What the fuck is wrong with you eurofags?

In America we don't really have a choice, we have to be "diverse" due to the stupidity of people in the past bringing in so many nonwhites and look how fucked America is with the crime rates of ethnic neighborhoods in america. Now Europe is bringing in all these 3rd world-ers knowing that international law wouldn't allow them to get rid of them. Why? Why are eurofags so suicidal?


Because nonwhites are a novelty for us, we haven't had to deal with blacks for 200 years

Your average European thinks of a foreigner as white people who speak a different language, and they're alright, so why wouldn't Kwame or Muhammed be OK too?

Things are changing but remember the USA is a special, unique phenomenon of a multiculti that has survived for so long, I don't know why but it has

I'm pretty much anti-pol on everything but this.
I would assume this is also why whites outside the south are so into diversity.

Probably, I'm a eurofag in the lily-white countryside of Northern Europe so it's my theory, Wikipedia says my village is 99.8 white and I genuinely think the .2 are the family who own the small Chinese restaurant nearby

What countries do you think of when you say "Europe"?

My perspective is of someone who lives in a very diverse mid sized American city that also happens to be in the top 2% of cities by crime rate :^) do yourselves a favor, vote to keep em out

Western Europe mostly, bringing in hundreds of thousands of Syrians yearly cause "aw but look at the little dead kid on the beach, DINDU NUFFIN YOU NAZI"

Germany and Sweden obviously, since they are the ones bringing in the most muslims.

Guilt from colonialism and WW2.

Don't worry about me, I already do :^)

I like not being thrown off buildings and being able to live in a high-trust, clean neighbourhood

Aside from this, it's surprising how many pol type opinions can be found on this board, I wouldn't have expected it (this is a good thing)

There are more than 50 countries in Europe you ingorant imbeciles.
No, Europe does not "import muslims". Several countries' policies are/were about bringing cheap labour force from muslim countries.

It's funny how this board is turning into a Sup Forums proxy.


Where do you live in Europe? Your definition seems to include the Balkans, which we should really give to Asia, Serbia is the last 'white' country down there IMO

BTW I'd be happy for you to take every nonwhite in my country, given that our government seems deadset on importing people via immigration targets, free housing and benefits for recent migrants, as well as funding camps in third world countries that act as the first step to gaining citizenship and white wimminz or whatever

>about bring in a cheap labor force of Muslims
Aka importing
Also its easy to see which ones in talking about, I shouldn't need to go down the line and list all of you uppity morons who think "lmao you guys elected drumpf and so now we're the leaders of the free world cause he's a racist huuuuurrr current year"


Wherein did I claim to be straight or a Sup Forums ambassador? Im 100% gay and very rarely visit Sup Forums, I just happen to live in an American city and therefore know the consequences of importing ethnics

I mean, good? I'm fucking tired of gay spaces always being the sjw circlejerk of democrat dreams, I hope this trend continues

Of course Balkans count as Europe, what kind of idiot would argue otherwise?
>Serbia is the last 'white' country down there IMO
Serbia is second worst country in Balkans. :/
>that projection
saying "europe import muslims" is as correct as saying "america is ruled by drug cartels"

If it weren't for "ethnics", I wouldn't have survived today. Why? Because my white manager, my white assistant manager, and all the white customer cashiers and sales associates left at their scheduled times, customers be damned.

I stayed, and my black Customer Service Manager stayed, and my black Operations Manager stayed, and a latino cashier stayed, and that was IT for four hours today.

And constantly, without fail, it was the white customers who acted like bitches and the non-white customers who were very understanding with me.

Plot twist: I'm not white either. I'm Asian/Native American. White people are fucking lazy, you have nobody but your own pale ass to blame for your problems.

your racism is showing
calling someone a Sup Forums ambassador is just shorthand for calling them a bigoted imbecile which you have just confirmed you are

Maybe because you ethnics team up together to shit things up? Just a thought

>your racism is showing
I care why?
>bigoted imbecile
Just because I'm bigoted doesn't mean I'm an imbecile, Jamal ;)

You already have Sup Forums as a de facto far-right safe space. And they keep trying to spread their cancer to other boards. If we're going to have a second politics board, it should at least have a different focus than what Sup Forums already provides.

protip: intelligent people aren't bigots

>All the white people are fucking rich and can sue the NYPD for daring to detain them
>All the POC are poor as fuck and easy targets for arrest quotas
Checks out.

>Asian rapists

is that even physically possible?

Bitches don't know bout mah tentacles

On average? Probably, but its idiotic to assume that all racist individuals are. Most people who watch shit like keeping up with the kardashians are probably morons but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some 140+ iq people who watch it
>Pretending this doesn't hold true for most of the us
Look, I know that its well know that gays have a thing for (((BBC))) but you faggots really need to pull your head out of your prostates

>tfw we have less mods than /r9k/ and that place is racebait spam central nowadays.

Ever since the gaymergate faggotry Sup Forums turned into right wing tumblr with muh safe spaces and the desire to spread cancer on all other boards.