>Defend Europe ship crew sets course to Cyprus
>Applies for refugee status
Defend Europe ship crew sets course to Cyprus
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Isn't the story that the captain got jailed? And that their crew got pressured to apply for assylum by NGO's? Why did they hire a fucking poo in the loo crew in the first place? WHATS GOING ON? ARE THEY ALL RETARDED???
Wait what
Someone inform me pls
They tried to hire a ship in Europe. Noone wanted to give them one. They had to get one from out of Europe
Nigga that's in North Cyprus. It's a fuckin lawless wasteland, I'm afraid to say the captain will probably never be seen again
Their ship "C Star" (research vessel from Mongolia) isn't even visible on marinetraffic any longer (was next to Bosmar shipping yesterday). They're all dead.
Honestly this. Every Cypriot knows it's dangerous to go North. You'll go missing, Turks are seriously subhuman
>getting into roach territory
How retarded are they?
I second that
b..but who is going to defend Europe now, user? Is it you?
Oh look, a bunch of virgin losers!
We are all doomed now
Give me bulletproof armor and a machine gun, and I swear to Christ I'll free Cyprus all by myself.
lol you're most likely about as white as a syrian
Mohammed fuck off or we shall visit you once again
Sorry, your women already visited us ;)
Nobody cares about coalburning whores real women like hate you
An Arab telling me I'm not white, that's rich
wonder what will happen to the thots in sicily now that the ship got roach'd and the crew has run off
There's gotta be way more people a part of Defend Europe right?
You're fake news. The mission is proceeding just fine.
Some fake gr*eks can't handle the truth...
No woman at all cares about you, silly racist white boi
P.S. leave your mamas basement and claim to be a nazi out loud, see wehat happens
If that's true, that's great. They're still retarded for going into roach territory
So far nobody besides the crew is on board. All the activists, reporter and eclebs are still in Italy waiting for the ship. So nothing happened to them
Cypriots are whiter than Greeks, but I wouldn't expect a low IQ sand nigger to know
Stop spreading disinfo Pekka
Copying and pasting a summary I made in another thread.
GI ship had 20 sri-lankan apprentice mariners on board who were paying to be trained and gain enough hours for their maritime certifications.
When they arrived in Cyprus, they were supposed to go back home. However, NGOs approached them, and tried to bribe them. 15 refused and returned home 5 accepted, applied for asylum as refugees and denounced the (egyptian, i think) captain and regular crew as slavers.
These are the same NGOs (MOAS, HOPE NOT HATE, SAVE THE CHILDREN) who falsely denounced the ship while it was crossing Suez by saying it carried contraband weapons. Ship was stopped and inspected by Egyptian authorities, nothing found.
Tl;dr: NGOs and 'humanitarians' are scum.
>Europeans refuse to defend Europe
Why not get a ship from America or Brazil then?
((They)) must be really afraid
Too expensive. They only got 100k in donations. You know how expensive that would be?
thanks for this
>cypriots are whiter than greeks
>cypriots are white
They are still whiter than you
What's not white about her? Cherry picking much??
The huge fucking Turk nose maybe
I don't see it, but that's probably because of my big nose being in the way
She looks Lebanese is what I think he's getting at
So either the Lebanese are white or the Cypriots aren't
Hook nose, plucked brows, brown eyes, dark hair, golden/tan skin. Do you define "white" as everyone who's not black or East Asian? She's pretty, sure, but she looks clearly Arab/mixed to me.
she looks white to me
shut up wannabe. come back when you're just as muslim as canada.
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The (((telegraph))) article:
>15 refused and returned home
News says they got deported back home.
Nice propaganda shill.
>Noone wanted to give them one
Ships are expensive in Europe... that's the reason.
these guys can't even get a fucking boat
wtf were they even going to do to ngo ships? sink them? they would have probabbly drowned after 20 minutes
>trusting the media
It is not like these guys proved to be more trustworthy.
I trust Martin Sellner more than I trust the MSM
But why is the ship in cyprus in the first place?
Word was it should have gone directly to sicily from egypt
Refueling and part of the crew had to leave
>turks are vilent savages
mehmet pls.
White women dont get raped and killed every single year when travslinv to turkey ot by accident
Also as a german i can confirm that turks are violen(i wiwh germs would be too desu)
>I am a German I know
I doubt you had a human contact in the last month. Not enough real life experience.
The turks who live here are the worst. 48% are unemployed and they are violent and criminal.
When i was there (germany) i also took notice they're almost all ugly and smell really bad
It's funny how they fight immigration from the 3rd world as it would mean competition for gibs and gang influence
swarthy whites are not that bright, you need only look at them to see it hope the sultan rapes them to death in the turkish mountains where they will be imprisoned for life
That's called anecdote.
A bunch of german newspaper reported about if.
Source only in german sorry.
What about normal Germans?
How much unemployment among them?
The newest number was 3.9% (April 2017)
Bullshit, they cook those stats
People how are in education programms don't appear in the statistic. Same goes for ill.
So 5-6% are realistic
Asylanten auch net. In USA the real rate is way higher than government rate due to manipulation
I thought Cyrpus was a city like Lebanon
Obviously are governments always faking the statistics to appear better.
Can you read this for me please?
I don't have good German...
tldr: foreigner are twice as often unemployed in Germany. They also study less their and participation in trainee programme is lower. The reasons for this is mainly low qualification and language proplems.
In 2006 about 33% of all turks and 50% of the russians in Germany were unemployed
Looks White to me too
The Identitarians werent on the fucking Boat. You are some Sleeping Giants Cuck Fag
Only the Boat is. Not the identitarians.
Laugh all you want, when SHTF for real, they'll be running back to other white people cause you boy-raping vagina-mutilating freaks are disgusting, untrustworthy, and subhuman
>Nice propaganda
Shills are so easy to spot.
human contact = white people
So, you're probably right
>White women dont get raped and killed every single year when traveling to turkey ot by accident
Why do they keep coming there if that's true? Are Germans stupid? Literally the German tourists bookings in Turkey account for 15% still (according to reuters.com
Some ethnic German user gave us this graph too.
old numbers but they are correct
In Denmark, 3rd world people cost the Danish tax payers over half of what we contribute as private citizens netto.
But I thought divsersity is our strength...
And doctors and enginners pouring out to Europe.
Yea, we were told especially Syrians are educated. Turns out, they are the least educated among them all.
Not related to employment of ethnic groups or welfare, the content of this e-mail about Germany sent to Podesta is worse and a true redpill.
>The government lied
Yeah I know the e-mail.
I also thought that Syrians were escaping from warzones and that they were refugees, not economic migrants somehow. somehow the Syrian War is also happening in my country.