These are the kinds of people fighting ISIS in Syria

Tell me again why we support the Kurds against ISIS?

>On 28 June the group launched an internationalist solidarity communique again, on this opportunity to support Ni una menos and the feminist movement in Latin America against femicides. On the same day the group launched a statement on video of a Spanish fighter talking about the current situation in Rojava and the repression of the anarchist and feminist movement by the Spanish state.
>On 24 July, the group established an LGBT unit, the TQILA.

When the choice is between commies and ISIS, you choose commies?


Because we want to destabilize the Middle East, weakening their nations and fomenting hatred towards muslims in Europe so that Greater Israel can become a reality by the end of the century.

>useful idiots
besides every antifa member who goes over there is on the list when they come back.

that explains why ISIS is still not finished

The LGBT group is a lie, is propaganda you aren't allowed in YPG if you are gay.

Pic related I served in YPG

The ones from the west don't do shit over there. They get stuck working an ECP or perimeter security in the rear echelon and barely fire the weapons that they're given a one day familiarization course on. They're good at taking "badass" pictures though, like all women in the military.

What is this then?

absolutely correct and for all that they still end up on the list. GCHQ has all these mugs on watch & they've proved to be excellent at providing intel about illegal goings on inside their organisations. Perfect way to try and even up the diversity numbers as well.


Some faggots. Every army has a few.

YPG really fell off...

thats not PKK, thats YPG.
YPG allows fags and americans and all kidns of degenerates. basically a mercenary army.
PKK is a traditionalist movement for kurdish independence inside of syria and turkey. Thats YPG. the personal army of the kurdish iraqi state

This is generally true but not always at all. My experience was not this and the rate the Westerners die would suggest so...

The kid in the middle of was killed.

where was he from?

do you know what you're talking about

im from tunceli (dersim) myself. ofcourse i do

then you must prove that k*rds are retards

how so?

and also kurds are actually getting discriminated in turkey. thats why alot of them arent in college. they dont get accepted in because theyre kurdish. youre incredibly bluepilled for trusting a turk


didnt your country make israel? You literally fought the first world war FOR israel.

thats a photoshop. Most obvious are the boxes around individual letters.

An American from Colorado
