Federal elections coming up in less than two months. What party should I cast my vote for?
German federal election
>Die Linke
Acceptable, but rather unimportant vote
Reasonable choice
A pain, but most likely the best bet here for keeping lefties out and winning a majority
>What party should I cast my vote for?
Just move from germany it's dead
Whatever brings WW3 the fastest. We are tired of waiting Germany. Hurry up.
how long till they remove that raycess motto?
>reasonable choice
The only non-cucked countries in europe are switzerland and austria.
Both have a horrible dialect. I really want to kill myself everytime i hear it.
>strategic voting
>He doesn't want to live in a right wing libertarian utopia with muh guns
I know nothing about German politics but just vote for the most right thing you have
>The only non-cucked countries in europe are switzerland and austria.
What are you talking about Vācieti?
AfD of course
Doesn't matter. We are doomed anyway
dont worry Hans, we feel the same when hearing your cuck Hochdeutsch
Good, we're full anyway.
Bouth of you are part of Germany, just like Kurland, and Latgalia are part of Latvia despite the fact that they have much diferant dialect then Vidzemian.
I vote Left and Green.
Would consider FDP if they integrated personal liberty, not just corporate liberty, i.e. legalize drugs and guns. The legalization of LSD and magic mushrooms is of vital importance.
>Declared 1918
> Occupied 1940 - 1990
Next Tuesday, 1st of August, everyone in Switzerland will join in celebrating the 726th birthday of our country. Can Latvians even imagine what more than 30 years of independence feel like?
Government formed bei Grüne and Linke would be ideal --> 2-3 million fugees pouring in every year --> Shit will definitely hit the fan in less than a decade/TDOTR will finally commence.
Our ancestors have lived on these Lands for 4000+ years we have our own uniq Language and culture while you have only dialect of german and your culture is same as german, your country is just HRE kingdom that was to butthurt to join new united german state.
I'm a literal Nazi and I vote Left and Green so this Republic collapses faster.
AfD doesn't have a chance anyway. Polls show them at like 5-7%, so might as well quicken the inevitable.
Germany's done for, there's no point in voting anymore.
Do you ever think about your neighbors when destroying Europe for the X'th time in a row?
see in reality i doubt that it would be a good strategy though. CDU will rule no matter what and if AfD doesn't get enough votes (should be at least 15 percent) politicians will just be like "yeah see, nobody wants those nazis and germans are actually fine with being replaced"
Don't you guys have your fare share of third world/muslim immigrants, too?
yeah, they do. you just don't like to admit it.
At least the swiss newspapers are still redpilled enough to state the nationality of accidents and crimes. and yeah, it's almost always foreigners lol
I agree. even if lefty politicians were meming bullshit the german worker and the german administration will go through hoops to cushion the catastrophe. Not good
and they are totally cucked by the EU now as well. Just look what the newest gun law did to their own. It's really a shame. All in all i always viewed Switzerland as the ideal state (direct democracy, sane gun laws, extremely federalistic etc.). Well, now they are ruined by globalism, too. There is really no hope for the West left.
yeah, this country is definitely done for. The upcoming elections won't do shit. I blame the retired retards who keep voting the same old shit parties out of habit.
Vote from the rooftops in Germany
"Terror attack from the extreme right fascists kill our politicians and threaten democracy."
Gun laws will become even stricter, even slightly right wing organisations and parties will be outlawed; killed politicians seen as martyrs. Srsly this would only harm us as long as such action are done and supported by a fringe group of extremists,
everyone who doesnt vote AfD or FDP -->gas chamber
AfD is the only choice. I want to make the other parties as butthurt as possible so I hope they get in with a good result
FDP are cucks, they already collaborate with the Green party to get into power in Schleswig-Holstein. Everyone who gets together with the greens is a cuck who can not be trusted
Gonna probably vote SPD
>CDU is shit
>CSU not available here
>AfD can't win
They are the least worst option desu
>nobody votes AFD because "they cant win"
>vote CDU/SPD instead
>get more immigrants, higher taxes
>whine about shitty government
10/10 logic you cucks
why no give SPD a chance? Schulz recently criticized mutti for her immigration policy. He's /ourguy/ and has a good chance of winning
FDP ...... really? Maybe 20 years ago.
Vote AfD, only decent one.
Hitler 2.0, he'll be back the 23rd of September.
>I blame the retired retards who keep voting the same old shit parties out of habit.
Yet here in the thread over half of german posters say they won't vote AfD because muh "they cant win".
Off to the gas chamber with you
>people vote SPD instead
good joke
AfD is literally retarded. They can only fight amongst themselves
>keeping lefties out
Fuck off Swissnigger. You have no business in our politics
Just vote for someone that is either right winged or a centrist
you consume too much lügenpresse
give them time, they are still a relatively young party. greens had the same issues.
haven't read up on this. what are his suggestions then?
all in all i have lost my trust in the established parties. CDU back then promised that the turkish "guest-workers" would return back to turkey and look where we are now. No matter what you vote for you get the same globalist traitors.
i have to admit that this thread is really depressing. german autism out in full force again.
These numbers are incorrect.
> Getting raped by sandniggers invited by Mutti
> Being on pol advocating for voting the even more leftist EU bureaucrat instead of the only party that actually doesnt want to replace the original population with sandniggers
> Getting joined by other germans unironically advocating for voting this bitch into office a 4th (3th? 5th? I've lost count) time
>not voting Piratenpartei
Stay home.
btw I'm just shitposting.
These are all my posts.
Vote AfD you morons
>crypto-kike and hardcore EU shill
>also worthless alcoholic who is so incompetent he didnt even succeed in killing himself
>thinks germany only exists to serve jew interests
yes totally ourguy user
Newfag detected
>what is resetting your router
The Fuhrer endorsed the green party in Look Who's back, so that's who you should vote for.
>20 Cent have been transfered to your Bank Account. Mutti liebt dich.
Frische Memen
Whatever isn't Merkel. E.g., a carrot. A carrot would be superior to Merkel.
What I'm saying is, vote carrot.
AfD is polling at 10% again pretty good
Just imagine the butthurt when the AfD is asking about crime statistics, job prospects, reading/writing skills, the costs and so on. They can't rule the land but they sure can dispense same red pills and make the left (all others) scream in agony.
10mal DAS
AFD are just old suckers that want some comfy paid jobs... Just like most politicians.
I will vote CSU. Because strong Bavarian representation and leftists are way worse than Merkel.
Nichts als das konservative Feigenblatt der CDU. Wie oft hat der Horst schon den Dicken markiert und ist dann vor Merkel wieder auf Knien gerutscht? Wer den noch ernst nimmt dem ist echt nicht mehr zu helfen.
Mir egal. Ernst nehmen tu ich keinen.
Das Resultat zählt: Bayern ist der wohlhabendste Bundesstaat, so ziemlich der einzige mit Wachstum, welches nicht kanibalisiert ist.
Und das Dank der Arbeit der CSU.
Und ich will, dass das so bleibt.
obvious choice is obvious
Um so grosser und zahlreicher die Positionen einer politische Organisation um so machtiger sie ist, also ist das denken "Ich wahle die nicht weil sie nicht gewinnen werden" total scheisse, da du deine gewunschte Partei nicht starkst um eine bessere Position anzunehmen hilfst so dass sie ein starkers Kampf anbieten kann, besoders soll deine Partei die grossere Partei in die Opposition sein und damit die Leitungsposition der Opossition annehmen.
Just go with AfD. Shills will go out of their way to call them unvotable but a vote's a vote, and the more of it they get the less likely the bonzen will be to successfully propagate further.
we wuz ancestors and shit
is vote for red-red-green (socialist/communist coalition)
is vote for red-red-green (socialist/communist coalition)
>Die Linke
is vote for red-red-green (socialist/communist coalition)
if gained too many seats, will disable possible red-red-green and black-yellow coalitions, cuz neither would have over 50%, therefore resulting in black-red (current government)
is vote for black-yellow (capitalistic conservative coalition)
is vote for black-yellow (capitalistic conservative coalition)
Let´s be realistic, while AFD would be the obvious choice on the question who you want to see to be in power, gaining over 50% is no possible outcome.
A vote for them results into having the exact same shit we alredy have. this means a tiny opposition and all the shit that follows.
FDP is the only way to form a government that is not socialist. A vote for CDU might also result in black-red. We have to make sure FDP gains at least 5% or CDU won´t have any possible coalition-partner besides SPD (or god forbid green like we alredy have in some places)
Ok so I guess spread the message to other germans then
i think everyone in germany is aware of that. they still all vote for CDU and SPD cuz for some reason the majority here are cucks and love the government the way it is.
unless something BIG happens in the next weeks, nothing will change their minds.
every vote not given is a vote for left
FDP says anything just to be in charge.
They will be full socialist, if necessary
No one cares because Merkel will win. It will be rigged to hell and back and you can't do shit.
do you remember the last time they were in power?
they went full capitalist lowering taxes for the big companies and taxing the poor. cutting wellfare and foreign aid. they wanted greece out of EU going in big fights with the way more powerful CDU.
this is the reason they lost so many voters.
are they socially conservative? i guess they don't mind replacement immigration as long as it is controlled, so --> trash
well, you are right, i don´t think they care about immigration at all.
they are just the lobbyists choice of party.
but that is not my point. the point is, that without FDP in the government, CDU has NO CHOICE but to form a coalition with SPD. We would have the same people for another 4 years and a tiny opposition. And in worst case we would get a coalition of SPD, Grüne and Die Linke and go UDSSR 2.0
FDP is not rightwing, they will not bring the change we need. Their only goal is to fill the pockets of their donors. BUT they would free the CDU from having to compromise with the socialists and things would at least not get worse anymore.
>BUT they would free the CDU from having to compromise with the socialists and things would at least not get worse anymore.
So you choose the slow killing poison over a quick death if it means death at all:
srsly having a red-green coalition would be by far favourable if you really want change. see here but also
warst du schonmal in nürnberg überall neger, flüchtlinge und zigeuner.
AfD or gas yourself
Name one concrete program point of the FDP that has any merit.
It's NSDAP you poo