Are trannies the most disgusting people in the world? I feel sick from just looking at them

Are trannies the most disgusting people in the world? I feel sick from just looking at them.

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Just post it's hilarious comics.

Something uncanny valley related.


Yes, but no need to get too autistic about it. It's a hideous mess but if you get personally offended then you probably want to suck cock.


"Sophia" is very literally mentally ill

>Just post it's hilarious comics.


honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

>I feel sick from just looking at them.
then stop looking at the ugly ones

Traps are just crossdressers.

They don't have mutilated genitalia and they don't have to demand everyone `genders' them correctly because they look exactly like a girl anyway.

I prefer the ones that are unedited.

Right-wing nutjobs are worse. I feel sorry for their parents.

>genital mutilation

But transition surgery is not?

>honestly this is the average sort of girl

>Honestly, I don't remember where my testicles went from 1987-2014.
>But, I hope they had a good time.
>Allahu Ackbar, Muh Niggas.

That's ugly

>I prefer

Of course you do, Tranada.
Anything to feel special.

>US pacific fleet admiral

>I feel sick from just looking at them.
me too, senpai

who this semen demon

Holy shit thats the most disgusting thing i have ever seen


>fail as male
>become skinnyfat mutilated male

no. because they aren't people. they're goblins.

most of them keep their girly cock

Yes. They are mentally ill people who lack the decency to quench their pervert desires, and rather openly brag about them and falsly believe the cause they are promoting does good and should be normalized.

mentally ill attention whore victim complex nursers on their race to the bottom

You have every right to feel sick, they are grotesque freaks of nature.


I get that they see slight changes, but nobody else sees that and thinks "female", they just see a guy that doesn't look quite right.

Tranny I unfortunately knew was like this, convinced they looked just like a woman, and it was just a really weird looking guy with long hair and a few softened facial features wearing women's clothes. It was obviously a guy as soon as you looked at them.

Is it homophobia when you get a little throw up in your mouth?

That's what symptoms i have?

the other side of the fence isn't any better d e s u s e n p a i

How do you get into this field as doctor? Is this considered plastic surgery of hell?

that's where you're wrong, kiddo

Heard shit like "you wont become doctor if you cant eat next to dead body"

After you get struck off for malpractice and move to Mexico.

Yes, there is very good reason to get extremely offended by it. If you don't stand up to the gay agenda, they will never stop pushing farther and farther. We are done with your kind of permissive attitude. It's time for the great push back.

THAT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING. What the hell is wrong with surgeons these days? Why are they playing frankenstein on human beings?


Then why do you?


There is at least one person on this board looking at this pic and furiously masturbating while fantasizing about sucking it

As sickening as the operation is.. I'm way more terrified at how mentally sick the man is. Shit is all the way fucked up.

no worries; he'll off himself within 5 years

Makes me nauseous i'm living in this world
>when money falsely validates your beliefs/decisions


Tranny Jews are the worst, though

Holy shit. That was truly one of the saddest and most horrifying things I have ever read.

Believe it or not, I was actually on the fence with the whole "Trans are mentally ill" thing. I know it may seem obvious, but I still wasn't convinced. After reading that it really fucking solidified it for me. Fucking hell, that poor guy.

Many traps take hrt. If that's the case they qualify as tranny whether they agree or not.

A girly cock?
Only ancaps...

is that fucking spaghetti?

>he doesn't have a cute little girlcock

Seriously, what is that spaghetti shit?

As long as you are not a 3DPD it's fine.

>what is gauze packing


Burn them.
Burn them all.

>Are trannies the most disgusting people in the world? I feel sick from just looking at them.

I cant think of anyone worse,
Deep state pedo satanists like podesta clinton and obama are worse cause they kill millions of kids and destroy entire countries and cultures. Trannys are also repulsive and obviously need to be dealt with, go with your gut, never let gaslighters get to you.

>such beautiful characters ruined because the futa shit

fuck off japs


guys, do you have any respectable source that says that trannies need psychological assistance way more than regular population?
Not just suicide rate, something that explicitly talks about the need for a psychiatrist (and for it to be paid by the tax-payer).

I need it for a debate about trannies ban from US army.


There is no source about it because what is considered or not considered a mental illness is literally voted by a group of psychiatrists. That's how conditions are added to the DSMV. Gender Dysphoria is only classified as a mental illness because of the distress it causes on thr individual. Psychiatry is indeed a pseudoscience.

dis nigger couldn't even be bothered to shave his beard before attention whoring about his vagina

> Psychiatry is indeed a pseudoscience.
Yes for sure, but i guess there still can be some statistics that says:

>normal people: x% goes to the shrink
>trannies: 10x% goes to the shrink

Best I got until now is this academic article which states that 60% of transgender people has another mental illness apart of gender dysphoria.

Why is the suicide rate not significant, though? That's obviously a huge factor in combat situations and has obvious fiscal ramifications for any organization.

I suppose you could also cite the co-morbidity for narcissism and other personality disorders:

I have an article that speculates why trannies and autists overlap, best explanation I've read so far

> Why is the suicide rate not significant, though?
It is very significant, it's just that I already played that card and I need to reinforce my position.
I need to give sources about what I stated, that "trannies need constant psychological assistance for all their life" [citation needed]

> I suppose you could also cite the co-morbidity for narcissism and other personality disorders

thanks that's a good one:
>The frequency of personality disorders was 81.4%. The most frequent personality disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%) and the least was borderline personality disorder. The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.

Pic related shared pics of what they look like. It's a shame noone saved b4 the delete because (((she))) honestly didn't look half bad

Ah jeezus not that faggot. DUDE BITCOIN IS TAKING OVER

(((lolbertarians))) should be gassed

The idea disgusts me, but honestly everytime I've met one (4 times) I've actually felt pity. They're like badly put together husks of what a human is. Like watching Edward Scissorhands. Just pitiful and should be put down.

She isn't that bad, like a 5. I'd let her blow me desu.


>It's a shame noone saved b4 the delete because (((she))) honestly didn't look half bad
excuse me if i don't believe this


I find them physically appealing.

I would absolutely fuck one into her asshole.

>mentally ill man mimics human emotions

why are most trannies either Hispanic or asain

Holy fuck, I can't breathe.

"Hehe you just find us pretty thats why you hate us"

worms caused by bacterial and fungal growth.

Kill yourself freak there is something wrong with you


The younger they start the more passable they are. And they'd only end up being gay betas, may as well let them become replacement women.

There should be some established rules when wanting to become a tranny. Biggest one being that you can't weight more than 140 pounds. Like why are so many trannies always just fucking 200 pound men? Where's my cute trannies that actually look like girls?




Yes. And that is why they were eliminated from our military. Too bad it wasn't done by sending them to North Korean POW camps.

>if you get personally offended then you probably want to suck cock

So, if you get offended by racists it's because you are a racist yourself? All anti-racists are racists?

kinda cute


Roasties are so fucking annoying these days I'd rather fuck a trap's ass hole and watch he/r shit than deal with a roastie's feminist shreiking.

WTF is that....thing?

That's not a tranny you subhuman leaf queer weeaboo trash. Kill yourself







Kill yourself autistic faggot Sup Forumstard freak

They make me physically sick too.

If you aren't personally affected by them you're coming from a position of privilege and shouldn't even speak on the situation.

Gas all trannies.

Have the microdick adventures of Jazz Sheckelstein thought you nothing?

>ordered a penis
>got that thing
Hahahahahaaaaahhaha..draws breath...hahahahaaaaahhaha
Oh christ..... hahahahahaaaaahhaha