When did you grow out of atheism, Sup Forums?

When did you grow out of atheism, Sup Forums?

When will you outgrow posting sliding threads, sapping attention from important events, bong ?

When I was about 24


Go back through the logs, you could probably pinpoint the month it shifted.

You can't grow out of the most logical materialistic pov unless you're a retard or "want to fit in". Ie, a retard.

This. Born again Christians are just too chickenshit to accept the truth so they swallow the blue pill again.

33 yrs old. I used to think of God as something 'out there' and didn't buy it. It occurred to me that there is nothing that is not God. You can't cut away a slice of everything and say it is separate from everything. God's laws are simply the laws of nature. We are parts of what God is like a liver cell is a part of you. We serve a function within it's body but we don't know exactly what it is.


Around 17, I stopped being an edgy faggot earlier though.

Around 21-22.

Atheism isn't a worldview, let alone a logical one. It is simple "not theism". Lots of worldviews can be not theism, religious and otherwise.

Isn't he just a perennialist? What does he say about God specifically?

Around age 24, whem I decided to stop being an arrogant faggot and become agnostic.

That lasted about 4 years. I just went to church for the first time in my life two months ago. I've accepted Jesus Christ.


I grew out of atheism into cryptotheism. I'm still nominally an atheist, but now I believe myself capable of recognizing God. If there is God, He is surely inexorable and so great that my disbelief is irrelevant. I think a lot of religious people sell God short and present odd crisis narratives.

When I discovered nihilism only leads to suicide and dissatisfaction with life.

Still don't know if I should go back to Christianity or join the pagan larpers.

I did the same.

'It belongs to the imperfection of everything human that man can only attain his desire by passing through its opposite. ' Kierkegaard

>implying you can grow out of logic and reason

>When did you grow out of atheism, Sup Forums?

when i was 20 i slowly grew out of my fedora retrdation. still not a christian tho just agnostic.
not believing in the kike on a stick and the desert book of fairytales.

College when I took a class on atheism.

>no yorha shariabot to make it all better
gas me

I was never stupid enough to pretend to be atheist. I was anti-theist for many years - or at least pretended to be.
I have been agnostic in action at many times and for many periods over the years as well.

But this T.S. Eliot quote. I truly empathise with it today.

The answer should be obvious. All the pagans converted to Christianity for a reason.

Admittedly it wasn't the jew-infested Christianity of Rome/Angicans/Evangelicals that we have today.
But you can still find legit, non-Jewed Christianity in the reformed churches of the West.

I dont wana live in a world where Santa doesnt bring me presents every winter. Hes real to me dam it!

>implying logic and reason weren't perfected in Christianity.

Never fell for that atheism shit. But the more I learn the more I realize how retarded it is. I used to think it was a formidable philosophical now viewpoint that was held by the smartest people, and maybe I just didn't get it. Now I realize that atheism is pants on head retarded.

Basic Logic is no longer able to be taught in America due to the potential for exposure to theism found in Aristotle.

Atheist "intellectuals" literally talked me out of being an atheist.

Probably in the last couple months, just the staggering feelings of renewed spiritualism has given me more conscious feeling than just arbitrarily assuming "Hur dur, God doesn't exist cause that's what I think." ever did.

People who reject religion are just like people who purity spiral their sobriety. How can you claim to know about something if you're looking for something you don't even believe is there? Atheists are always the first in the room to display their shitty opinions, and love for alt lite e celeb bullshit.

We already know how fragile our consciousness is, it doesn't seem out of the realm at all that there's a veil over most people's eyes.

>talking snake
>walking on water
>splitting the sea in half
It's logical for a fairy tale

Modern schooling did away with logic, reason and rhetoric.
Because those three things are the foundation of Christian civilization and the West, and atheistic marxism is powerless before them.

I was like these militant atheist when I was 15-17, but then I quickly realised the debt we owe to Christianity in the construction of our civilisation. When I gave it that credit, other atheist scorned me. That's when I realised atheism is not the answer.

Yeah the new atheist arguments are so half baked its laughable. They cant even atheist right.

Even the old ones are not very good.

They have there very own god complex

>Trusting the words of some sheep fucking jews from thousands of years ago is more reasonable than observing reality and realizing that we really can't know shit about the big bang or afterlife instead of believing that those jews 100% figured it all out after cumming deep in a sheep's ass
Really stimulates my cognitive processes

dont forget the talking burning bush.

Was agnostic for a lil but realized how dumb that shit was. God just makes sense for what doesn't make sense

trust is a moral claim
where are you deriving your morality from?

>Grow out of
Kek. Only people with empty lives grow into religion.

Funny thing is a Christian only believes in his God because he was born at that exact same time at that exact same place. If he was born somewhere else e.g. Afghanistan, he would be advocating for yet another completely different God which goes by a completely different Holy Book.

>one has to be religious to be a theist
Hmm. No.

>If he was born somewhere else e.g. Afghanistan, he would be advocating for yet another completely different God

I never claimed that. Sounds like you're projecting.

Oh youre so right, no one ever converts to another religion. Only thee great enlightened ones like yourself can be born in a Christian nation and rise above their conditioning to see the truth. What a god among men. Everyone is conditioned but the great atheists with their mighty intellect do not conform to the conditioning binding everyone else.

This commenter
doesn't believe in god, while maintaining personal omniscience.
The irony of atheists will never cease to be entertaining.

Nihilism leads to existentialism if you're not studying it as an excuse to an hero. And religion is a viable existentialist path.
E.g Nietzsche acknowledged the virtues of religiosity in giving a purpose to life.

like 7 years ago i really began questioning things that i'd believed in. did i believe them because my friends believed them? because the media said them? i realised i had like next to no self-identity, and just followed trend after trend.

i was baptised orthodox when i was a baby and grew up with pretty religious grandparents, but i threw away my beliefs for what? a life of meaninglessness? what meaning does a short-term trend have over thousands of years of scripture? nothing, that's what.

the nail in the coffin was discovering the yuri bezmenov vids a few years ago. before, i knew there was something wrong, but i couldn't see what. now, i know what's wrong, and i can see what.


Yes, atheists are smarter than religious people, much like whites are smarter than black people. It's why we are atheists while you cling to this primal instinct which is believing in a God.

It really doesn't take much, lad. You need laws and a sense of what's right and what's wrong to make a society work, and that's why every successful society had both of them. Even Hammurabi back in the day made its code with punishments for murder, theft, unfaithfulness etc. We deem those things wrong because we don't want them to happen to us, and by extension to the people around us, while we see as right stuff that helps us and everyone else survive in harmony, like charity, altruism, compassion and loyalty. You don't need a book to tell you that.

You've mistaken getting a college degree for intelligence.

When I was 17
I realized that objective morality cannot exist without God

You're mistaking thoughts that are pleasant to you for intelligence.
With food it happens the same, just because it is pleasing to you doesn't mean it is healthy.

I want to live among people who believe the world has meaning. I've never met an atheist who believes our existence means a damn thing. I may not specifically be a Christian in my heart, but I will advocate for it, and I find theism more likely than the alternative.

The implications of atheism breed a sorry sort of person.
>nothing happens after you die, so live it up now
>your life has no true purpose, it's just random
>the entire universe is just one big coincidence, so nothing has any actual meaning

I used to say let people do what they want, and believe whatever they please, but a Godless society is fucking soulless and doesn't believe in anything, not just God. What reason does an atheist have to leave anything worthwhile behind, or have kids and make sure they have a decent world in? I want neighbors and countrymen who feel they have a moral and religious duty to help one another. I have known of few atheists which are anything but cold and snarky. Those characteristics don't do our society any favors.

I'm sure I'll just be ridiculed for ad hom or anecdotal evidence, but I really don't care. I hate the direction the world is going in and I'm saying what I think.

And I can say this for certain to atheists: your options are Christianity or Islam. You can't have neither, so advocate for the one which you think will do better by you. But here's a word of advice: Christians stopped condemning and killing you several hundred years ago. Muslims are doing it right now, and won't ever stop.


>atheists actually believe this

The world advances on the backs of the religious. Atheists are parasites who create nothing and discover nothing.

No, i fear i am not. Every single IQ survey accounting for religion shows there is a negative correlation between IQ and religiousity.
But Sup Forums will deny this while promptly referencing The Bell Curve when asked proof about how blacks are dumber. Talk about hipocrisy.

Im still an atheist because I am an atheist by philosophy, not based on ideology. Religion is not the vehicle. Philosophy is.

How fucking brainlet have you to be to "grow into" fairytales?


Never considered that there is no objective morality?

The Somali invasion of the past ~10yrs has been a long come to Jesus moment. Anyone outside of Michigan and Minnesota, fight to keep your state safe and clean.

Minnesota is clean, just nuke Minneapolis, the infestation is well contained in there

This used to be the average IQ of our immigrants.

Also, I was militant fedora faggot and vocal about it till around 21 when I started reading the Bible so I could laugh about it with my fedora friends. But by the time I finished it, I had accepted Jesus as my lord and saviour. Did not go as expected.

St. Cloud is overrun too, and they're spreading.

Ever read surprised by joy?

How could you do that especially after reading Genesis? The Christian faith is predicated on the literal veracity of the Biblical creation myth.

>still believing something came from nothing

>Still believing matter exists

When I realised who it is that looks out of all of our eyes.

I was between 13 and 17 but never a fedora faggot

The more you see how complicated this world s the more you should realize how impossible it is for it to exist by mere coincidence. Without even talking about complicated stuff, what are the odds of only one being on earth to be capable of thought? "Everything came out of a explosion but somehow everything is perfect and balanced" the odds for this are impossible ,the "big bang" would be just like a cat box , and the possibilities of chaos. If you really believe that somehow out of that explosion everything came out perfect as it is then you can't say anyhing about people who belive in miracles because you are also one of them.

It may only look like an unthinkable thing to a simple-minded fool like you.

No u

An Argument like that can be used by both sides and they convince nothing , i used a argument based on your science and yet you deny me, this is hypocritical.

>being this misinformed about Peterson

Bet ya know how many black videos Elsa jean has done tho

Why does OP have your logs?

>When did you grow out of atheism, Sup Forums?
at 31

I was never a atheist thankfully

Order does not come out of chaos without outside impetus