Gooks the worst race after niggers. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and
lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).
My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs are mongrels with admixture of paleoasiatic subhumans, pathetic and passive inbreds with low androgens. Gooks already takes your place in Africa
Betas which mating with gook garbage girls BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
white roastie detected
you bitches could never compete
Gooks are the most best race when it comes to women at least. I'm alpha 6'2'' and blonde and have a 9/10 19 yr ex virgin fit Japanese girlfriend meanwhile you are just drunk on vodka and alone.
Of course you have, only foreign losers have Japanese flags on Sup Forums. Every Japanese flag on Sup Forums is an American army or teacher of English living in Japan buying prostitutes.
Omega faggot detected.
He's a beta neckbeard, ok, but good God that thing on the left is ugly as sin.
>cuckistani flag
What a fag.
It's a special perversion of beta anglogermans.
The same people who started worshipping niggers so that should tell you something, really.
Nothing you and I could ever understand.
I gotchu senpai.
>tl;dr Couldn't get a white girl so he got himself a gook
I'm starting to think this applies to every east Asian flag
Holy shit r/hapas was right
>my dad always wanted me to marry a white guy
Insane shit. Sinantrope man finally realise that he is inferior insect
>My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs are mongrels
Completely false. In an analysis only about 5% of eastern Slavs have any significant Mongolian DNA.
Not a prostitute, Ivan. What's your point?
looks russian
It is always the betas.
Looks Fingolian
She is
Even though I have hapa freinds your still a fucking race traitor. Our people are going the way of the dodo your a prime example of Nordic genes yet you will throw it all away because muh pussy. Fucking traitor you make me sick.
Nah. Whites are the worst race. Always boasting about their whiteness and nothing else. They deserve to be wiped out for helping niggles discriminate against asians
Wow you posted you nip girlfreind on pol good idea?
>Your people are ugly.
>Your country is a dirty shit hole.
>Your people have done nothing for society.
Plus when do whites boast about their whiteness? If every white thought like the people on POL we would have no problems.
Your cuckntry literally cargo cult of England
No I didn't. I just posted another girl to counter his cherry picking. She is as hot tho, just uses less makeup.She probably has a better body.
There is no reason I have to settle with a white girl. Sorry I'm not a WN, just racist.
It does.
Why would the come here when they have their own internet communities and culture, not mentioning that their english sucks.
Honestly, english teachers are so pathetic.
Having no skills other than teaching the easiest fucking language to a bunch of gooks and then pretending that you're alpha because some pan-faced gooks worship you as a novelty.
I'm a student Herr Salty.
You are a traitor to your people and your famliy should feel fucking ashamed. If their was a surplus of whites on the planet I wouldn't care but we are going extinct and you do this fuck you scum bag.
That meme!
Herr means "mr." in German lol.
My family are leftist scum lol.
Ruskiblyat you got anything against niggers?
your dad may be leftie scum, but atleast he married a white woman and produced white children, you're a failure for your bloodline. you may resent them but they didn't end their bloodline, you did. filthy traitor
lol asian chicks are fucking HOT! my daddy and I watch Kpop and K-dramas all the fucking time and the girls ARE SMOKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your son's cock is gonna be like 4 inches. He's gonna hate you forever.
Same, only I married a Chinese. Sad that even women in eastern Europe are hopelessly corrupted.