
>literally nothing happens
Bravo Sup Forums

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It (((happens))) every once in a while. These are psyops, I don't know by who but everytime some newbie Sup Forums suckers fall for it. People need to protect their brains.

Why do they keep falling for these over and over again?

>>literally nothing happens
>Bravo Sup Forums

Very boring day so far

america only just woke up. wait til this evening

You keep falling for it. Brexit yourself out of real life my good chap.

Nigga it's 3am on West coast best coast famarino slow your fizz pop ya dig?

The east coast is just barely starting to wake up. You'd think autists would understand time zones

The day has only begun and Shills already climbing in to do damage control.


Let's talk again in 15 hours.

it's 7 am. WH user said happenings would start at noon you dumb fuck

Remember this bullshit? Was also fake as fuck

damage control for what? Happening threads have been happening forever and nothing ever happens. It's click bait tier, fuck off with your bullshit.

>it's 4 hours before anything opens in the gov or businesses

>it's literally only been 7/27 for a few hours

>Ukrainian and Shareblue shills desperately sliding threads and creating diversions as they've been paid to do

What do Ukrainians have to do with it?

>retards still believing every faggot roleplayer who makes a thread here

I remember this meme

But it's totally happening guys!

my dad works at cia and he said something big happenin
stay safe anons
stock up on tendies and milk while you still can

>a board that has daily autistic Yellowstone national Park exploding threads that are based on literally nothing is wrong

It's 6:40 am you fucking retarded, man Brock has you guys up and early today huh

My uncle works for Nintendo he just confirmed Half Life 3 is coming this year

newfags are the only ones that fall for it.

>6:42 am
Day is just starting genius. What's the time where you're at? Definately not in the US by the sound of it.

Sit your ass down.

the DNC pays Ukrainian shills and bots to spread disinfo, as they have and do collude with them to destroy America


But America is the only country keeping Russia from taking more land from Ukraine. I don't think Ukrainians want to destroy America.

Don't forget Pizzagate

I am kinda hoping something happens, but it's pretty unlikely.

And Hillarygate that's another one that went on for weeks.

Newfags take this lesbian oragami board seriously.

Nothing important will happen today, but the spergs will fixate on some mundane bullshit and say that it is the fulfillment of the prophecy.


>I-It's totally going to happen this time guys!!

Mods seriously need to start cracking down on this.

todAy is the day we have wait
follow clues pizzagate
habbenin by noon
but now is too soon

I posst from this tripcode for now

Whanon here new update fellow patriots trump decided to save our attack for 08/17/17
Watch the twitter that day
Prepare to use this hashtag
Stay vigilant

When the day is over and the only "happening" is some tweet by some media literally who, sit your ass down yourself and think about not falling for every Sup Forums hype day you fucking retard.

During the entire buildup to the election, we had people laughing at us:
>trump is totally gonna win guys!! herp-a-derp
>I'm gonna come back to this board and laugh so hard on Nov 8th.
Wonder where those people are now?

While probably nothing will happen here, given all the amazing shit that has happened over the last year - you can't blame us for hoping.

Sorry I can not roll trips...

>You have been more unruly than the nations around you and have not followed my decrees or kept my laws.
You have not even conformed to the standards of the nations around you.
Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself am against you, Jerusalem, and I will inflict punishment
on you in the sight of the nations. Because of all your detestable idols, I will do to you what I have never
done before and will never do again. Therefore in your midst parents will eat their children, and children
will eat their parents. I will inflict punishment on you and will scatter all your survivors to the winds.
Therefore as surely as I live, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your vile images and detestable practices,
I myself will shave you; I will not look on you with pity or spare you. A third of your people will die of the plague or
perish by famine inside you; a third will fall by the sword outside your walls; and a third I will scatter to the
winds and pursue with drawn sword. Then my anger will cease and my wrath against them will subside, and I will be avenged.
And when I have spent my wrath on them, they will know that I the Lord have spoken in my zeal.
I will make you a ruin and a reproach among the nations around you, in the sight of all who pass by.
You will be a reproach and a taunt, a warning and an object of horror to the nations around you when I inflict
punishment on you in anger and in wrath and with stinging rebuke. I the LORD have spoken. When I shoot at you
with my deadly and destructive arrows of famine, I will shoot to destroy you. I will bring more and more famine
upon you and cut off your supply of food. I will send famine and wild beasts against you, and they will leave you
childless. Plague and bloodshed will sweep through you, and I will bring the sword against you.

it will happen

> (OP)
>it's 7 am. WH user said happenings would start at noon you dumb fuck
You're the dumb fuck if you're falling for this shit


When is the last time a Sup Forums predicted event happened? And I'm not talking about vague shit like a president being elected. I mean an actual 'happening'.

You see this shit like every day - anons making statements about certain dates and nothing happens. At this point you fags are nothing more than the insane doomsday preachers on the street corners in burgeristan

Into archive

>washingtonpost com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/07/26/house-judiciary-committee-votes-to-probe-comey-and-clintons-2016-campaign/?utm_term=.00a87de482ac

It seems like you don't read the news everyday
Everyday something government related happens it will happen tomorrow too
Breaking news alert on fox goes off every 15 minutes everyday

No happening ever gets predicted they all come by surprise this is the most autistic board on Sup Forums.

>When the day is over and the only "happening" is some tweet by some media literally who, sit your ass down yourself and think about not falling for every Sup Forums hype day you fucking retard.
I haven't fallen for shit, i'm not particularly expecting a happening if it does ofcourse it will be interesting. But i understand the fun involved of waiting for happenings something you clearly don't get about this board. And let's face it trump dropped a big one yesturday. Whilst baiting the media with several things.
I'm just pointing out that it's even more idiotic to sit and say nothing has happened today when it's barely 7 am.

6:22 am
Nothing happened
Bet you been waiting for days to say that
You could at least wait til afternoon

checked. did you actually read what this is?
salute nordbro!

pic related.

Yeah I bet money on Trump and won $1000. Difference between Sup Forums's apocalypse day hype and vote outcomes is that the vote results always happen, while the monthly Sup Forums hype day is another day of fucking NOTHING, you numbskull.

Watch as some tweet is the "happening" and you retards wait another week and re-schedule the happening day to next month. Keep in mind that the reason the retards chose this day is because "7 is le powerful number it's 27/7/17".

Don't worry though I'll make sure to spend the entire day laughing at you mouthbreathers who fell for D.A.K. again.

this site is frequented by faggots whose lives are completely inconsequential. Believing anything that these bottomfeeders post suggests you're dumber than the average pol user/faggot.

Why was something supposed to happen?

Uh and did you know that actually happened 7/26?

>i don't even care bro I'm just having le fun
Yeah okay loser enjoy your tweet

it's a precursor to what is to come

Why are you redditfags/shariablue even here? This fucking early too. Hilarious.

>trump dropped a big one yesterday
Every fucking day is a tweet induced shitstorm. Something """"big""""" will happen today, like every day, and you'll forget about today's happening after tomorrow's happening.

please start nuking asap so i could skip todays shift which is 20 mins away

Why even bother laughing at a bunch of conspiracy theorists who believe in magic dates. It's like laughing at people who think armageddon is around the corner cause they found some cryptic code in the bible. I just ignore those threads full stop, I didn't even really notice that there were a bunch of people who believed there was supposed to be another one of those magical events today.

And now I'm being called a shill, there you go.

Hey everyone, look at this guy, this is the kind of retard you believe in when you fall for a happening hype.

When the day is over and nothing happened, remember to think people like this will literally blame shills because nothing happened, and you listen to these delusional retards for your future predictions.

literally low quality shill n slide. fuck off

The only thing happening today is sleep
I'm getting sleepy I'm off to bed I woke up too early for this false happening
Remind me to just stay offline on days some ((((source))) says to check the internet that day See you all later

its 4-7am

fuck off

>Every fucking day is a tweet induced shitstorm. Something """"big""""" will happen today, like every day, and you'll forget about today's happening after tomorrow's happening.
Get off the board newfag, problem solved.
and take
and whatever other ones with you.

Act like 5 am is primetime to start cracking heads...wait till everyone is awake and got lunch in them. Anticipated faggot

You clearly don't understand this board whatsoever.

dude stop lying my uncle works for pc and he will ban u

You aren't impressing anyone with your prediction that nothing will happen. I think most people here are pretty aware that this is the likely outcome of today.

But, as the other guy pointed out, the day hasn't even started yet. You're already speaking as though it is complete certainty (instead of most likely). For all you know, Hillary could be arrested today. Why not just join the fun?

Side-note, I don't believe you about the Trump bet. You are the type of person who would make this up - you're clearly out to let everyone know how superior you are. Prove me wrong with time-stamp + betting receipt.

It's only 7 am so it's kinda early to say nothing has happened today, but nothing probably will happen though

Sup Forums doesn't realize that we can make demands. There's enough people on here. If we demand a happening we will get one... as long as we keep the discourse on what matters

Haven't been on Sup Forums for a while. What's going on? Is this the whitehouse insider revealing some shit or have you uncovered a new Mayan doomsday date?

Sort of both.

..... 4AM .... go back to bed you fuckin kike faggot

>You are the type of person who
shush you fingol, your people have to be the dumbest I've ever met

>heh even if nothing happens I didn't even care

>eh maybe

>>heh even if nothing happens I didn't even care
That's actually how it is, though. You are the only one here who cares. Everyone else is just in it for the laughs, and the hopes of witnessing something awesome.

I thought his twitter was called the real Donald J.Trump.

Awan getting busted at air port is sorta a "happening"

Don't worry I'll be laughing at you and retards like you all day.

>I thought his twitter was called the real Donald J.Trump.
No this has been his twitter also before he was POTUS.
>Don't worry I'll be laughing at you and retards like you all day.
So you just stopped by to say this with 7 replies, and you call someone else loser?

Whatever gets you off, friendo.

>When is the last time a Sup Forums predicted event happened? And I'm not talking about vague shit like a president being elected. I mean an actual 'happening'.

ThereĀ“s first time for everything, broken clock is right etc.



It's 2 pm here, can I go to the beach safely or will I be missing crucial habbenings?

plz respond

if people ever bothered to search, that gold/dow chart is true as snopes

Supposedly you have 4 hours from now

You don't say..

>Tfw you havent been here in a while and only remember the 'real' habbenings.
Come on, you guys used to put some effort in these things, now its nothing more than 'omg something is going to happen, I just feel it'. Atleast the shemitah had some nice infographs.

Thx ausbro

>idiots fell for the reddit larpers memes

Even IF Trump turns out to be right and have it figured out all along after this 27th shitstorm, is it not better to live in blissful ignorance under our Democratic puppet master overlords than in a state of disorder and war? Only for what? A twisted sense of 'justice' and 'truth'?

We all learned long ago that justice and truth are abstract things.

if you watch the vote the dems delayed testimony untill 9 am est

> is it not better to live in blissful ignorance under our Democratic puppet master overlords than in a state of disorder and war?

too much fluoride in your toothpaste

one of the common mindsets that prevent man from reaching superman. Muh everything is relative so then truth is relative. Yous like Pilate.

>Yeah okay loser
November 8... you lost, you faggot

It has started...