Tranny Ex-Green Beret tells it like it is

> 'I fought, shot and grew a beard, but it didn't change a thing': Transgender Special Forces soldier who wanted to die in combat finally learns to love his body after becoming a woman. Now a transgender woman, Alana was once so anguished over her failure to fit in, she hacked into her own chest with a scalpel shortly after leaving the army in 2010.
> Guise, trannies are totally ok
Pick one

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Why are we paying for trans ppl to get hormone shots with medicare at 1200$+ a week when they wont die without them?

When will he sign an exec order cancelling this retarded policy?

stopped reading right there.

Trannies are mentally ill, and only murder can cure mental illness.
Anything else is just ignoring the problem.


wtf i love trans people now

Psoriasis can be a military disqualifier but people are honestly okay with suicidal hormone hoppers having access to military-grade firearms.

>Trannies are mentally ill
How so?

>who wanted to die in combat
How nice of it to also directly deliver the reason why they are unfit for service.

dat voice lol

Joining the military should be for love of country not for free shit.

next week or sooner just u watch... rolling back ALL gay ass policies in 1 swoop. Cant wait until "gay marriage" (no such thing anyway) is up for total recall. poppin popcorn now...

Note how considerate that is for his fellow soldiers. That's the thing with fags and trannies, they're too obsessed with their own buttholes to be of any use to anyone else. Being that self-centered is a huge red flag for crazy.

Or wanting to kill shit, not die there risking to take down others with you.

>trump flies off the handle and restarts the korean war
>tell the draft board that my real name is cynthia and I'm going to need a million dollars in hormones before I can fight
>get medical deferment
>dont have to go to war, dont have to shoot foot to get medical deferment
This policy is great.

mentally ill people do crazy things, like pretending to be a girl, a navy seal or even celebrate chopping off their penis. You never know with crazy.

>1200$+ a week

How is it costing that much? You can buy hormone pills for a few bucks online

At least he's got some hair now

> At least he's got some hair now
About that

>man hates his own masculinity do to a toxic relationship with his mother that he tries to rebel against her becoming hypermasculin and tries to seek death as revenge in the most hypermasculin overachieving way possible
>still fails at that, so he metaphorically commits suicide by killing his masculin self and becoming a woman in an attempt to punish himself through embodying what he hates most, his mother

Look at the guys parents and I GUARANTEE you it will make sense

What the fuck is the difference between special forces and everyone else, if they all turn out to be trannys and faggots? Seriously, isn't this like the third specops tranny?

I wont thank him for his service.

Maybe it's the fact their body gets burnt out of creating so much testosterone.

Someone forgot to tell him his secret undercover tranny mission is over.

I was wondering that too. I'm willing to believe on some level most of them are over-achieving freaks and jerks with weird issues. How else could they find the motivation of going through selection for one of the hardest jobs in the military if they didn't have either massive egos or some troubling issues.

In some ways, I have more respect for the PJ guys than SEAL and whatnot, they do high speed stuff without any of that glamour and fame. I imagine they're probably nicer people to hang out with too.

but you will thank him for his cervix.

6/10 would rape

"Should" in one hand, shit in the other. See which fills up first.

Canada's military doesn't pay any hormone pill expenses. The US can do the same.
The US military even covers Viagra for vets. Seriously fucked.

>allowing unstable money pits to enter military service when regularly mentally ill people aren't allowed to even own a firearm
>this type of mentally ill people are even being celebrated as heros for existing

the left has gone beyond mental gymnastics.

Make sure to thank him for its service

>We need to have a greater conversations about America's imperialist policies and the ways in which we continue to wage perpetual warfare that only serves to enrich oligarchs in the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

pseudo intelligence mumbo jumbo

It's not entirely false though, but xhir should realize it is those same policies that allows the US to be the top dog and run a huge deficit. Without them, life would get a lot harder for burgers that aren't already the off-grid homesteading type.

what the fuck are you doing in america? this shit is gonna hit sweden soon i can feel it

Why won't my insurance pay for LASIK surgery but they will for this? I don't care about trannies either way, but that's pretty fucking lame.

meaning your typical latte sipping libshit dildo isn't exactly cut out for living outside the banking cartel

Testosterone is expensive.

They take prescription hormone pills which are much stronger and require doctor visits to diagnose them with gender dysphoria.

Over-the-counter hormone pills will not have much effect.

Picked one

I wish Trump had never banned trannies.
There is probably like two in the entire army.
Now I have to hear what trannies have to say all over the media.
Videos of male to female surgery all over Sup Forums.
Today someone linked to a tranny testing out a vibrator on youtube.

Never! Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! Trannies are here to stay!

That's the plan, my man.

Democrats have been trying to get away from identity politics since it is turning away voters. Now Trump is forcing them right back into their "FUCK STRAIGHT WHITE MEN! TRANNIES ARE BEAUTIFUL!" hole they dug for themselves. Normies have basic sympathy for gays, but not for trannies; that's why literally everyone controlling the narrative claims this is an attack on "LGBT". Even with gays though normies get sick of the constant agenda pushing.

>Eisenhower warned us about international military complex
Eisenhower was the one who started international military complex and Jewish military power. Do those people believe every goddamn shit they are told by politicians?

How common is it that trans people are sexually abused?

It's gonna make more kids want to be trannies because it's cool and rebellious.

It's a matter of attempting to cure yourself. Go be the baddest and most prestigious. Surely that will cure you! Nope, sure doesn't.

enough dicks for him.

Transsexuals have to be mentally insane and unfit for society, even, let alone the military.

Here me out. How could someone who has a dick possibly be happy and content with being a chick? I have to drink EVERYDAY as a NATURAL born woman to fucking cope. I know lots of regular women who don't get to do anything, say anything, or even get medicaid to help with them 1. obtain medications to live everyday. I legit know women who cannot leave their fucking doorstep, Sup Forums.

I'm jealous of them. They get attention, they get surgeries, they get told their pretty and special, they get the talk shows, they GET TO TALK, you always see their "transformations" like SHIT I don't get to do ANYTHING. Fuck, I have a real fucking vagina and they think THEY CAN DO ANYTHING, AND THAT THEY ARE BETTER THAN ME.

This is LITERALLY male privilege, no no, this is called BEING A MAN. They have no idea what it's like to be a woman and at one point, benefitted from being a man.

It's literally when leftists freak out and say "Lol you can't change your race!" Like even in World of Warcraft I can pay $60 for a race change, BITCH.

Then these people go on to say "Oh, but you are still white, you benefitted from being white in society, you can't be black!" Not that I would even LOL.


I feel like it's all a joke. Like, they are just falsifying information to spread lies and cover the truth and tell tales of misinformation. I don't even they know the truth, but I think I do.

very common for women cause they think 'this wouldn't have happened if I was a guy.'

read this:
Probably why sweden has so many trannies.

Movie about this shit when

Every celebrity and teacher is telling children to be transgender. Being one is not rebellious, it is encouraged by the biggest names in our society.

It'll win an oscar.
school kids will be forced to watch it.
trannies fucking everywhere, lads.
Make it stop

>I suffered a lot of stress as a special forces
>so now I'm a woman, okay?
>pay for it too


>victim of sexual abuse


Yeaaah. I wasn't.

Totally not a mental illness. The Jews are pulling out all the stops on this one.

>ban trannies again from entering the military
>this is gonna sweden soon

>I don't even they know the truth, but I think I do.

>physical test
>okay that's a penis
>yeah but I'm a girl
>passed the psych test with flying colors!

>sexual abuse fucks people up in all kinds of ways
>but making me fucked up and thinking I'm a girl? no way!! This is who I AM


you can service me with those sweet dick sucking lips

leave the hat on

This tranny has the Miley cyrus type of tranny voice.

You really don't.

nobody really likes women, that's the secret. That's what trannys don't grasp.

Everybody likes cute sexy plump soft harmless cuddly thing that will ride your dick or hug you or cuddle in bed or make you eggs, etc.

If that was all women did it would be great.

But women lie as a priority, mislead, confuse, cheat, break hearts, yell, are whiny, act like teenagers their whole lives, drain you financial and emotionally.

See what happens is that 80% of the time spent with a girl is negative or a burden.

and only 20% of that time is cute good sexy times.

and as women get older that 20% shrinks.

No one enjoys the company of old women

>wanted to die
>so anguished over her failure to fit in, she hacked into her own chest with a scalpel
Complete lunatic. And therefore not speaking from any kind of position of credibility or expertise.

The military won't even hire diabetics. Why the fuck would they hire people who need to have money wasted on hormones and time wasted on prying open their neovaginas constantly? And that's not even bringing up the mental illness problem. and this faggot didn't even transition until after his service. Not the same thing as letting a tranny into the military.

>she hacked into her own chest with a scalpel shortly after leaving the army in 2010.

sounds like a mentally stable person, why aren't we letting these people in the army in droves?

why am i paying for illegal immigrants to get all types of healthcare using medical when they dont pay into the system themselves? when will trump step in and force california to bend the knee and acknowledge the constitution of the nation?

>prior operators turn to trannys

Let's be fucking real, tinfoil real. One SF guy can train dozens of competent fighters and saboteurs. Vets have a high disdain for the government bureaucrats who force them to train child beheaders and defend poppy fields.
There is every incentive to neutralize as many of the most competent and dangerous soldiers as possible. Driving them insane is one.
If there was a covert method of inducing this insanity in these men it is guaran-fn-teed it would be used.


>she was also the victim of sexual abuse


Yeah, they want to be women and then MORE THAN WOMEN. Like between a man and a woman. They want first dibs on guys.

Also, when you age, you will start to see women for who they are. Support system. People you literally cannot live without, a dependent, someone who picks up the pieces. It's small things for women; your clothes are folded, they smell nice, you look good, you eat right. They help protect men in so many more ways than not. You want the attention of a women, but not the woman you want. I mean, you're right. Probably in your 20s.

Sorry, I don't have time for sob stories and "special me's". I have severe alcoholism and enough depression for more than 1 person. If you have some serious knowledge that doesn't sound like "waaaahhh. waaaahhhhh. waaaahhhh." please inform Sup Forums. Like "Why are trannies lying?" etc etc.

Obama only allowed trannies to serve openly in the US military at the end of his term. If he was such a strong advocate for this stuff, why didn't he make it happen sooner? It seems that he only did this so that his successor would have to repeal this less than 1 year old policy. This would inevitably make the successor unpopular with the buzzfeed reading masses


"I have trans friends in the military."


"I have gay/black friends" "LOL THAT DOESN'T MADDER, NAZI!"

Great idea, let's get some protesters with rainbow flags and shit

I'd love to beat the fuck out of them. Esp a soft, white lib cuck woman with no morals or obligations to anything. I'd love to hear her fucking cry out in help or someshit while I curbstompher.

They are looking for a people who are pretty close to the edge anyway. They've no problem having slightly unhinged people serving in these units, they know that these people have had to prove themselves and will continue to be forced to prove themselves better, stronger, faster, more willing to what it takes to do whats asked of them.

Now pay attention to the prove themselves part. Thats most of what transgenderism is, proving to those around you that they are "more" than just another man / woman / or person regardless of the biological fact their gender was determined by a hormone surge in their mothers womb.

> LGBTQ church protests military's transgender ban


The gay mafia claims another victim
He'll kill himself in a few years. Hopefully.

Why are green berets always so fucked in the head? Like I mean all spec ops dudes are fucked in the head to some extent but greenies are always next level cuckoo.

Seriously what in the FUCK happens to these people that they go from tough SOF warriors to thinking they've actually been a woman their whole life? Is it something in the water, part of an MKUltra military program? Were they always mentally deranged pussies? I really don't get it.

She went 100 to nigger real quick. If I had the ability, their bodies would litter the fucking streets.


>hacked his own chest... wanted to die

It is an extension of narcisim

Guys, guys. It's just a serial killer on the loose. No big fucking deal. Who cares the news said they were in the house and dressed like I am. Seriously, like stop being so fucking insensitive. Oh, what? They said my name as the suspect? Fucking Nazis. I promise I'm not.

Chemicals in the MREs

Trannies didn't exist politically until 2013