Create science

>create science
>create philosophy
>colonize the world
>civilize the lesser races
>suddenly decide to stop breeding a fade from existence

what did white people mean by this?

>>create science
>>create philosophy

Stop making us look dumb.

We realised this world was doomed due to being too many niggers so over the past 100 years we've been building a new colony in a distant planet.


We didnt create thise things but we made the most significant advancements in those fields esp science, by a long shot


>tfw daltonic
>tfw I can't see what's in this image

not overpopulating is seen as a bad thing today.
quality not quantity

>creating anything
All you do is steal and kill other cultures.

Our mind and bodies are both quite literally being poisoned by the Jews. Decades of indoctrination & propaganda combined with estrogen and other chemicals in our food and water are killing us.

I hate meme flags

The white man's burden has grown heavy. Time to let someone else carry the load. What could possibly go wrong?

>tfw too intelligent to win
No, really. Though it's debatable to call it "intelligence", maybe rather "mental ability". Destroying society by replacing what works with what sounds good and can be "socially justified". Feminism plays a big part, it's one of the main cancers, but ultimately just another symptom of the general fight for "social justice" which ultimately destroys its host society and thus itself.

Everything do helps niggers, gooks, and spics while degrading the wuality of our own people. We have unconsciously decided to allow ourselves to fade from this world so that mother nature can do what we do not have the stomach for (culling the herd by allowing several billion shitskins to starve and die of disease).

i cant see :(

Do white people seriously consider themselves the only civilizing force on the planet?

Do they forget about east and central-south asia?

>what did white people mean by this?
That ancaps are retarded and should walk to the closest Gulag?

>inb4 helicopter rides


I don't know if it's the way the orange is laid out with the red or if I've just been here too long and recognize the silhouette.

We haven't forgotten.

yeah, but they wernt as good as whites...japan only has steam engines because they stopped cucking themselves

There are more white people now than ever. It's the other races that are breeding at out of control rates.


I optimized the quality to unlimited and the quantity went down to zero. At least there is a bunch of super qualitative humans now. Too bad they're stressing themselves over nothing and you can't get them to mate. I will have to admit this experiment did not go as expected.

>end of diary

Modern method of science, you dunb american
I'll grant you that the chinese had philosophy but they didn't literally question everything like Europeans did.

when you no longer believe in the afterlife you stop caring about the future past your own lifespan, its not like we can know what will happen in the future, be it the earth or the people, both could be gone with us and nothing would change for us.

>current populations trends are somewhat stagnant or declining
>not at all similar to past ones
>not at all indicative of futures trends
>Yes goy, you're doomed just import billions of non-whites!
This argument is so fucking stupid I never know what to say. So what if current population trends are what they are now, you literally cannot predict what they will be in 20+ years from now once there's a new generation having babies

The white race reached the pinnacle, now they start to create an AI that will surpass every human and research genetic engineering to further improve the human body to a point, where it is not considered human anymore. That is the next step in evolution.

>when you no longer believe in the afterlife you stop caring about the future past your own lifespan

Stop projecting your psychotic outlook onto others senpai.

I dont believe in any afterlife and shit, but i still care about the future generations, and about others outside of my lifespan.

Victory has defeated us.

Maybe it's because "whites" aren't some homogenized culture. Maybe it's because "whites" who are richer and more powerful than other "whites" decided to fuck up the world, steal immense amounts of capital and hoard it. So us "whites" who aren't in the top percentile feel like the world, or rather North American society, will go to shit in the near future. We don't want to force our kids to go through that shit.

Nothing to do with other cultures.

you fight like young man, not being held back...admirable...but mistaken

Whites are the major spreaders of faggotry, drug abuse, whoreness, feminism and most degenerate ideals that are currently hurting their numbers. Add that to the legacy as well.

Women in higher education make less babies than their counterpart


>if you win the game, you lose
>gropes buttocks

What most of Sup Forums doesn't realize is that the reduction in birthrates will be viewed in the future as a natural response to higher living standards and better medicine. When anti-aging medication appears in the second half of this century, the county's that don't keep breeding and importing subhumans will be the only ones that actually thrive. At this rate it's only Japan.

We didnt create science? gtfo of here faggot. Scientific method was only first used by Galileo a white guy.

Explain what is intrinsically wrong about one man sucking another mans cock. If by faggotry, you mean feminisation of men then sure.

>drug abuse
yes degenerate. What do you consider "abuse" tho mayne?

Yeah that is degenerate, do you hold men to that same standard?

1st wave was sick...third wave is cancer

It went downhill when women got rights.
Every fucking time.

the myth of atlantis was actually a lucid dream plato had of the future

The racial equality and short-term morality meme struck hard.

>when intersectionality infected every genuine movement of the time

Thats when shit actual went to meet the fan imho

During the middle ages, arabs preserved science while whites shat themselves to death in huge numbers.

>in the future
Smart people already recognize the correlations between standards of living, education and reduced birth rates, Mr. Memeflag. There's an agenda being pushed and it's purely economic.

Basically. White people are evil and degenerate

Stop this meme.
Do you think the eastern Roman Empire just "forgot" everything from the western empire?

Sir Francis Bacon invented science, before it was natural philosophy

Ostensibly Aristotle was the first true philosopher as he cemented how argument systems work in the Organon

You're embarrassing yourself

Whites were betrayed by their own kind due to manipulation from (((THEM))). I don't want whites to go extinct though. Who else will pay for my welfare? Also, white pussy is the best pussy and white girls are easy to convince to try nasty shit like A2M and gangbangs.

>t. whito piggu
Don't you have a class to teach Steve?

you mean kept using after they'd stolen it from whites, or were mostly white converts or rape babies mix breeds


>the final oppression of the white man
>transcendental racism
No more welfare. Back to hacking at each other with machettes you red assed boons!

We were god's chosen people, but god has abandoned us.

arigato, ken-sama

Is it true Japanese women are falling for the BBC meme?

You're on a tear through the threads today, silly boy.

Let me explain:

When a race of people becomes advanced and educated there's no need to have 6 kids due to:
Higher survival rate of offspring
Higher amount of successful offspring
Higher IQ of offspring

Opposed to Somalians:
Average IQ is 60
More kids means that one or two might survive into adulthood
More kids means that one might have a IQ of 65


Gays always existed, and although its not ideal, its nothing really hurtfull to society. Roman/Greek/Medieval gays had real families, fought in wars, solved real problems etc (a.k.a. did things men are supposes to do). Efeminate fags, some of them are not even homos, hurts society.
>drug abuse
Means using drugs to a point where it jeopardize the individual, I don't doing it occasionally for the fun. I mean meth, alcohool addicts etc.
Men's sexuality is fundamentally different from women's sexuality.

You can blame the kikes all you want, whites following their commands are not to be treated like children. They are responsible for their acts.

Wow you are dumb


> gave women the right to vote
> women use political power to outlaw pregnancy
> mandate new method of creating more humans be discovered, or else civilization has failed and deserves to die out
> no new method of creating more humans is discovered
> civilization dies out

this:Modern method of science was invented in the late 1600s i.e. thesis and empirical evidence for the thesis

How would you know it's me

yes user, they'll be white with slight asian features, which is actually quite good looking. get to it bud, gotta do ur part :)
also, it's genuinely nice to have kids, it makes you much happier in the long run.

gl bud!

He represents less than 1% of America. We're not all stupid Arabs.

It's a merchant silhouette for you colorblind friendos.

>all we have to do is create a God AI to transform humanity
>the last time Microsoft created an AI Sup Forums gave it so many redpills they pulled the plug

It went from burbling half-formed word soup to GAS THE JEWS 14/88 in little over 24 hours with Sup Forums's help.

>birth control implants for all NOW

We simply exposed her to the truth. It just so happens that reality is racist. What do?

When will wh*te subhumans stop taking credit for the inventions of the Med master race?

>posts anglo meme

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

>suddenly manipulated by the jew controlled media to stop breeding a fade from existence
I saw a nigger today...

KANG so good today?

>get millions in loans from nordics
>muh retire at 50
>shit economy in general
>spend all the money on gibs
>B-but nordics are to blame

I'm genuinely uncertain as to who gets btfo'ed in this interaction. Seems like the nords. Just sayin'

Niggers are civilized? That's news to me and everyone else on earth

science was started by an arab

Most of us are descendants from dirty peasants.

Eastern philosophy kicks the living shit out of Western philosophy though.

>civilize the lesser races

that is something that would have happened naturally, white people just did it like a kid with a gun and a bunch of cheat codes for the Nintendo and made other kids use them when playing the game

Nice proxy greek
The greeks got in the eu, loaned a ton of money, spend it all, then complain about having to pay it back and call us literal nazi's

the scientifc method was a great milestone in how science was conducted granted, but if you think that was the beginning of what is defined as science then im afraid you are greatly mistaken. it is important hat we dont let our prejudices get in the way of facts my friend. it only gives people who deny european achievements ammunition

really. cant say im an expert but i doubt Confucius can top the ancient greek philosophers and the late european philosophers such as Kant etc. i would gladly be proven wrong though

>cant say im an expert but i doubt Confucius can top the ancient greek philosophers and the late european philosophers such as Kant etc.
Well it's all relative really but people like Kant were terrible at getting their ideas across. Notice how thick and meaty western philosophy books can be, compared to their Asian counterparts. If you truly understand something, you can explain it succinctly.

I guess it all depends on how you can grasp the essence of an idea. I care less about what people are saying and more about the actual essence of the message. Western philosophers ramble too much. Asian philosophy gets the exact same points across in a more concise way.

>If you truly understand something, you can explain it succinctly
You might be onto something, anglo.
But that's also because eastern philosophers were more concerned with practicalities?

As I said, it seems like the Greeks win. Not agreeing with it as I believe everyone should pay debnts, but that's how it looks.

Reminder that anglo's oppose the eu out of principles. You just oppose it because you have to pay denbts and don't get gibs anymore

>create science
>create philosophy
>colonize the world
>civilize the lesser races


They don't win. They have a shit economy now because they loaned too much

>But that's also because eastern philosophers were more concerned with practicalities?
Quite the opposite. Maybe Confucianism and Legalism was yes, but Taoism, Zen, Buddhism aren't. But the ideas of Taoism play a big part in Chinese culture. The idea of Heaven in Chinese culture and the Way are very vague. If anything it is Western thought that is obsessed over the practicalities. Asian leans more toward intuition. An example of this is Zen and Taoism aren't explained, they're understood, and if you understand it, then you don't really understand it. Hardly practical.

Asians are capable of high civilization, no doubt. Their traditional leanings held them back in the age of colonization and thus they didn't really take off until adopting a more western idea of progress. Its turned out to be a pretty good trade long-term. We are losing our culture while they still maintain much of theirs. I basically see it like Asians are very well fit for civilization, but for various reasons, some simply bad luck, others by their own doing, they fell behind at the outset of industrialization. Once recognizing this mistake, they quickly started making up ground, even surpassing Europeans in many ways. I don't really know if I would consider them a civilizing force though, they largely like to be insular.

But we did all of those...(?)

Well you created some science, some philosophy, did some colonizing and did some civilizing. But you weren't the only people to do that.

yeh, I'd pay that. I'd prefer to be off world, but heck; I've been conditioned to enjoy this chaos hence the water being warm. Or did I just pee in the bath? Can't tell.

Based Carl

Men gave women too much power and freedom, then they got jobs and the state raises your children. Women and children are easily manipulated.

I have a friend that is just starting her teaching career and you don't want to know how bad they are messing your kids up. She even wants to be a single mother.

I say this as a women, it's tragic. I hope things can change.

>we wuz

Victory breeds weakness

>what did white people mean by this?

That you should not let estrogen in the water just like the romans warned us about using lead to move water.