>1. US pacific fleet admiral would nuke China if ordered by Trump

>2.US launches sanctions against EU, Russia, China, Iran and NK, EU wants to put counter-sanctions AGAINST US in place

Wtf is the US doing??

Other urls found in this thread:

>I would do my job if told to by the leader of my country.
Why is that news you Somali piece of shit?

Kys briainlet

>Wtf is the US doing??
Starting World War 3

Meanwhile everyone is busy with the transgender crap on Twitter.

Bread and circus for the people.

That was one of the stupidest articles I've ever read.

Yeah better read the intellectual tantrums about transgenders on Twitter of your president

you do realise rt stands for russian tv. right?

You should go outside

Not an argument, though.

eh i was IT was happening
but its not

The - stan in britanistan stands for Afghanistan

Tell that to your president

It's true tho. We're putting sanctions on the EU and Russia. EU is considering counter sanctions on the US.

He actually does, now do you?
He actually does shit, do you?
No, you sit behind a screen thinking you're superior then others, in which you are not.

I'm amazed how barely anyone here knows about the bill and the sanctions.
Everyone busy with the transgender crap it seems

United States sanctions against Russia are a coercion to make EU buy energy from more expensive United States.

Seemingly, this has backfired and EU instead opts out to counter-sanction United Slaves of Israel.

Trump is so majestic.

If you're ordered to nuke you nuke you fucking idiot. The same people who would do it for Trump would have done it for Obongo. Hell, they'd do it for fucking Satan himself.

You literally aren't supposed to stay in that line of work if you object to a President so much that you'd not follow orders given on well known and clear cut guidelines just because you don't like the president.

No wall
She is not locked
No Obama care replacement
Can't veto the new sanctions bill, because it passed with 2/3

Meanwhile talking crap about transgenders on TWITTER while the US is threatening his allies with sanctions is considered " doing shit "

Go back to ptg you retard

>Admiral would nuke China if ordered

How is this crazy? That's what they are supposed to do.

the beauty of political theater, watch this hand not that one.

good job we're leaving that shit then, cba getting dragged into merkels mayhem


The US is shooting itself in the foot

China Russia and the EU will trade between eachother while the US will be trading with Eskimos on their isolated island.

>would you follow orders?
wow, who could've seen that one coming?

Not an argument lol

This is exactly my thought upon reading it

dumb trumpretards

The US is running out of time. They're looking to provoke a fight because they think an all-out war is the only thing to stop US civilization disappearing into history. I hope when they hit that big red button, every country in the world with nukes hits them back in reply. And I'll open a beer and light the bbq


Fuck me I'm hard. Just waiting to blow my load when the booms drop.

Would this Admiral open his mouth for Trump to pi$$ in if ordered?

Oh really? And no one noticed.

Watch us shoot down all your nukes while we light you up nigger

wish* not was

Show us your real flag you leaf

Its not in his job description to perform your sexual fantasies so I imagine he would decline the offer.

with 15000 transgenders in your millitary, whiteboii?? Ayy, BBC gonna light your wife up

>Its not in his job description

In the future there will not be one world government but 3.

>British Empire (Control of Europe and The commonwealth) Block 1

>American Empire (Control of the Americas, the pacific and Asia.

>The Greater Israeli Empire (Control of the Middle east and Russia)

No transgenders here, you must be watching fake news

U gon get nuked boi. Take that BWC boi.


The UK and US will rendered completely useless

Eurasia is the future. A huge continent with huge infrastructures (rail roads) making trade possible on land only, leaving the US and UK island monkeys completely isolated with their eskimos.

>I would follow Trump's order

>Eurasia is the future. A huge continent with huge infrastructures (rail roads) making trade possible on land only, leaving the US and UK island monkeys completely isolated with their eskimos.

Yeah I'm not seeing any legitimate reason why he would.

lol I argued with you yesterday about why your fantasies are delusions.
We own you, boyo.

Talk like this will only justify a Chinese or Russian preemptive nuclear strike. If they feel that the US is likely to launch such a strike against them, who would blame them for not sitting around waiting for the missiles to land? And when it comes to "defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic", then first of all neither China or Russia is a threat to the constitution. The enemies of the US constitution are found within the US itself.

Mad Kings are the best kings, when it comes to happenings

please please please please please

>Wtf is the US doing??

>those comments on the nuke China article
You fucking Euroshit traitors would really side with the Chinks over America?



If the US was "winning", it wouldnt panik like its doing right now and sanctions everyone left and right

the US is getting scared

Into archive

fuck america

Chinks are saner than you so we go with chinks

>Wtf is the US doing??

Preparing for war, most likely with NK, maybe China too.

UK will die buddy, you will get eaten by the german/muslim horde, or fall under the wing of protection of the bald eagle.

>being a good chink goy, wanting a fast track for Chinese control,and taking your shit

The eagle will fight for Africa resources,and SA ones too

They can try but they'll die
Don't you get it yet?

If the USA pulls the fucking trigger everyone is going to die no Russians or the Chinese won't be spared because "muh based Putin and Russian jets"...

The US has every single country on earth surrounded both on the ground in the sky and in orbit

yes, sure. You are racists, and that with such a diverse population. You would deserve a nuclear holocaust so the African slaves could become the real lords of the North American Continent

>The EU sancations america
>Thus FORCING more Americans to buy American products again

And Trump's checkmate draws ever closer



Of course he is going to say yes, even if he is lying he isn't going to openly tell the world he wouldn't. What a stupid fucking question.


Had anyone even checked Skyking ffs??!!


We got your back. MAGA

recovering from being decimated by 41, 42, 43, and 44

>US, Straya, and Japan against China, Korea, and Russia

Lets do this

Tfw part of Free Africa.

>relevant military

Dude, you're still using .50 machingun designed in 1932. And your most advanced ICBM is Minuteman-III right from 1970s

Americans do not buy European goods they buy shit from China,pakistan,vietnam,mexico,

But user, China has no army the closet thing is the communist party army,which is just a Venezuela prevention force. The reason china is expanding is cause it had failed efforts spawning empty ghost cities inflating their growth with low quality ghost properties no one lives in cause they expensive as fuck,and loans rates sucks. They need to provide jobs for their people or the people revolt like they usually do.So they built across Eur-Asia to give their workers jobs.

Yes im sure, shoo shoo shill

The EU will sanction your corporations operating within the union. Ejoy dwindling profits and paying for it in the US as increased consumer prices.

100% this
RT making a full article out of this shit is literally fake news tier. And fuck the huge number of dumbasses that actually believe that quote means anything.

If you don't think the United States doesn't have the most powerful and highly advanced military on earth I dunno what to fucking tell you. I don't think you understand just how much time and money America SPENDS on it's military. Speaking as someone who thinks it's out of control, user, jesus fuck, you have no goddamn idea. We sit around every day HOPING someone will start some shit.

Chill Britbro, I was just memeing.
Let's get comfy tho:
>USB, 8992 KHz

Your military is useless in Eurasia. You lost the Syrian war to Iran and hezbollah.
Your aircraft carriers won't mean shit if you wanna go against Russia or Russia because they are most landlocked and can just shoot your useless carriers from 1000km away. Eurasia is unbelievably impossible for the US to conquer. See stratfor

S Korea is with us.
Also EU vs. V4 and UK.

And? America is a huge country with tremendous amounts of resources. Costs will go up but once it really becomes us vs them do you really thing Americans won't band together? You really think Trump wouldn't lap that up, point out how America is being attacked by the EU?

You think YOUR companies won't suffer more not being able to do business in the US?

The LAST thing you want is to push America by raising it's prices. You WANT Americans fat, lazy, and neck deep in food and luxuries. That is how you keep the dragon asleep.

RT is hilling for ad revenue
>plz share of facebook interactive slavesdroids of dinformation

when you get it right in 1932, you dont have to upgrade

>Conquer Eurasia

Who wants to conquer a smoldering radioactive crater, user?

>Can't veto the new sanctions bill, because it passed with 2/3
didnt even pass the house yet

Where does this meme of conquering in the modern day come from? lol wow you eurotards are so fucking dumb.
>Muh russia
Get the fuck outta here

Completely irrelevant in this discussion. Russia alone could nuke the US 20 times over and have some left to nuke new Zealand and Australia just for giggles.

Yea, what real man wouldn't want to be the man that launched the first nuke of ww3?

He is awaited in Valhalla

They are isolating themselves from their closest allies.

>Your military is useless in Eurasia. You lost the Syrian war to Iran and hezbollah.
The US could never go all-out in Syria because that would create huge policy problems. They would obviously crush Iran and Hezbollah if they got the go ahead to do so.

The only thing US could do in Syria was to supply sandniggers with weapons.

Yes it did.

It's veto proof

Because Trump is an idiot.

Yes it could but then it would also risk getting nukes by Russia

>They would obviously crush Iran and Hezbollah
Wow. Such military might. Be afraid, be very afraid.

MAD user. MAD.

That won't stop the USA from doing the same

Really? What was Russia's response to US bombing Assad's forces aswell as the syrian airfield?
Their response was to cry in a UN meeting.


Exactly what I said you dumb fucking mutt.
>America is a huge country with tremendous amounts of resources. Costs will go up but once it really becomes us vs them do you really thing Americans won't band together?
I don't give a shit what you, you piece of shit thin skinned mudblood. I just stated a fact that is going to happen with trade wars.
>You really think Trump wouldn't lap that up, point out how America is being attacked by the EU?
"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." You idiots lap up anything, and shout murrica while taking it up the ass.
>You think YOUR companies won't suffer more not being able to do business in the US?
They won't anymore than yours will, and it's you who is threatning sanctions yet you think EU should not do the same. Are you fucking retarded?
>The LAST thing you want is to push America by raising it's prices.
Waah you can't do as we do ;_;
>You WANT Americans fat, lazy, and neck deep in food and luxuries. That is how you keep the dragon asleep.
lel, jesus christ you consumerist cucks for Israel are really this deluded about your power. Keep blasting away at literal niggers, thats all your mutt army is good for and even at that you suck ass.


And you? You had to buy fucking carriers from France because your shitty commie ones were ass. Stop listening to your anti western friends, if our military is so irrelevant like you say, why aren't we being invaded by a country that has a "relevant" military then?

Is it Sup Forums?
Isn't it an open secrete, that Pole gave Quin the control over this ocean of shit for a blow job

>amerimutt intellect

>1.5 times heavier than Kord machinegun
>2 times slower fire rate than Kord
>barrel constantly falling off
>after 500 shots gun does jam every 3-4 shots

>you get it right


It's called Murication