.

have you ever even owned a doggo?
there are videos of soldiers coming back from 5 year deployments where the doggos go apeshit from their real owner returning

Bite me.

>and pissing me off

I had a girlfriend that gave good blowjobs and was a virgin, but she also was good at kissing.

There are dog breeds made specially for pest control, you triple nigger.

>I had a girlfriend that gave good blowjobs and was a virgin, but she also was good at kissing.
Lucky you, clearly I've been picking the wrong virgins


> feminist who doesn't want equal rights and responsibilities
So like almost every girl ever.

I like dogs when they can be put to work. Any dog that cannot bite, track, protect, pull something or herd other animals effectively is a piece of shit. Mini dogs? Shit. Pit bulls? Niggers. Fucking untrainable and unreliable niggers unless you just raise fighters. Fuck 'em. I support breed specific legislation. If I currently have no use for a dog, I don't want one around. They smell, they are fucking beta as fuck, and are not worth the money it takes to feed them if they are not performing a function.

You fucking queers with your therapy pups need to STFU and let your testicles drop.

You aren't white so your opinion is obviously idiotic.

>virgins don't cheat

>insert rekt threads where dogs tear children apart because said dog was getting hit and kicked

dog owner btw, just enjoy watching peoples faggot children get torn to shreds by dogs

>doesn't like dogs
>can't hold down a job
>bad hygiene in general
>bad/nonexistent relationship with family
>breaks/hits shit when angry
>addicted to porn/prostitutes
>being anything other than heterosexual

Looks better before. Patrician taste. Only a true alpha male of refined character can appreciate the females natural form. Most people here are homosexual virgins so they don't really have experience with women.

I'm blond with blue eyes so I'd bet I'm whiter than an amerimutt like yourself

>statistics are irrelevant lmao
>holohoax happened as well

not white, and moving on.

That webm is super kawaii

>bothering with animals
What a waste of time.

this was a nice gif
thank you user


Funny how a faggot who hides behind meme flags decides which countries are white or not

Tell her to use her tonge while she has your penis on her mouth. Virgins tend to only suck and not use their tonges at all.

they're top tier doggos
they;re faggots only when gypos own them
