redpill me on the holocaust
Redpill me on the holocaust
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bear and eagle cages
It actully did happen.
train car tipper system with robotic doors and giant ovens
8 million no 7 million, no 8 million
4 million goyim
Never happened
8 million Jews died and just to prove it to you we are going to force your children to learn about it several times before they graduate highschool. If you question what we say or what we do we will throw you in prison and have you fired from your job. So shut up and believe us goy. It is healthier for you.
>to bad the holohoax isn't real. The fucking Jews deserve it.
no no no 1.5 millon goyim.
But its still 6 though or you hate Jews
The Jews started it by the way 1933 the Jews declared war on Germany
Actually LOL at any retard still believing in the myth of the holocaust in 2017.
The Transfer Agreement.
Kikes got killed.
Jews take control of Russia 1918
this makes me really sad.
kikes got killed definately. Usually whilst serving as partisan communist groups.
Does not mean 8 million/6million/4million/1.5million Jews were gassed in fake shower rooms with un-sealed wooden doors, with a single pane glass window, and no locking mechanism
basically hitler needed money to fuel his warmongering and make sure his socialist country doesn't fail for at least a few years so he decided to rob the richest population in his own country to procure the so-called "nazi gold" and justified it as "racial purity" and these idiots on Sup Forums lapped it up like good little goy
red cross death-toll from all labour camps combined was estimated at 200k, i wish i had the source, maybe someone else can posted.
wasnt published till 1998
muh 8 gorillion was just propaganda, but they took it too far. it is still a lie, the war is over. time to tell the truth.
yeah you learn alot of "what the fucks" when studying the fake holocaust
I haven't really made up my mind about it, to be honest.
What I think could be true is that it is exaggerated (human soap, 6 million jews). Some of this shit really seems fishy.
But it also is not some kind of fucking wellness center with pools, a football team and other fancy things for the prisoners like a lot of people here claim to.
The most important thing for me currently are the gas chambers. Was anyone really gassed and if yes, how many?
This is a pretty interesting link that albeit biased, pretty informative. But don't gain all the knowledge that you have from jews and the holocaust from it.
red cross stats on the "death camps"
How biased is Irving in his Hitler books? He tends to quote a lot of "recently found", "hidden notes", "private notes" in his works
I'll listen to these later. Thanks!
there are lots of well documented images of the theatre at Auschwitz and the dootball team, swimming pool etc, why is it so hard to believe your eyes?
"don't believe your lying eyes goyim" is something a jew would expect of you
Look into fred leuchter
basically Jews wanted someone to come out and prove their narrative to be true.
So a Jew sent letters to the American prison system looking for a gas Chamber expert
The yanks forwarded their very best fred leuchter.
Quoted as being the single most experienced person in the field.
Fred went around the death camps. and found nothing to support the Jews narrative.
Submitted his findings. Lost his job overnight.
Apparently gas chambers experts are not gas chamber experts when the find the wrong findings.
Here is his interview
Could that not be seen as propaganda though? The taking of staged photos to promote the narrative of 'all is well in Auschwitz and it's just a containment/labour camp'?
I just watched a Priest talk about him in an interview. I'll check it out, thanks.
All that you really need to know about the so called Holocaust is that, during the war, yes some Jews were killed directly or indirectly as a result of the National Socialist regime, but many people were killed during the war, not just Jews, were 6,000,000 Jews killed? Not a fucking chance.
The Germans wouldn't use Zyklon B to gas people, it is extremely inefficient and expensive, it was largely a delousing product, you would have to use hydrogen cyanide, but these so called 'gas chambers' are a joke, they aren't sealed, and they had WOODEN doors. If a German soldier would of poured hydrogen cyanide into these outhouses, it would of killed everybody in the compound, including the person doing it. The whole thing is a guilt racket that has been used for Jews to financially and emotionally benefit from it.
Irving actually has a lecture about how Einsatzgruppen or whatever killed at least a million, so his position isn't that the nazis were the good guy. He just doesn't think the evidence of gas chambers, and Auschwitz being a death camp holds up.
That said, I'm sure he has some Nazi sympathies. Who wouldn't?
The holocaust happened, the Germans fought against the international Jewry with all measures they could.
After the war the Allies used this to justified their war crimes and induce German guilt, by blowing up what happened into insanity and their claims together with the "eye witnesses" remains unquestioned.
I don't deny the existence of the swimming pools, the football team and the movie theatre. But normal prisoners didn't have excess to them; normal prisnoers were treated like subhumans.
Just remember "THE Holocaust" implies that it is THE single biggest death toll in human history.
35 million chinks die during WW2?
Haven't got shit on the 6million jews.
11+ million genocided in Ukraine? Shut up, 6 million Jews are more.
60+ million people die in all of WW2? fuck off. 6 million Jews matter more THE HOLOCAUST GOYIM!!!
What you really need to be asking is why is the so called 'Holocaust' shoved down everyone's throat from the cradle to the grave when no one hears a single thing about the real 'Holocausts'? The Soviet 'Holocaust' of Christian Russian Kulak farmers (1924 - 1930) 15 million exterminated, the 'Holocaust' of the Ukranian farmers (1930 - 1933) 7 million starved to death. The 'Holocaust' of Russian political prisoners (1919 - 1949) 12 million perished. The Pol Pot Communist 'Holocaust' in Cambodia (1975) 2.5 million slaughtered. The Armenian 'Holocaust' by the Turks (1915) 1.5 million people killed.
Because Jewish special interest groups benefit from this guilt racket as long as they can keep the myth afloat that they are a poor, persecuted people who do no wrong and just want to live in peace.
noun: Zionism
a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.
Zionism magically succeeded in 1948 with the establishment of Israel.
debunked methods of extermination
>gas chamber
>acid pit (wtf?)
>bear and eagle cage
>firing squad
>train carts which fling occupants into incinerator at high speeds
>cyanide showers
>cremation (physically impossible to cremate that many fucking people during a war)
>mass graves (no visible evidence from aerial photographs or soil measurements)
this is a big one.
The 5 million non Jews, (gays gypsies etc) that were "killed in the holocaust"
The Jews just this year admitted that they made that number up and it never happened
They needed Sympathy, so non Jews had to be involved in the holocaust. But the number could not be too small, but could not be larger than the Jewish death toll.
So they literally made up 5 million deaths for feelz, and they admitted it when Trump honoured "All of the 11 million dead in the holocaust"
Jews lost their fucking mind when Trump did that, how dare he. Jews matter more kind of deal.
Where did the empty carts go if they just ran into a wall, and then another cart is coming down the tracks?
The people you see laying dead after the war were people who died as a result of a combination of starvation due to the allied bombing campaigns on German infrastructure preventing the Red Cross from reaching the camps to provide supplies (Food, medicine etc); typhus outbreaks were also quite common in these camps due to the lack of hygiene, there was no traces of cyanide found in these so called "gas chambers" only a chemical agent known as Zyklon B, which is a delousing agent, (Red Cross death total: 271,000).
There is zero evidence of mass gassings, these 'gas chambers' you see at Auschwitz are reconstructions, and before you say that is bullshit, they have already admitted to them being built AFTER the war had already ended, this was verified during the trial of Ernst Zündel when he was acquitted of "incitement of Holocaust denial" due to the testimonies of a non-biased, independent gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter who went to Auschwitz and determined through his investigations that the possibility of these facilities being used to gas people are completely absurd and I quote "There were no gassings", also the testimony of Prof. Roger Dommergue (A French Jew) who supported his claims of Holocaust denial.
What holocaust?
Roughly 100 people an hour..that's efficiency for you.
whoa!! asking quetions.... whoa are you some kind of anti semite? LMAO
How have firing squads been debunked?
but yeah on a serious note, i guess we are supposed to believe that the cars vanished into thin air, ready for the next cart behind it!
What holocaust?
underground and returned to the start, like a conveyor belt.
Holocaust, the best thing that never happened.
actually lol
Mate they played water polo... fucking water polo.
Part 2 (executions by shooting were very rare)
basically everyone was executed by shooting, But actually executing by shooting was very rare,
But then everyone was actually killed in gas chambers, but on another note, gas chamber killings were very rare.
All in the same book
also people were incinerated with their clothes on, and turned into small handfuls of ash, but then the clothes would be taken from the incinerated bodies and worn again
Jewish population worldwide in 1933 was 15315359
Jewish population worldwide in 1948 was 15753638
np m8. this shit needs exposing.
Did you know America has to pay Jews reparations for the holocaust.
Apparently "saving the jews" isn't good enough. and the US still has to pay reparations as if they were the Nazis themselves.
You heard it. the US has to pay holocaust reparations too. i dont even know why lol.
I was watching a David Irvine talk last night and he said a 'holocaust survivor' who can claim these payments is anyone who lived in Nazi Germany and French North Africa during 1933-45 and was Jewish. You never had to suffer or be in the camps. Ridiculous.
Irving *
lmao wtf is this book?
the holocaust is so easy to debunk I don't understand how anyone can still give it any credit whatsoever
>are wooden doors airtight?
>obviously not
>no jew was gassed
hope that helped
Never happend but I wish it did
quality lulz, and one of my favs
Ever heard of Gina Turgel.
Dat bitch is literally made out of iron or something.
She "survived" 3 death camps, a death march and was even gassed to death in Auschwitz and get this, she didnt fucking die. that gas just bounced off her leather hide, and did fuck all to her.
countries are irrelevant. kikes will demand money from any goy weak enough to give it
>your trains owe us shekels goy !
>that gas just bounced off her leather hide, and did fuck all to her.
my sides
nthpost bestpost
i wish i knew the book title, im trying to find out now! if anyone is on Gab they can find me @21stCenturySpartan in case the thread gets closed before i find out
If it helps any, it's likely by a British author/publishing house - note the spelling of metre over meter. I'm trying to find it myself but no such luck yet.
putting a shout on the daily stormer.
someone there will know!
I got the material from Sup Forums yesterday, but the poster never thought to actually post the book title, and the thread is closed now. so gonna try other routes!
Historic sensationalism. Happened, but not nearly on the scale that (((they))) claim. Millions died, and there were instances of systematic execution of interned Jews, Slavs, Poles, political prisoners, POWs, etc etc, especially later in the war... but 80-90% died from disease, starvation, and exposure.
Doesn't make it any less of a tragedy, but people shouldn't be afraid of correcting the history books.
>redpill me on the holocaust
"Auschwitz: a doctor's eyewitness account" by miklos nyiszli & tibere kremer & richard seaver
I knew the Daily Stormer would come through for me!!!
Jewish tricks
Pic related is more important