Hungary and Slovakia sued the EU over rapefugees

They argue that nowhere in the EU charter are such quotas part of the EU competency. This argument is backed by facts, but judges who are supposed to issue rulings based on the word of law are ignoring this and WILL reject this perfectly legal claim.

Other urls found in this thread:

Next war in Europe when?

Quotas are incoming boys. You've played an admirable game, but your opponents hold the cards (courts etc.) and refuse to play by their own rules. They view as a dumping ground for their failures. It is time to leave. I think it's unwise to view them as impotent. Save yourselves.

Ask Germany. They have been hosting all the good parties before.


They tend to start a massive party, then insist on hosting it in their neighbours garden as it gets dark. Usually this is Belgium or France.

By some literal old shit commie
Its nothing

>Belgium or France.
Not "or", in that order.

Reminder that the only time the EU Court has ever invalidated an EU law was when they rejected an attempt to limit EU power (joining the ECHR)

"Word of law" in EU? Unless you are a nigger, you have no rights there.

This is what I'm saying. Hungary has fought an impressive series of battles for a country so neutered by the Allies, but there is no winning this war. If the V4 doesn't leave soon, the tide of this war will turn on them.

a lot of people here is prepared to vote for leaving EU over such shit like this. just imagine this, your union is crumbling because of fucking niggers. lmao..

>How to Push Eastern Europe into the Arms of the Russian Influence 101

As much as I would love to see Hungarian irredentism be realized; based Slovakbros have earned their right to self determination. Please use your independence wisely and protect the Slovak lanys.

>Quotas are incoming boys.

Uhmmm... OK? None of those rapefugees will stay here, they will just sneak back to Germoney at the first chance they'll get.

This autistic fight over the quotas are utterly retarded. For fuck's sake, not even the Hungarians want to stay in Hungary.

>For fuck's sake, not even the Hungarians want to stay in Hungary.
This made me chuckled even more when I moused over your flag and realized it was true

In Frances defense, no one expected an entire country to roll over that fast. The Frites Kings still put up a better fight than the French though

plz no war
We are poor and weak right now. One of the many reasons why we can't have the nigrants.

>because of fucking niggers
the rabitt hole goes much deaper than that. niggers are just a tool.
>stop resisting goyim i promise the niggers will go back to germany once you accept the quota

fug, wrong flag

>not realizing the rapefugees will be paid EU money specifically to settle in your country and breed
>not realizing that german or swedish benefits for rapefugee are equivalent to salary of hungarian brain surgeon
>not realizing this will ultimately still save the cucks money because they no longer have to pay so much police overtime and psychotherapy for their rape victims.
Jobbikfag detected. Only a Jobbikfag could be this delusional.

This Ends Now, It is time for US to fight this EU snobbish Judges.

We Demand no counter of the Russian Sanctions and No refugees Quotas for other countries or else...

It already happened in the Baltic countries. They accepted the quotas, but the rapefugees left because the Baltics are shit (no offense Balticbros). Hungary would be the same shit all over again.

Faggot shill detected

Even IF they stay, they would make zero difference. We have something like a million gypsy subhumans already, a few thousand rapefugees would only improve the situation by doing subhuman race war with the gyppos.

Tho, I can see why Orbán doesn't want this, being a gyppo subhuman himself and all that.

>huurrrrr the eu will never learn from their mistakes and figure out how to keep the rapefugees happy in the east
Stop being retard, Vona.

>implying we can be stopped

They literally can't keep them happy here. Our country is shit. End of story.

Hello there moshi. Are you ready with your next muhpoorrefugees:( article for 444?

I get a hard everytime I imagine Soros and those EU bureaucrats buttmad because they are literally powerless

t. i never left inner Pest but i read it on index so it must be true

You underestimate how incompetent they are.

HUngary is a paradise compared to the shitholes this scum has crawled out of. You are D E L U S I O N A L.

the EU is a joke and can't be taken seriously anymore. I mean seriously how can you fuck up this bad?

>In Frances defense

What now?

How about this, they are trying to screw the eastern European countries that are coming up economically after their reconstruction from the cold war, so the EU can get access to cheap labor through the importation of refugees to lower the wages in their countries. They can have an economic case.

>not wanting war makes me a shill
>Kraut-kun wanting a war makes him a shill

FUG :DDD We still won't take "refugees".

I just don't get it. Doesn't the European courts realize that the refugeepolicies of Germany and the norrthern countries place an undue burden on its southern neighbors.

Italy and the South are stretched thin and the Slavs don't have too much to begin with and only want to prevent what's happen in France and Italy to happen to them.

Just another nail in the coffin. Impossible to redpill people on EU. Everyone in Sweden thinks everything would be worse without EU. Hopefully migrating January 2018.

what if islam virus would start spreading in gypsy population(they have similiar IQ and inbreeding)

would that make a difference?i find it pretty scary

We could have been hungary 100 years ago but now it would be completly retarded.

Why give up your country to Hungary? "Muh country without history" jumped 6 places over Hungarians in gdp per capita.

I'm trying to get along with Hungarians but their chauvinism is pointless.

Jokes on you, I live in a village near Székesfehérvár. Still the better part of the country, so I can only imagine what's happening in the not-so-lucky parts like the Wild East aka Hortobágy.

Stay mad, burger. If they didn't like the Baltics then they will absolutely loathe Hungary and any gibs they will receive to stay will be most likely stolen by our most resourceful politicians and conmen.

>Having a religion

Don't look down on my native homeland, you labancz!

I am Hungarian from Slovakia and all I would want is autonomy for the Hungarian lands, for no reason other than to protect the population, and prevent its decline. Magyars have been slowly declining in Slovakia as you know.

>b-but i read it on 444 and zsindex therefore its 100% true! Leave the poor syrian scientists alone you stupid nazi!

You can always fuck off to clean toilets in London or Berlin if you are a failure

He's a Turanist Jobbikfag. This means he's too proud to leave Hungary until it has became Ottoman vassal full of shitskins moslems again.

its the price to pay if you want to own 2800 eurasian negroid slaves

Is that supposed to by my problem? We give you everything we can, you can learn your own language, you have your own street signs and your own political party in parliament.

You demand too much. You could end up as sudet germans or carphatian germans yet you didn't. You could end up under similiar circumstances as Rusyns, Germans and Slovaks in times of magyarization yet you didn't.

And there are just few actual hungarians here, most of them are just gypsies larping as them.

Oh, make no mistake, Hungary is a nice place if you are a True Hungarian, but it violently rejects everyone else (except people with lotsa money, they are welcomed).

>How to Push Eastern Europe into the Arms of the Russian Influence 101
unlike west cucks we dont belive in the russia is a savior meme

We are with you bros

I'm not even mad Slovakbro. My point is I like you so much I would choose to share a country with you and nothing more. If not, then all I care is that you continue doing what you're doing.

Heretic blue.

>You can always fuck off to clean toilets in London or Berlin if you are a failure

If I was a failure, I would wageslave in a factory here, don't you think? That'd be twice the work for half the money as the toilet cleaning in London.

Only Lada survives the Finnish countryside.

Such a shame, honestly I am as resentful of middle eastern migrants as I am of my own people just leaving their heritage to rot.

No no, my Kelet-Magyarország is shit, but at least we have the most pusztaest of the puszta.

>half the money
This is how i know you never worked (probably never left) out the country.
Only low iq proli would compare wages instead of living standards.
Good luck living in your shared room for 700gbp/month in tower hamlets

so it begins

We don't hate Hungarians living here (and that hate in 00s was made by Slota, most of people consider him a meme anyway). Even our "fashy" part of goverment is trying to get along with Hungarians (pic related.).

They don't cause problems, we don't cause problems. They live their own life. A life where they can still study their own language, freely move to hungary for work or family and they don't complain.

The only problem is Csáky and people like him wich are demanding complete bullshits like declining Beneš decreets. That's just like if Germans said "we delete WWII from our history". Thanks God that people like Bugár are in actual goverment and not Csáky.

Hussites are objectively the only acceptable Protestcancer.

I can't speak Slovak (even though I am a tót). What's in this letter?

So I heard someone tries to bully Hungarians
who wants to have his car stolen and house burned, eh?

First 3 parts are basicly about how you stopped one migrant route and how EU tries to fuck you over.

The last one is (my english sucks so it wont be 100% correct):
It's time to stop all the problems between our nations and all historical issues between Hungary and Slovakia. Let's repulse chauvinism and let's get together against enemy of europan nations! Only this way we preserve our christian faith! Only this way Slovaks and Hungarians survive.

For God, for nation, against Brusel!

I don't give a fuck what your problem is you fucking tot. Ill make it your problem.
Why you so worried about autonomy? This is some romanian tier subhuman logic. The Swiss and Fins can do it, but for you its a catastrophe? You would literally rather be in conflict?
Fine by me, if this is the contempt tots have for Magyars then i will slaughter ever last man, woman, and child with a smile. We're getting what we want whether you like it or not faggot.

Hang in there bulgarbro. Consider it eugenics. The strongest of Bulgaria and the most patriotic remain and will rebuild.

I strongly advice against pushing those migrant quotas on us
It may end in Poland bombing the fuck out of brussels
can you even imagine how many Polish plumbers we have in the west?
How many potential pipe bombs?
ISIS got nothing on us, they fight for how long, 15 years? Polish traditions of terrorism/undeground independence movevents are way, way older

>most south slovakia is 90% hungarian
>come on hungarian brothers lets put our differences aside :)

>If I was a failure

you are

Fosztogatni akarok!

Fucking totok man. Its easy for you fucking cunts to want to end chauvanism, YOU STOLE LAND. Of course YOU want to end the conflict. But it will never end until the Slovak Magyars are secure in their existence and not being assimilated by "slovakization". If the Hungarians of Felvidek dissapear, in the future the Magyars will view the Slovaks as a nation that genocided them, and will plot to annihilate you.

I agree. Tótally! (what a shit joke, I know).

>Sup Forums


If they could enforce their "quotas" they would have done it already.

I'm actually on that picture. No joke.

>I think it's unwise to view them as impotent.
>posts an actual picture of a EU "final deadline" last month that we again ignored

gas yourself Pedro

We must pick our battles wisely. Slovakia is not our enemy. We can resettle the Slovak Magyar in Erdely upon it's reclamation.


Where is that? Groupama Arena? They sold the lot infront of it and have a fuckhuge office building construction there now

very nice

Since all the liberals only understand Harry Potter Star Wars etc, I have a spell for you EU:

Spread your cheeks fucking slav and mongol niggers, YOU WILL BE POZZED by EU

I wish we had a similar relationship to Slovakia.

You know nothing. The Hungarians in South central Slovakia are under a slow genocide by the Slovak authorities. With every passing year, Hungarian families feel forced to place their Hungarian children into Slovak schools, for fear that they won't find employment. In these schools, the kids are attempted to have their national identity removed. I see it all the time. In my city, about which petofi wrote a poem, there are less and less Hungarians and more and more Slovaks! Where are these fuckign slavs crawling out from? I don't know but the demographic trends are alarming and at this rate, the magyars are going to dissapear from their ancestral homeland. My village was founded by my family in 1270. Now it is practically deserted. No children just old people, and a shit load of young, hopeless Hungarian men and women. What the Mongols, turks, austrians, and soviets could not achieve, the fucking Slovak government did. Unless you live in the middle of this silent, slow, and calculated genocide, you just can't understand/believe.

Dr. Österreich, immer zur richtigen Zeit.

You would be surprised, then. I work in Austria as a farm hand (kinda... I do plantation in glasshouses) while my gf is a babysitter in GB. Together, we earn more than the neighboring family where the dude is a master-degree engineer and the chick is some HR bullshit manager.

By the way, I earn 2k Euro/month (net) plus whatever I can get my dirty Hungarian hands on (I have some 5x5 glass panels in good condition for sell, wanna buy it?). Tho, I'll give this one to you, I do live in a shared room when working abroad.

>If I was a failure
>you are

Well, yeah, you caught me, I'm posting on Sup Forums and that automatically puts me there... just not in the context I'm thinking about.

That's in Kraków dude. Before the POL-HUN icehockey game.

I bet you voted for van der Faggot

you slave yourself for the austrian minimum wage, you're by all means a failure

No they didn't.

>Pillaging Upper Hungary for decades
no, thanks


Faggot, he is earning good money here.

Prep your anus, Zsold! Some cuttings will help for sure.

>le vote meme
Do you get a hard on voting, queer?

Én azért egyszer szívesen megnézném, ahogy szarik. Nem a vécén, hanem olyan félig guggoló helyzetben, miközben az arcom 10 centire lenne a gőzölgő meleg szartól. Gyönyörrel teli lenne bámulni, ahogy az ánuszrózsája lüktetve pumpálja ki a szart, és utána a nagy munkától még pihegne kicsit. Persze azt nem szeretném ha rámszarna, ezért oldalról figyelném, az egyik farpofája mögül.
Annyit segítenék neki, hogy széthuznám a farpofáit, így seggluka a lehető legkevésbé lenne szaros.
A fingját is kipróbálnám, azt már közvetlen közelről. Az olyan fingot szeretem, ami iszonyatosan tömény, még 5 perc elteltével is ott kering az ember körül, betölti az egész szobát és nagyon büdös. Minél büdösebb, annál izgatóbb.
Belegondolni is gyönyörű, hogy valami olyat kapsz tőle, amit nem sokan. A fingja ő maga, benne van az egész lénye, a teste, a beleinek az illata, az ő eszenciája.
A fingját úgy szagolnám, hogy térdelő-ülő pozíciót venne fel (kép kapcs) én aláfeküdnék, a segglukát amennyire csak lehet az orromra tapasztanám, és megkérném, hogy fingjon orron.
Én meg jól letüdőzném, ameddig csak lehet bent tartanám, hogy a fing molekulák, kis atomok minél jobban belémépüljenek, felszívódjanak a testemben.
Így picit olyan, mintha egyesülnénk, mintha belém költözne.
Iszonyat jó lenne kipróbálni vele egy ilyet.


Warn EU officials that the rapefugees will not survive the 1st year
If they insist let them in
Make them disappear the 1st week

Problem solved

>le 22.3 face

>EU declines to pursue legal proceedings against itself
[cognition intensifies]

I wonder how many rapefugees would enter the train when they realize it's destination is Poland