Polish women are sluts. Rest of pics in comments
Polish women are sluts. Rest of pics in comments
>looks like mid 30s
he is handsome though you have to admit
I am Polish and I am proud of this. Multiracialism is the future and we must accept it
All women are sluts user.
Welcome to real world.
>second grade trash whore likes attention from africans
I like how Monaco's flag is sort of the opposite of Poland's flag.
rofl, thats my favorite one
I don't understand how can women find blacks attractive? They all look the same and smell weird. If i was a women I'd rather go with a white guy instead.
imho op is just butthurt about sluts who doesnt want to share their pussies with him
Disgusting whore
Hope she gets pregnant and ends up being a single mom
And what are you doing to combat this, faggot?
She looks fat. Who cares.
like indonesia
Black men aren't rich, nor good looking, nor specially smart, nor interesting in anyway. Then what the fuck do white women find attractive in them?
Can confirm
I am Mediterranean and made love to like six women the last three years in Poland
exotic, new toy syndrome
Yoga is a huge redflag
and can we be so surprised, after women also played with dogs and horses?
indeed it is
most normalfags don't recognize this
Being an attractive minority is awesome. I fucked more "rebellious" white chicks than the entire baseball team my freshmen year at uni.
I think they are mainly just looking for traditional manly men and white dudes are pretty much all beta af. Even the non-beta white dudes get a bad rap because of the huge amount of double chin, balding white cucks.
>Slavs are whores
We already know. The entire world knows. That's why we reject them.
Nah, I've been to Poland, and the girls there are the most prudish of any country I've been to regarding hookups
kinda glad i never have to put up with women since I'm white and only 5'10"
t. 31 yea old virgin
>t. 31 yea old virgin
Literally YOUR fault not your height
To put it simple there are more white introverts than black introverts for whatever various reasons. Introversion is often seen as beta and women typically aren't aroused by or want to mother children by beta men. It may not even be something racial maybe something cultural. In any case women can smell a beta from a mile away. That's just the way it is.
It's something new? I don't share the sentiment, but I suppose you can only fuck so many bald Piotrs, before you want something different.
Just do what I do and pretend you have an Australian accent.
What kind of wizard skills do you have?
>only 5'10"
come on now. that's not THAT short. by dad fathers multiple children being 5'8".
nah I even take good care of myself. workout 5 days a week 180lbs 12%bf. nice tan, nice teeth, decent hair... plus I'm an engineer with a good job. Height is the biggest deal breaker for even the ugliest women.
sounds like you only tried club hookups
sorry for your lot.
it is when almost every woman wants a guy that's 6'2
We could expose so many roasties. Which black guy works best?
Whore wants a different colour chad.
1. She looks prettier (in her eyes)
2. Nigger dont know shit
3. Its all about her baby
I don't live in Poland but every Polish bitch I've met in North America is exactly this kind of slut (even if they don't go for non-whites, they will pick the biggest retards they can find and are only satisfied if they barely survive the sex).
Good lord she looks like a daughter of John Oliver.
What form of exercise is ok?
Im 5'9 and men shorter than me as do i get laid.
Try not being a weeb.
> only 5'10"
what a stupid excuse
t. 5'11
I think it's the thuggish attitude? A lot of women love criminals and thugs, even white ones, so that type obviously will love the niggers.
>what women want is fixed
not at all. maybe you haven't noticed but women also come in different sizes
All women are sluts.
you act like a true Cuck obsessing over black guys fucking white woman
>3. Its all about her baby
whores dont really plan
>don't tread on my wife's son ever again