Who is this semen demon?
Who is this semen demon?
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>not a single picture of her without makeup on exists
Seems suspect famalam
She's not a semen demon until she stops waxing her forearms and removing other body hair, like a proper traditionalist women would.
That said, she's still the most attractive out of all the alt-right female youtubers.
> racemixer detected
Tara McCarthy, real name Sunita Cohen aka Poo Jew.
some click-bating e-celeb?
a """""""traditional""""""""" woman who hasn't had at least 3 white kids yet
a fucking retarded e-celeb slurping up all the clicks
I want to breed Tara so badly
Legit know a Jewish girl (her brother is a Rabbi) and she looks just like this girl.
I know Tara Whatsherface says she's like 10% Jew or whatever, but holy fuck she looks Jewish. Wouldn't be surprised if she's a disinfo agent or controlled opposition. Not saying she is, but it wouldn't surprise me.
You want to breed her or breed WITH her? If you're breeding her I'm pedigree anglo
A candidate for the ovens
My benis in her bagina
Yet another jew trying to jeopardize the white cause
>literally a white nationalist (despite being a small percentage poo and jew)
>trying to jeopardize the white cause
She has that distinct 50ies makeup and dresses like a cowgirl. She looks like an American waifu with some Jewish touch to it.
Her lips look so fuckable
She's 1.9% jew
>literally a white nationalist
That's what a jew would want you to think
meant for this post
>advocates ethnonationalism
>huur not a true ethnonationalst
care to explain why?
Northwestern European is a race? Finnish is a race? French & German is a race?
Why do people fall for Jewish tricks so easily. Country isn't a race. Ashkenazi Jewish was a term invented in 19th century given to people who lived in Eastern/Central Europe and converted to Judaism, has nothing to do with race, it's a pure religious term.
poo in jew
A moon faced kike. Big deal.
>it's a pure religious term.
nah m8 but they do have a lot of euro genes (mostly Italian). DOnt for get they are one highly inbred group.
What did she mean by this?
She won't have any kids. She will abort errytime she gets preggo. Until she is 35 then she will regret her miserable, boring life.
10% poo 1.9% Jew. I would still cuddle and spoon Tara. she maybe not totally Huwhite be she is alright
Yeah I like her: she has got guts, openly white nationalist, will name the Jew, is respectful, pretty.
The fuck are you talking about? She has a fiance and is just waiting to get to live in america so she can get pregnant
>Sometime in the early medieval period, the Jews of central and eastern Europe came to be called by this term
Ashkenazi Jews is a pure generic term, nothing to do with race, describing any race of people living in Central or Eastern Europe who converted to Judaism. Not a race, nothing scientific, just a label.
>Northwestern European is a race?
pretty much, yeah. NW Euro is clearly distuingishable from all else. The genetic distance is low between these countries.
I guess the correct terminology would be to say they're their own breed. When people fight the term "race", they assume they have also defeated any other grouping. in fact, just the label should be changed, but it is totally justified.
So she's a rootless international Jew? My sides. White knights will fall for anything
nah they have very distinct genetic markers.
cbf arguing so you can believe what you want Drago.
btw I climbed mt Triglav once, Slovenia is a nice country
>is immeasurably offended that someone is 1.9% jewish
>posts pics of the guy who let 50% Jews into the SS
anyone else notice pettibone has abandoned her in favor of lauren southern?
Early European genetic humans were not necessary found in Europe, since white man migrated. Calling a country race is pure retardness. That site clearly wants to fit the political agenda more than they want to fit the scientific knowledge.
What genetic markers? Genetic testing existed since 80ies and is based on humans found, who they then named by haplogroup and DNA not goddamn countries. You can find many different genetic samples in one country. Go to Germany if you don't believe me, you will find lots of niggers.
The site is about ancestry, it does not claim these brackets are biological. Americans wonder where their ancestors came from and the site helps to give them an idea about this: They collected markers of natives in different countries and then they do staistical analysis to tell you which countries are likely origins.
Germany today has Asians, Arabs, Africans, Europeans. What freaking ancestry based on country? We had Hannibal and Mongols here, what country ancestry? What timeline they picked as their root of retadness?
the last 200 years or such.
I just looked it up from their website: they should have lived at the same place at least 500 years ago
Would that bottom middle tooth be amazing or horrendous for blowies? I can't decide if it would painfully scrape or lightly and pleasantly just graze the center of the shaft.
I really hope she doesn't lose that lovely accent of hers while in burgerland.
She's aleady taken by a blond aryan looking fellow. Tough luck.
Nobody will even notice when she gets married because they both already share the same surname.
Depends how fast you jizz. If it takes to long it gets sore.
Can confirm they have.
Pettibone has been fucking stickman and is a civic nationalist who is all about "western culture" white Tara recognizes that western culture comes from whites
tara is on twitter naming the jew and claiming sex with non-whites is beastiality
meanwhile, pettibone is still explaining why islam and feminism are bad
>spreading bullshit rumors about people
I wonder how hooked your nose is.
Don't know but looks jewish. Very suspect.
>crooked af teeth