Mike Stuchbery BTFO
Mike Stuchbery BTFO
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jesus christ PJW you have no shame
have a bump mate
You dropped a shit link. Nigger.
How do I drop a good one?
Saw the bitchfit the soyfaced leftist threw on twitter. Very weird to see such hard flailing be so ineffectual. He just repeated a really convoluted excuse for how blacks (native to places outside the greatest extent of the Roman Empire) may have ended up in England, as proof that it's valid to present the Romans as black. It's also very unfair to the "Moors" to present them as black, and to equate Southern Med = black.
What's also disturbing is they seemed to be larping in favour of the Roman Empire precisely because it was "diverse" in its settling of occupying troops upon native peoples! They're like anti-national "fascists" in that they think mass murder and genocide to remove local heritages is the motivating "moral" force in history!
This too.
i hate this cunt so much
i'm not even watching the video m8
It better happen!
His response on Twitter: ''Oh my God, the video from Paul Joseph Watson is better than I could ever imagine.''
wtf I always liked this guy but this is too far.. he's not going full JQ soon is he..?
tell me you yanks are not this stupid
>implying superiority
He tries to appeal to all ages. Yes, even 10 year olds. That's why he does those cringeworthy (from our perspective) memes.
He kind of annoys me and comes off as a manchild a lot of the time, but we need people like him who are willing to call out leftists on their bullshit instead of being a faceless Anonymous who talks about killing niggers on Twitter as if it helps the right.
Like it or not, alt-lite e-celebs like PJW are necessary to ease people on the fence into being redpilled. Too many retards on here are too dull to realize this.
>Like it or not, alt-lite e-celebs like PJW are necessary to ease people on the fence into being redpilled. Too many retards on here are too dull to realize this.
There's absolutely no proof of this. You're just pulling it out of your ass.
Day or night.
The jew lies
and rubs his hands in delight.
I just wrote this for you shillenstein.
Yull do fookin nuttin.
Someone give me a quick rundown of what PJW actually said.
Is it redpilled or not?
Watch the video?
They throw bricks at the dominant social narrative.
They're videos serve to undermine those we fight against.
If you don't understand this and are looking for some kind of peer reviewed study of this to prove it then you are seriously mentally deficient.
The sky is blue
>There's absolutely no proof of this. You're just pulling it out of your ass.
No faggot. Some things are just painfully apparent
By dropping the full link. Jesus
That's a lot of claims that have nothing to do with the original:
>Like it or not, alt-lite e-celebs like PJW are necessary to ease people on the fence into being redpilled
You're implying here that people go past the alt-lite. I'm stating that the alt-lite is a speed trap on the road to being redpilled. By providing a pressure valve, the alt-lite is effectively castrating the truth movement. In the olden days, they would be a classic example of controlled opposition. Nowadays, we have the internet thankfully.
>wtf i hate these people who broadly agree with me and convince a wider audience of my own opinions now
i wonder who could be behind these posts
Lol, PJW literally said there is no evidence of jewish control of the media.
We do need people to do this kind of work, but in a much more academic matter. Remove his tabloid-tier presentation and it would be worth a damn.
if being clickbaity works for pjw then that's good enough
that's an essential difference nigger
My whole point is that he is stealing people who are disgusted with the faggotry, trannyism and general retardation of the current culture, and shields them from race realism and jewish influence. That's the literal definition of controlled opposition.
Top fucking lel. That was satisfying to watch after seeing the RACIST ALT RIGHTER OWNED all over Facebook recently
Holy shit, his eyes are so red? Why does he looks so weird?
he was pretty based, why do you hate this fag again other than because le skeptic community(Jew of akkad, Jew and tea) told you to?
youtubers like him aren't a mantrap, they're a stepping stone
Well, that's arguable.
Why are people so mad over a video that was uploaded months ago and has barely 20k views?
he made a mistake in his original tweet when he mocked the idea of roman britain being diverse. of course the people staying in britain at the time were diverse, it had garrisons of soldiers from all corners of the empire. he gave the soyfaced leftist ammunition to make a total non-point and get applauded for it.
i wonder what the soyfaced leftist would have said if pjw instead mocked only the blackness of the portrayal.
you aren't tired of bbc propaganda?
You're pathetic for even asking that question.
Sure, but the video was practically hidden until somebody stumbled across it and decided they were triggered.
If PJW is not Sup Forums approved, can you suggest a YouTube channel to watch that is Sup Forums approved?
Jim, and only Jim.
Jim who
The Roman Empire was most certainly ethnically diverse. North africans, egyptians, jews, dacians, greeks, gauls, spaniards, italians, some germanics, illyrians, britons, the list goes on and on. It is reasonable to assume SOME black people (e.g. Nubians) found their way into the legions via the North African provinces.
There was an emperor, I forget his name atm, who made it a point to put legionaries from different parts of the empire in foreign posts. Would not be surprised at all if a bunch of North African or Egyptian legionaries were stationed in Britannia with of their comrades being dark skinned.
tl;dr none of you know Roman History
Fuck PJW is such a retard.
The study he quoted said the population was 3% non-indegenous and he goes on a fucking long ass rant saying Britain was 3% non-white and non-European. It says nothing about them being non-Europeans.
Basically PJW is saying Britain was 3% black during Roman times, I think that is good enough for the leftist.
In reality there is no evidence even one black person ever lived in Britain during that time and the fact that the only ones who might have possibly done so would have been slaves, making the "typical Roman-British family" argument completely null and void but PJW is too retarded for even the simplest of logic.
Also PJW seems to think only ethnic diversity is found outside non-whites.
>The Roman Empire was most certainly ethnically diverse.
Y r u projecting l8 20th century wank (((interpretations))) into history user?
u really think that was a day in Rome held for a Pride Parade/Danube Peoples Parade/Carthage remembrance day?
You are retarded AF trying to sell your assumptions as factual history.
Nubians were never soldiers in the Roman Empire.
Legions and battallions were from different parts of the Roman Empire but Always ethnically homogenuos because there was no PC culture in those times.
And, surprise surprise, North Africa before arab invasion and arab slave trade was only inhabited by caucasoids
We wuz ROMANS nd shiiieeettt
The replies on his twitter post are fucking cancer
Idiots saying Septimius Severus was Black, these smug liberal cunts of accusing "the alt right" of rewriting history while claiming a Punic man was Black
>Nubian in Roman army
At the very darkest were likely Berbers from around Carthage area or southern Spain. And even then they were likely low ranking foot solders. To become a Roman general you have to have political influence to be place into battles as an officer to distinguish yourself. And even then you have to had favor with the senate and/or Caesar at the time, or perhaps one of the Caesars family members (or be a family member).
People from isolated regions of the empire were very unlikely to have any political leverage to elevate themselves to that position. And all "black skinned" people either lived outside the Roman empire or on the very small provinces on the outer border.
Having a Black Roman general is completely inaccurate and is intentional miss information to create a narrative that "black people were always there" so that future generations don't question it.
There is no alt lite. You're not redpilled because you engage in anti semitism and natsoc larping.
>Punic is now black
I just want to mention that at this time a lot of the North African coast as far as Modern day Libya, were Colonized by the Greeks and everything past Libya to southern Spain were colonized by Phoneticians which were probably a mix of Greek and Semitic populations. So, people from Northern Africa during the Roman empire were likely a light brown color and looked a bit like Arab-greek mix. Obviously during the Roman empire there would have been more mixing due to trade and solders fucking everything that moved.
Now pic related is Hannibal the Great, Carthaginese General.
Tell me he is negroid again.
tl;dr youve revealed yourself to only have a cursory understanding of the roman empire. shut the fuck up and neck yourself.
Why is he crying? Look at his eyes, they're literally fuck my shit up senpai tier.
ITT: cucks flailing autistically when presented with the idea that possibly black people served in the legions and could be regular roman citizens like everyone else. There weren't a ton of them, but they were very likely there. Butthurt?
what black people? where did the romans get them from?
also "very likely" is a weasel term. it's also "very likely" there were 0 sub-saharan negroes brought over by the romans, on account of them not having conquered sub-saharan africa.
The way he ends some of his sentences is so fucking annoying.
I find it funny how these youtubers are slowly swallowing the actual redpill though.
Do you really think that 100% of the black people in Africa stayed away from North Africa for their entire existence? I think it is more than reasonable to assume that some of them migrated north and integrated with whatever society existed at the time of their migration. Not only that, but Nubians existed in Egypt thousands of years before Rome was even a kingdom. Seeing as Octavian annexed Egypt 400+ years before the fall of the western empire, it is same to assume that at the very least some of these nubians integrated into the empire.
As well there are plenty of greek and latin sources from before the days of the empire that refer to black people, I wonder where they saw them.
>all this what aboutism
You have no evidence for any of that just speculation.
"but there could have been this"
That means nothing to a historian and you clearly aren't trained as one.
>british education
reveal yourself
you're right they used their flying pyramids to visit Rome.
And yes there was no mass migration. If anything it would have been roman merchants travelling by ship (something africans hadn't invented beyond tiny river rafts) to go to Africa and trade with them. They would have brought back stories and impressions of the people there.
You're kinda retarded if you think tribal peoples (they were still tribal as late as 1900) would have crossed the massive fucking desert for no reason.
People in tribal societies try and survive, they aren't interested in what they would see as suicidal exploration. their world fucking ended at the Sahara.
>what is the nile river
One possible route: They travelled to sudan(nubia) and made their way up the nile.
But I repeat again for those who didn't read, there were nubians aka black folk already in egypt before the romans annexed it. There they are. We can speculate all day about the possible migration routes of sub-saharan africans in antiquity if you'd like though.